Victorian Curriculum - Visual Arts Foundation Level Mapping Document

Exhibition: Date:

Foundation Level Band Description

In Foundation, students explore visual arts. They make and share their artworks with peers and experience visual arts as audiences.

Students become aware of whom artists, craftspeople and designers are, and that they express their ideas through different art forms and visual expressions.

As they make and respond to visual artworks, students identify art forms in different social and cultural contexts. They make artworks as an artist and view them as an audience

Strand / Elaboration / Apply to the exhibition
Explore and Express Ideas
Explore ideas, experiences, observations and imagination to create visual artworks (VCAVAE017) /
  • viewing a range of artworks with a common theme or subject matter, and make their own interpretations based on their experiences, observations and/or imagination
  • observing and recording their daily experiences in a range of visual forms
  • drawing, photographing and making images and objects related to self, others and personal environments in different art forms
  • identifying and using visual conventions in their artworks after investigating different art, craft and design styles from other cultures and times, for example, and styles from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and Asia

Visual Arts Practices
Experiment with different materials and techniques to make artworks (VCAVAV018) /
  • exploring a range of materials and technologies to visually express their experiences, for example, paint, pencils, ink and photography
  • experimenting with materials such as paint, crayons, clay and found objects and select the most suitable to express something or to represent someone they like
  • using techniques to demonstrate various compositional effects, for example, overlapping or crosshatching

Present and Perform
Create and display artworks (VCAVAP019) /
  • displaying a series of artworks created by their class
  • viewing an exhibition at a gallery and museum and discussing the expression of ideas in the artworks exhibited.
  • describing the theme or ideas expressed in an exhibition of their class art works

Respond and Interpret
Respond to visual artworks and consider where and why people make visual artworks (VCAVAR020 /
  • identifying the subject matter of a series of artworks based on the same theme
  • identifying how design elements, such as line, shape, colour or texture, are used in their artworks and in the artworks of others
  • identifying and describing the expression of ideas in a selection of artworks, for example, considering the subject matter, styles and techniques of a selection of artworks
  • discussing the role of artist and audience when expressing ideas in artworks

Achievement Standard / By the end of Foundation, students make artworks using different materials and techniques that express their ideas, observations and imagination.
Students identify and describe the subject matter and ideas in artworks they make and view.

Foundation shared Capabilities:

Capabililty / Strand / Apply to the exhibition
Personal and Social
Foundation Level Band Description
In Foundation, this curriculum focuses on enabling students to interact and play constructively with others and to establish friendships with peers. Students develop a vocabulary to describe the emotions they experience when interacting with others. Students begin to develop an understanding that individuals are unique but also have characteristics in common. The curriculum provides opportunity for students to begin establishing and naming the skills required to work in groups. /
  • Develop a vocabulary and practise the expression of emotions to describe how they feel in different familiar situations (VCPSCSE001)
  • Identify their likes and dislikes, needs and wants, abilities and strengths (VCPSCSE002)
  • Recognise that problems or challenges are a normal part of life and that there are actions that can be undertaken to manage problems (VCPSCSE003)
  • Identify a range of groups to which they, their family and members of their class belong (VCPSCSO004)
  • Practise the skills required to include others and make friends with peers, teachers and other adults (VCPSCSO005)
  • Name and practise basic skills required to work collaboratively with peers (VCPSCSO006)
  • Use appropriate language to describe what happens and how they feel when experiencing positive interactions or conflict (VCPSCSO007)

Foundation to Level 2 Band Description
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focus is on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to enable students to learn about cultures in their immediate world. For students at Foundation to level 2, learning typically focuses on their immediate family, home, school and friends. This includes cultural practices relevant to their lived experiences such as choice of food, clothing or housing, cultural celebrations and language.
The curriculum provides the opportunity for students to begin to explore similarities and difference in cultural practices. They begin to understand the concept of cultural diversity. /
  • Identify what is familiar and what is different in the ways culturally diverse individuals and families live (VCICCB001)
  • Describe their experiences of intercultural encounters in which they have been involved (VCICCB002)
  • Identify and discuss cultural diversity in the school and/or community (VCICCD003)
  • Imagine and explain what their responses might be if they were placed in a different cultural situation or setting (VCICCD004)

