TITLE: Style: Times New Roman 13 pt, bold, uppercase. Alignment: Centred. Line spacing: Single. Length should be limited to two lines.

First Author1[*], Second Author2 and Third Author1

1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

Abstract - These instructions give you the basic guidelines for preparing papers for 19thIranian physical chemistry conference proceedings. An abstract should not exceeding 200 words.Do Not Use Symbols, Special Characters, or Math in Paper Title or Abstract.

1. Introduction

The whole paper should be written atmaximum 3 pages and should be containedAbstract, Introduction, Material, Results and Discussion,ConclusionsandReferences.

2. Preparing Your Paper

2.1. Paper Size: Prepare your paper in full-size format on A4 size paper (21×29.7 cm).

2.2. Type Sizes and Typefaces: The paper should be typeset in 10 pt. Times New Roman with 1 line spacing. Headings should be typeset in 10 pt. Times New Romanboldface.

2.3. Paper Margins: Paper margins on theA4size paper are set as follows: top = 3.5 cm, bottom = 2.5 cm, side = 2.5 cm. Whole the paper body should be adjusted for two columnsstyle with equal column width.

2.4. Paper Styles: Left- and right-justify the columns. Use automatic hyphenation and check spelling and grammar. Use high resolution (300dpi or above) figures, plots, drawings and photos for best printing result.

3. Helpful Hints

3.1.Figures and Tables: Try to position figures and tables at the tops and bottoms of columns andavoid placing them in the middle of columns. Large figures and tables may span across both columns. Figure captions should be centered below the figures; table captions should be centered above. Avoid placing figures and tables before their first mention in the text. Use the abbreviation even at the beginning of a sentence (e.g. Fig. 3 shows ...).Typeset tables and captions in 8 pt Times Roman.

3.2. Figure axis labels: Use words rather than symbols. For example, as shown in Fig. 1, write “Magnetization,” or “Magnetization (M)” not just “M.” Put units in parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. In the example, write “Magnetization (A/m)” or “Magnetization (A.m-1).” Do not label axes with a ratio of quantities and units. For example, write “Temperature (K),” not “Temperature/K.” Figure labels should be legible, at8 pt Times New Roman type.

Applied Field (103 A/m)

Fig.1.Magnetization as a function of applied field.

Note how the caption is centered in the column.

Table 1 Title for example table

A / B
1 / bb / aa / cc
2 / 4 / 5 / 2

4. References

4.1. In text citation: Indicate references by numbers in square brackets in line with the text. The actual authors can be referred to, but the reference numbers must always be given. Example: "... as demonstrated [3,6]. Barnaby and Jones [8] obtained a different result ...."

4.2. References list:Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.The references should be typeset in 8 pt. Times New Roman with 1 line spacing.


[1]J.A. Riddick,W.B. Bunger, T.K. Sakano, Organic Solvents, Physical Properties and Methods of Purifications, 4th edition, JohnWiley & Sons, New York, 1986.

[2]D.Q.M. Craig, Dielectric Analysis of Pharmaceutical Systems, Taylor and Francis, London, 1995.

[3]T.V. Krishna, T.M. Mohan, J. Chem. Thermodyn. 47 (2012) 267-275.

[4]H.M. Resenberg, “the solid state” 3rd ed, Oxford university press (1998).

[*]Corresponding author Email: name@domain(use cursor for change)