University of Havana, Architecture, specializing in urban and regional planning, 1970.

Master in urban and territorial studies, Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic Institute (ISPJAE), La Habana, 2005.


2001-2009- Urban planning professor and research, Center of Urban Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic Institute J.A.E., Havana.

2001-2002- Invited urban planning professor, Department of Sociology University of Havana

1999-2001- Main expert, Group of Comprehensive Development of Havana City, responsible for the Strategic Plan of Havana City and community planning process and community development projects in neighborhoods. Invited professor, Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic Institute, J. A. E.

1987-1999- Director-founder Group of the Comprehensive Development of Havana City. Lieder of the Neighborhoods Workshops, a community development experience extended to twenty urban neighborhoods in the city..

1978-1987- Director, Urban Planning Office of Havana City, responsible for the Master Plan of Havana City.

1978-1976- Planning consultant, human settlements system and regional planning in Angola.

1976-1974-- Director Physical Planning Havana Province, developments territorial plans in Havana Region.

1974-- Planning consultant in regional planning in Yemen.

1970-1974-- Regional planner and participant on development of new rural settlements in HavanaProvince and Escambray Region in Cuba.


Professor and research, Center of urban studies, Faculty of Architecture, La Habana.

Invited professor, Department of Sociology, HavanaUniversity.

Member, Expert Committee, Ministry of Construction, Cuba.

Member, Scientific Council, Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic Institute J.A.E.

Member, National Landmark Commission.

Member, Provincial Landmark Commission.

Member, Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais.

Consultant, Group of comprehensive development of HavanaCity.

Member of Cuba Section of LASA (Latin America Studies Association).


  • Member of Cuban delegation and paper presenter in the followings meetings:
  • Academic Conference “Thirty Years of Cuba Revolution”, Nova ScotiaUniversity, Halifax, 1989.
  • Chef of Cuban delegation to interchange visit on Sweden Housing Ministry, 1989.
  • Academics presentations on MITUniversity and Tuff University, U.S.A., 1991
  • Academic presentation on BostonCollege and UMASS University, U.S.A., 1993
  • Cuban representing, CIDEU (Iberoamerican Center for Urban Strategic Development), 1993-1998.
  • Academic Conference “Urban Environment”, Georgetown University, U.S.A., 1995.
  • HABITAT Summit, Istanbul, member Cuban delegation, 1996.
  • Urban Governance Conference, United Nations, New York, chef of Cuban delegation, 1997.
  • Study about urban governance in Caribbean countries, researcher, TorontoUniversity, 1997.
  • USA-CUBA Dialogue, academic conference, Berkeley University, California, member of Cuban representation, 1998.
  • LASA Conference, Washington, member of Cuban representation, 2001.
  • Social Polices Network no.5 URBAL Program, European Commission, Cuban representation, Montevideo, 2001.
  • Seminary “Community Participation” Harvard University, 2001.
  • Member of Cubangroup responsible, International academic Project ALFA- Aurora, 2005-2006 coordinated by the Polytechnic University of Berlin.
  • Cuban responsible International academic project Interlink, coordinated by the Florence University, Italy, 2006-2007.
  • Member of Cuban group responsible, URBAL Project, network no. 7, coordinated by Region Toscana, Italia, 2006-2009.
  • Main Adviser, Ministry of Urbanism and Habitat, Angola, 2007-2008.


  • National Habitat Award 2006, distinguished person in housing and human settlements work from Cuba Habitat Committee.
  • National Culture Award, 2003, distinguished person in the contribution to national culture from Ministry of Culture of Cuba..
  • National Award 2001, Community Culture from Ministry of Culture of Cuba.
  • Commemorative Medal 480 Anniversary of HavanaCity, 1999.
  • Member of National Committee Cuban Women Federation, 1990-2000.
  • Illustrious Guest of Old Havana, 1990.
  • Distinguished cultural collaboration, Santa Clara City, Cuba.
  • La Giraldilla de La Habana, distinguished person in the work to development Havana City, 2001
  • Abril Award, 2000, distinguished person in the work to young people quality of live in the city.
  • MinisterResearch Award 2008, contribution to social development, Ministry of High Education.


  • The Neighborhoods Workshops in HavanaCity, it is a 18 years experience, a social laboratory about community planning methodology based in participation in the integral community development with a comprehensive vision, focus to physical, include housing, environmental, and social dimensions.
  • Urban Governance in Caribbean Countries, case studies in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Haiti, support by TorontoUniversity.
  • The planning process in Cuba, Traditional planning, Community Planning, Strategic planning and participation process, paper presented in LASA 2001.
  • Habana Ecopolis, Italian cooperation project, as consultant in urban planning.
  • Urban rehabilitation process in urban central areas: Colon neighborhood in Centro Habana.
  • Sustainable regeneration and rehabilitation, Centro Habana Central district in Havana.


The Havana Region development, IPF, 1979.

The urban renewal in HavanaCity central area, Arquitectura Cuba, 1983.

The neighborhoods workshops, an community participation experience in HavanaCity, G.D.I.C. 1988.

The housing problem in Cuba, Nova ScotiaUniversity, 1989.

Environmental and development in Cuba, Nova ScotiaUniversity, 1989.

The urban planning process in Cuba, Sao Paulo, 1990.

La Habana por una ciudad mas humana. Universidad de Zurich, 1990.

Havana: sustainable development and social responsibility, Georgetown University, 1997.

The strategic planning experience in HavanaCity, G.D.I.C, 2001

Urban rehabilitation in Colon neighborhood, Centro Habana, Habana Ecopolis Project, La Habana, 2006.

The Havana of the future in book “La Habana de Colonia a Metropoli”.University of Alicante, Spain, 2008.

“Centro Habana: un futuro sustentable”, book, main author, URBAL project, La Habana, 2009.

Gina Rey

La Habana, febrero, 2010-