Foundation to Level 2 Band Description
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to approach ethical problems and evaluate outcomes. Students develop a vocabulary to engage with ethical problems and an understanding that personal feelings can effect decision-making and actions. /
  • Explore the meaning of right and wrong, good and bad, as concepts concerned with the outcomes of acts (VCECU001)
  • Explore the type of acts often considered right and those often considered wrong and the reasons why they are considered so (VCECD002)
  • Explore the effects that personal feelings can have on how people behave in situations where ethical issues are involved (VCECD003)

Critical and Creative Thinking
Foundation to Level 2 Band Description
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to express reasoning and to problem solve and learn more effectively. Students become familiar with key vocabulary and simple strategies to structure and improve thinking. Students develop an understanding that thinking can be made explicit. /
  • Identify, describe and use different kinds of question stems to gather information and ideas (VCCCTQ001)
  • Consider personal reactions to situations or problems and how these reactions may influence thinking (VCCCTQ002
  • Make simple modifications to known ideas and routine solutions to generate some different ideas and possibilities (VCCCTQ003)
  • Examine words that show reasons and words that show conclusions (VCCCTR004
  • Compare and contrast information and ideas in own and others reasoning (VCCCTR005)
  • Consider how reasons and examples are used to support a point of view and illustrate meaning (VCCCTR006)
  • Consider ways to express and describe thinking activity, including the expression of feelings about learning, both to others and self (VCCCTM007)
  • Explore some learning strategies, including planning, repetition, rewording, memorisation and use of mnemonics (VCCCTM008)
  • Investigate ways to problem-solve, using egocentric and experiential language (VCCCTM009)


Victorian Curriculum - Visual Arts Level 1 and 2 Mapping Document

Exhibition: Date:

Levels 1 and 2 Band Description

In Levels 1 and 2, students develop their awareness of how and why artists, craftspeople and designers express their ideas through different art forms. They enhance their perception skills as they examine and express familiar and new objects and events in their lives. They explore how and why artworks are created. They develop and apply safe and sustainable practices when experimenting with different materials, techniques and technologies

As they make and respond to visual artworks, students explore meaning, forms and styles in different social, cultural and historical contexts. They experience the role of artist and audience in their visual arts making.

Strand / Elaboration / Apply to the exhibition
Explore and Express Ideas
Explore ideas, experiences, observations and imagination and express them through subject matter in visual artworks they create (VCAVAE021) /
  • looking at an artworks and present a range of interpretations of the subject matter based on their ideas, experiences, observations and/or imagination
  • observing and recording the people and objects they experience in their daily lives using different art forms and materials
  • exploring the use of visual conventions in artworks, for example, what colours were used, and how, why is the colour it used in this way?, and express these conventions in their own artworks
  • drawing images and making objects related to self, others and personal environments in different forms, for example, painting, sculpture, photography
  • identifying and using visual conventions in their artworks focusing on different styles, subject matter and art forms from different cultures and historical periods

Visual Arts Practices
Experiment with different materials, techniques and processes to make artworks in a range of art forms (VCAVAV022) /
  • experimenting with a range of materials, processes and technologies to visually express their experiences, ideas and emotions
  • comparing the qualities and properties of materials such as paint, crayons, clay and found objects, and select appropriate materials and art forms to express a specific concept or theme
  • using and experimenting with a range of techniques and processes to demonstrate various compositional effects based on their intentions and choice of subject matter
  • identifying and following technical processes and safe practices in relation to specific art processes to make artworks, for example, following the steps for printmaking using a stamping technique, or using construction techniques in sculpture

Present and Perform
Create and display artworks to express ideas to an audience (VCAVAP023) /
  • sharing ideas with their classmates about the expressive choices they made in their artwork
  • discussing specific themes when displaying artworks, for example, at the local gallery or in their classroom
  • discussing an exhibition of artworks surrounding a theme and consider the visual conventions of the artworks and how they convey meaning, for example what an artwork or design makes them think about and why?
  • discuss and decide how to display their artwork to present their ideas to an audience

