The Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals
Minutes of VASSP Committee meeting
3rd May at 4.30pm
UniversityHigh School
Royal Parade
Brian Burgess, Harvey Wood, Rob Newton , Peter Bowen, Robyn Buckeridge Jane Garvey, Bernie Lloyd, Tracey Summerton, George Porter, Mark Kosach, Rex Pirie, Frank Sal, Peter MacLean, Karen Dean, Sheereen Kindler, Michael Bell, Rod Williamson, Jenny Ward, Jenny Malberg, Andrew Ough, Glyn Milner, Mary Pendergast, Rex Pirie, Marion Heale, Morris Sleep, Ian Wallis
Guests: David Green, Jeff Rosewarne
1. Welcome and Apologies / Welcome and ApologiesApologies: Leeanne Preece, John Cortese, Bernie Davern, Steve Boyle
Welcome: Brian Burgess
Welcome to new committee members. /
Noted2. / Development of Strategic Plan
Marion Heale presented a summary of evaluations from the SGM.
From group discussion it was agreed that the following worked well
- Structure of the activities
- Listening to grass roots opinions
- Voice to the Committee and Executive
- Excellent modelling of teaching and learning principles
- Adding value to the organisation
- Facilitators
- high level of cynicism
- clarify purpose re timeline, outcomes, direction
- activity 2 did not work as well
- more time needed
- clarity re topic
- more formal roles
Emphasise the outcome not the activity.
Question 1: What is the difference between outcomes and activity?
Outcomes are
- measurable
- things you achieve
- the result
- should be clear
- things you do
- the process
- the strategy which will lead you to an outcome
- often personality based preference
- outcome may be different from what was expected once the process has been followed
- activities may swamp you
- step back and reflect
We tend to revert to old habits, but need to prioritise and reflect.
VASSP needs to be outcomes focussed. We will set up an Outcomes Warden for future meetings.
Activity 4 – Strategic Priorities
Committee broke into 4 groups as per previously identified strategic intents and identified an action plan for their area.
The action plans are included with these minutes.
In the next planning stage Executive will use the action plans to develop the strategic plan. This will be presented to Committee for feedback and approval.
Develop role statement for President, Executive Officer, Field Officers, Project Officers, Committee and Executive.
A feedback rating exercise was conducted.
Presentation by Jeff Rosewarne, Deputy Secretary, Office of Resources and Infrastructure
Jeff spoke to a handout sheet which summarised the current issues.
A range of questions was presented by Committee members:
- Building Futures – the lack of transparency and the impact on principal workload. Jeff agreed it is an issue and he plans to visit schools to see first hand. Aiming for consistency re capability of regional staff. Plans to train up facilitators. This has just moved into his portfolio and he will put improvements in place within 3 months. Plans to share data on provisioning.
- How is it decided who gets funded in Building Futures? Jeff argued it is a bottom up process controlled by regions, but the projects are controlled by the government. Some proposed projects will be neutralised due to the need for political spread. There is a build-up of projects under the old regulations and some areas need to be targeted eg maths/science, need to generate change. This is a challenge for government because of the expectations created – there will be some schools that won’t get into the process for years.
- Teacher assistants – every secondary and P – 12 school will get one teacher assistant. 90 will be rolled out to the most needy schools at the start of 2008, with 210 to be appointed at the start of 2010. Their role is to reduce the administrative burden on teachers, but there will be further consultation to define the role further.
- Select entry schools – One will be located in North Melbourne and one in eastern region (Jim Watterson is running this process and there is no preferred site). Site decisions will be made within 4 months.
- Consultation processes with VASSP- Jeff argued that like most stakeholder groups our input is too late to influence decisions. After November in any given year it is too late to impact on priorities and what initiatives will be supported. We must get involved earlier. Election promises will be rolled out over 3 years in consultation with VASSP and Networks.
- Leading Schools Fund –Current phases to continue
- Concern about a flat funding rate for secondary schools. Jeff said this was a rumour and “the DoE will not recommend a flat rate for secondary schools while I’m in this position”. Even if the primary sector mounts a strong case the DoE will not take money from secondary schools to fund primaries. However there will be no extra money for the SRP so there will need to be some redistribution. Acknowledges the concerns about maintaining curriculum breadth and smaller class sizes in senior levels. Why is TAFE sector funded at $9500 per secondary student when secondary sector is funded at $4500 per student?
