Table e-1
Table e-1: Characteristics of the 23 previously reported patients with pseudo-tumoral presentation of CAA-I
Age / Clinical presentation / Radiological presentation / Histo. / Treatment / Outcome /Follow-up
Aspect / T1
gado / T2*
/ SWI / DWI / Perf. / MRS
Kotsenas 2013 1
1 / 63F / Confusion, cognitive decline, motor and visual deficit, seizure / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / LCE / Micro-bleeds / - / - / - / Biopsy:NI / Steroids in 3 patients
None in 2 patients / Favorable
2 / 62F / Sensitive deficit / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / LCE / Micro-bleeds, siderosis / - / - / - / Biopsy:
CAA / Favorable
3 / 77M / Confusion, cognitive decline, aphasia / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / Micro-bleeds, siderosis / - / - / - / Biopsy:
NI / Favorable
4 / 74M / Confusion, cognitive decline / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / LCE / Micro-bleeds / - / - / - / Biopsy: ABRA / Favorable
5 / 71F / Confusion, cognitive decline, headaches / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / LCE / Micro-bleeds / - / - / - / Biopsy:
ABRA / Favorable
Karbowniczek 2012 2
6 / 64F / Cognitive decline / Two well-delimited HS / No CE / - / - / - / - / Surgery: CAA / None / Cognitive deterioration
7 / 38M / Headaches, motor deficit / Well-delimited
HS / No CE / - / - / - / - / Surgery: CAA / None / Favorable
Andrade 2006 3
8 / 45M / Seizure / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / - / - / - / Surgery: CAA / None / Favorable / 6 months
Safriel 2004 4
9 / 49M / Seizure / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / Vaso-genic / - / Normal / Biopsy: ABRA / Steroids / Favorable / 9 months
10 / 71F / Cognitive deterioration / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / Vaso-genic / - / Normal / Biopsy: ABRA / None / Ongoing deterioration/ 11 years
Vandermissen 2003 5
11 / 46M / Cognitive decline / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / Biopsy: CAA / None / Stable / 11 years
Tamargo 20036
12 / 80F / Confusion, aphasia, hemineglect / Multiple, Infiltrative HS / SlightCE / - / Vaso-genic / - / Normal / Biopsy: ABRA / Steroids / Favorable / 1 year
Schwab 2003 7
13 / 74M / Cognitive decline, seizure / Infiltrative HS / LCE / - / - / - / - / Biopsy: ABRA / Steroids / Favorable / 1 year
14 / 70F / Seizure / Infiltrative HS / LCE / - / - / - / - / Biopsy: ABRA / Steroids + CP / Favorable / 1 year
Oide 2002 8
15 / 69M / Cognitive deterioration, seizure / Multiple, extensive HS / No / - / - / - / - / Biopsy: ABRA / None / Ongoing deterioration
De Broucker 2000 9
16 / 64F / Seizures / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / Biopsy: CAA / None / Favorable / 24 months
17 / 69F / Aphasia, motor deficit / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / LCE / Micro-bleeds / Biopsy: CAA / None / Favorable / 12 months
Polivka 1999 10
18 / 60M / Headaches / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / - / - / - / Surgery: ABRA / None / Favorable / 5 years
19 / 74F / Sensori-motor deficit / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / CE / - / - / - / - / Surgery: ABRA / None / NA
Fountain 1996
20 / 66M / Confusion, cognitive decline, aphasia / Multiple, Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / - / - / - / Biopsy: ABRA / Steroids, CP / Stable
Ortiz 1996 12
21 / 64F / Confusion, headaches / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / - / - / - / Biopsy: CAA / Steroids / Favorable
Osumi 1995 13
22 / 59F / Headaches, motor deficit / Isolated,
Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / - / - / - / Surgery: CAA / None / Death / 5 months
Mandybur 1992 14
23 / 62F / Confusion / Isolated, Infiltrative HS / No CE / - / - / - / - / Biopsy: ABRA / Steroids + CP / Favorable
ABRA: amyloidβ related angiitis;CAA: cerebral amyloidangiopathy; CE: contrast enhancement; CP: cyclophosphamide; DWI: diffusion weighted imaging; HS: hypersignal; ICH (intra-cerebral hemorrhage); LCE: leptomeningeal contrast enhancement; M: male; MRS: MRI spectroscopy; NI: not informative; Perf.:perfusion MRI
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