Respond and Interpret
Respond to visual artworks by describing subject matter and ideas (VCAVAR024) /
  • identifying where students can experience art in their lives and communities, for example, keeping a diary of ‘art experiences’ and discuss how visual artworks communicate subject matter and ideas
  • discussing why artworks are made, by whom and for what purposes, for example, who made the artwork? where is the artwork from and why was it made? Where and how are artworks displayed?
  • describing how visual conventions are combined in their artworks and in the artwork of others to express ideas and concepts
  • describing and interpreting ideas in a selection of artworks, for example, considering the subject matter, styles and techniques of a selection of artworks, and how the artworks make the viewer think and feel in response to the artists’ intentions
  • describe the role of artist in expressing subject matter and viewer in interpreting meaning in artworks

Achievement Standard / By the end of Level 2, students make artworks using different materials, techniques and processes to express their ideas, observations and imagination.
Students describe artworks they make and view, including where and why artworks are made and viewed.

Level 1 and 2 shared Capabilities:

Capabililty / Strand / Apply to the exhibition
Personal and Social
Levels 1 and 2 Band Description
In Levels 1 and 2, the curriculum focuses on enabling students to learn about making and keeping friends and understanding the effects that their actions have on others. Students extend their vocabulary to describe the emotions they experience when interacting with others. Students develop an understanding that others can have different opinions and they learn to identify appropriate ways to respond to these differences. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to use skills required for participation in group tasks. Students practise the skills to solve simple problems and suggest actions that could be taken to resolve conflict. /
  • Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions (VCPSCSE008)
  • Identify personal strengths and describe how these strengths are useful in school or family life (VCPSCSE009)
  • Explain how being prepared to try new things can help identify strategies when faced with unfamiliar or challenging situations (VCPSCSE010)
  • Identify how families can have a range of relationships (VCPSCSO011)
  • Listen to others’ ideas, and recognise that others may see things differently (VCPSCSO012)
  • Describe ways of making and keeping friends, including how actions and words can help or hurt others, and the effects of modifying their behaviour (VCPSCSO013)
  • Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks (VCPSCSO014)
  • Recognise that conflict occurs and distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate ways to deal with conflict (VCPSCSO015)

Foundation to Level 2 Band Description
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focus is on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to enable students to learn about cultures in their immediate world. For students at Foundation to level 2, learning typically focuses on their immediate family, home, school and friends. This includes cultural practices relevant to their lived experiences such as choice of food, clothing or housing, cultural celebrations and language.
The curriculum provides the opportunity for students to begin to explore similarities and difference in cultural practices. They begin to understand the concept of cultural diversity. /
  • Identify what is familiar and what is different in the ways culturally diverse individuals and families live (VCICCB001)
  • Describe their experiences of intercultural encounters in which they have been involved (VCICCB002)
  • Identify and discuss cultural diversity in the school and/or community (VCICCD003)
  • Imagine and explain what their responses might be if they were placed in a different cultural situation or setting (VCICCD004)

Foundation to Level 2 Band Description
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to approach ethical problems and evaluate outcomes. Students develop a vocabulary to engage with ethical problems and an understanding that personal feelings can effect decision-making and actions. /
  • Explore the meaning of right and wrong, good and bad, as concepts concerned with the outcomes of acts (VCECU001)
  • Explore the type of acts often considered right and those often considered wrong and the reasons why they are considered so (VCECD002)
  • Explore the effects that personal feelings can have on how people behave in situations where ethical issues are involved (VCECD003)

Critical and Creative Thinking
Foundation to Level 2 Band Description
From Foundation to Level 2, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to express reasoning and to problem solve and learn more effectively. Students become familiar with key vocabulary and simple strategies to structure and improve thinking. Students develop an understanding that thinking can be made explicit. /
  • Identify, describe and use different kinds of question stems to gather information and ideas (VCCCTQ001)
  • Consider personal reactions to situations or problems and how these reactions may influence thinking (VCCCTQ002
  • Make simple modifications to known ideas and routine solutions to generate some different ideas and possibilities (VCCCTQ003)
  • Examine words that show reasons and words that show conclusions (VCCCTR004
  • Compare and contrast information and ideas in own and others reasoning (VCCCTR005)
  • Consider how reasons and examples are used to support a point of view and illustrate meaning (VCCCTR006)
  • Consider ways to express and describe thinking activity, including the expression of feelings about learning, both to others and self (VCCCTM007)
  • Explore some learning strategies, including planning, repetition, rewording, memorisation and use of mnemonics (VCCCTM008)
  • Investigate ways to problem-solve, using egocentric and experiential language (VCCCTM009)


Victorian Curriculum - Visual Arts Level 3 and 4 Mapping Document

Exhibition: Date:

Levels 3 and 4 Band Description

In Levels 3 and 4, students explore how and why artists, craftspeople and designers realise their ideas through different art forms. They enhance their perceptual skills by observing the world around them and expressing these observations through different practical applications of art making. Through observational, imaginative and sensory investigations, students become more knowledgeable and discerning about their practices as a visual artist.