- EBA negotiations taking place currently with AEU and APF representing the same group of employees. The outcome must be affordable. There is an offer on the table but other components of any agreement cost money. It was pointed out that the difficulty in attracting applicants is a concern.
- Innovation and Excellence funding has been extended by 2 years to the end of 2009, but funding could vary according to regional resources. Some educators will be involved in the ultranet rollout and this will continue until 2010.
Executive to use action plans to develop strategic plan.
Develop role statements.
VASSP to reconsider timelines.
The Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals
Minutes of VASSP Committee meetings
May 4, 2007 at 9.00am
The Gene Technology Centre
UniversityHigh School
Royal Parade
Brian Burgess, Harvey Wood, Peter Bowen, Rob Newton , Bernie Davern, Sheereen Kindler, Karen Dean, Robyn Buckeridge, George Porter, Frank Sal, Peter MacLean, Michael Bell, Rod Williamson, Jenny Ward, Andrew Ough, Steve Boyle, Glyn Milner, Brendan Staple, Jenny Malberg, Jane Garvey, Tracey Summerton, Mark Kosach, Rex Pirie, Marion Heale, Morris Sleep, Ian Wallis
Welcome and Apologies / Welcome and Apologies1.Apologies: Bernie Lloyd. John Cortese, Leeanne Preece
WelcomeBrian Burgess /
Standing Items / 1.1 Minutes of meeting:
Motion: That the Minutes of the previous Committee meeting are accepted as a true and accurate record.
Moved: Frank Sal
Seconded: Peter Bowen
1.2 Business Arising
1.2.1 Service Agreement dealt with as an agenda item1.2.2 Workforce Bridging dealt with as an agenda item
1.2.3 DoE policy re select entry schools dealt with as an agenda item
1.3President’s report-
Brian tabled his written report.
Comments additional to the tabled report:
- Concern re funding rates. VASSP needs to develop a timeline and policy to set out what we want from the DoE.
- Summary statistics for Victorian Schools, which were made available with the budget papers, were distributed.
- Recognition that the DoE will need the support of principals if the budget is to be achieved.
- The DoE is working behind the scenes re environmentally sustainable practices, but South Australia is well ahead. Schools have been exempt from these requirements, but now we need to argue that sustainability issues need to be funded above core budget funding eg through special factors.
- Pressure will continue to be exerted on the federal government especially prior to the election. It should be realised that the federal government will continue to be interventionist, whichever party is in power.
- Concern expressed about the increasing numbers of students enrolling with ACE providers, especially in year 10. It is difficult for these students to move back into mainstream and complete year 12 because of major differences in standards and curriculum delivery.
Moved: Peter MacLean
Seconded: Sheereen Kindler
1.4Treasurer’s report
1.4.1Financials tabled.
It was agreed that the Bank Register would no longer be included with Committee papers, but would be tabled in future at Executive meetings.
The Telstra sponsorship is considered unlikely to proceed and the necessary adjustments have been made to the budget.
The budget for this financial year will be achieved.
The budget for the next financial year will be drafted shortly and it will be tighter.
We need to continue sourcing sponsorship as MAESCH is not particularly proactive.
Motion: That the Treasurer’s report be accepted.
Moved: Peter MacLean
Seconded: Frank Sal
1.5.1Nomination for Life Membership
Harvey Wood spoke to the nomination of Caroline Woodhouse for Life Membership. Harvey mentioned Caroline’s role as Vice President, her willingness to serve on a range of committees and the variety of senior leadership roles she has undertaken. Her enthusiasm, commitment to VASSP and capabilities were recognised.
Motion that Caroline Woodhouse be recognised as a Life Member for VASSP.
Moved: Bernie Lloyd
Seconded: Harvey Wood
There was discussion about retiring presidents of VASSP being automatically ratified as Life Members. It was suggested that there should be an annual call for nominations for Life Membership. / Noted
Executive to follow up
Brian to follow up.
Executive Officer to action.
Treasurer to action.
Executive to follow up.
Executive Officer to follow up.
Executive Officer to follow up.
2.New Business / 2.1 ALC 2007
Conference date is Aug 20th and 21st at Eden on the Park.
Marion gave a progress report. The conference is titled “Sustaining State Principals -Doing Things Differently”. Leadership teams from schools will be encouraged to attend.
2.2 Workforce Bridging
Inconsistency in application of the model is still a problem across regions.
2.3 Service Agreement
Brian spoke to DoE position re this. Basically there are 3 agreements to be signed off :
- Professional Development – signed off
- President – currently Brian is a classified as a Principal Liaison Officer and the DoE want to change this. A draft ‘comfort letter’ is to be produced by the DoE for consideration.
- Schools Resource Allocation Branch – Nino Napoli is working on this agreement.
Presented at meeting yesterday.
2.5 Select entry schools
A meeting had been held with schools involved i.e. schools currently funded on the flat average SRP rate. It is clearly disadvantageous to be funded in this way for senior schools. Funding models should not drive curriculum. Funding models need to be set for new select entry schools. VASSP needs to develop a position on this.
2.6 Student Support Services
The funding model for SSSOs continues to be inadequate, particularly in growth areas. Lack of consistency across regions.
VAASP needs to develop a policy in this area.
2.7 Provisioning
VASSP is planning to set up a forum for principals to share concerns and support each other. Principals involved are very concerned about the future of their careers. VASSP to develop policy in this area. / Marion to progress.
Brian to follow up.
Brian to progress.
Brian to progress.
Brian to progress.
Brian to progress.
Brian to progress.
3.Matters for Noting and approval
/3.1 New Members Approval
–– As per tabled listMotion “That these candidates as listed be approved as members”.
Moved: Rex Pirie
Seconded: Jane Garvey
4.2 Resignations and retirements
As tabled
4.3 Membership statistics
529 / Noted
4. Other Business
/ 4.1State Schools Relief are seeking a VASSP representative for their Board.
APF to be invited to report to Committee meetings in the future. / Executive to progress.
Executive Officer to progress.
5. Speaker
/5.1Cliff Downey from Dare to Lead
- Information package distributed
- Dare to Lead wants to establish further links with schools. There is no cost or obligation to join.
- This program makes a difference for koorie students who have high rates of absence and suspension, low literacy and numeracy levels, low retention rates and limited pathways to further education and employment.
- RobinvaleSC and HorshamSC have experienced success.
- Curriculum materials are available and units aligned to VELS will be distributed in a future ebulletin.
- Dare to Lead can run school events for you. A sample presentation to schools was given.
- Cultural tours are offered.
- Website has more information at
Marion to follow up.
6. Sub-committees
/ Sub-committee reportsPLMW
Annual Leadership Conference organisation progressing well. Speakers and workshops confirmed. Sponsorship proposal nearly finalised.
Recommend VASSP continues to offer a range of workshops targeted to the needs of principals, but don’t try to compete in areas such as curriculum and coaching.
Teaching and Learning
Guests from Careers Education Victoria spoke to the meeting and as a result time was lacking to complete the agenda. Time needed for further policy development.
Discussed the implications of the State budget. Concern about lack of transparency regarding Building Futures.
Improvements to be made to Workforce Bridging model. This document will be made available in electronic form as a spreadsheet, with appropriate trigger points.
Discussion followed about the role of the sub-committees, their purpose and the overall meeting structure.
What policies do we already have? Generate a list.
How are these policies communicated?
Develop a proforma to assist policy development.
What further policies do we need? Prioritise their development? Executive to make recommendations to Committee.
Use the next meeting, from 9.30am to 3pm to develop policies, with a small operational component towards the end of the meeting.
At future Committee meetings, reduce the operational component to allow more time for Professional Development and sub-committees. President’s report and Treasurer’s report to be question based.
Readings are appreciated and should also be included in ebulletins.
Meeting concluded at 1pm and was followed by lunch.
A principals’ forum was held with representatives of the SunSmart Board.
Next meeting is June 22, 2007.
Following meeting scheduled for July 26 and 27. / Resources Committee to follow up.
Brian to action.
Executive to follow up.
Marion to follow up.