As they make artworks and respond to them, students explore visual expressions based on their investigations of a range of themes. They make connections between their own artistic intentions and those of other artists.

As they experience visual arts, students draw on artworks from a range of cultures, times and locations. Students learn about visual arts in their community and from other international locations.

Strand / Elaboration / Apply to the exhibition
Explore and Express Ideas
Explore ideas and artworks from different cultures and times as inspiration to create visual artworks (VCAVAE025) /
  • researching artworks of different styles and artists from different times and cultures, to inspire their own expression of ideas, for example, in forms such as printmaking and drawing, and styles such as realism or expressionism
  • discussing the role of the artist and artworks as an expression of society and culture, for example, what do paintings telling us about the past? How did the artist’s work respond to events of their time?
  • exploring ways to express their ideas using visual conventions from different historical, social or cultural contexts
  • experimenting with visual conventions and styles from different cultures to create particular visual effects in their artworks
  • identifying and explaining choices in art making, for example, including forms, styles and visual conventions in their artworks, and the influences of other artists on their artworks

Visual Arts Practices
Explore visual conventions and use materials, techniques, technologies and processes specific to particular art forms, and to make artworks (VCAVAV026) /
  • selecting and experimenting with forms, styles, materials and technologies to explore symbolism and use of visual conventions by various cultures and times, for example, how colour and pattern are perceived symbolically in different cultures
  • discussing artworks and how they are made for specific communities or cultures, for example, what clues in the artwork tell them where it was made, by whom, and why
  • experimenting with styles of expression from different cultures and times in their artworks, for example, realistic, symbolic, narrative, abstract
  • discussing the materials and techniques used to make artworks and developing artworks based on this investigation, for example, what the artwork is made of, what choice of material is used to enhance the audience’s understanding of the artist’s intention
  • practising a variety of techniques and using various technologies to find different ways of interpreting a theme and/or subject matter, for example, making a simple animation or storybook
  • manipulating and experimenting with combinations of various materials and technologies to create effects, for example, using crosshatching to create tone or design elements to focus attention in a composition

Present and Perform
Explore different ways of displaying artworks to enhance their meaning for an audience (VCAVAP027) /
  • making decisions about how their artwork could be displayed, for example, mounted and framed, in public spaces, on the internet, and in the media
  • discussing how artworks are made and how the choice of materials can influence the meaning of artworks, for example, what the artwork is made of, the choice of material to enhance the audience’s understanding of the artist’s intention
  • exploring different ways of presenting artworks in different locations, for example, in folios, digitally, in a public space in the school
  • comparing the visual conventions in artworks made for specific purposes, for example, how the artist expresses an idea to show the audience a particular viewpoint

Respond and Interpret
Identify and discuss how ideas are expressed in artworks from a range of places, times and cultures (VCAVAR028) /
  • describe subject matter and identify in artworks from different social, cultural or historical contexts
  • discussing how artworks are made as expressions of a particular culture or identity, for example, a style of artwork that expresses the identity of their community
  • comparing artworks made for different reasons, using appropriate visual conventions, and identifying different interpretations by different viewers in a range of locations
  • examining public art in their community and comparing it to other artworks commemorating different people, events, times and cultures
  • discussing with others the meaning of their own artworks
  • evaluate artworks from different cultures and histories using inquiry, for example, explain which artworks they like the most and why

Achievement Standard / By the end of Level 4, students plan and make artworks that are inspired by artworks they experience. They use materials, visual conventions, techniques and processes to express their ideas in artworks.
Students discuss how artists express ideas and use materials, techniques and visual conventions in artworks from a range of places, times and cultures.
They discuss and evaluate the art making processes, materials and techniques they use to express their ideas.

Level 3 and 4 shared Capabilities: