Holy Land Accompaniment Pilgrimage Resolution for Synod Assembly 2013
Whereas The ELCA confesses the Gospel as the power of God to create and sustain the Church for God’s mission in the world [ELCA Constitution 2.07]; and
Whereas The ELCA participates in God’s mission to manifest the unity given to the people of God by joining with other Christians in prayer and action to express and preserve the unity which the Spirit gives [4.02.f]; and
Whereas The ELCA Global Mission unit supports the ELCA’s work in other countries and serves as the means through which Christian churches in other countries engage in mission to this church and society [16.12.B10]; and
Whereas The ELCA Global Mission Unit embraces “Accompaniment” — an approach to God’s mission that entails “walking together in a solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality” — as the ELCA’s central commitment in relation to global companions [ELCA web page on “Accompaniment”]; and
Whereas One of the ELCA’s most significant companions in the Middle East is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL), led by Bishop Munib Younan [ELCA web page on “Accompaniment”]; and
Whereas Bishop Younan and the ELCJHL have repeatedly asked ELCA members to come and see, learn and tell the story of the Lutherans in the Holy Land, and to partner with them in support of their churches and ministries [ELCJHL bulletin insert available through ELCA web site]; and
Whereas The Oregon Synod Assembly, by a Resolution passed in 2004, committed congregations of the Oregon Synod to support – through prayer, education, advocacy, and church programs – the Christian communities in Palestine; and
Whereas Pilgrimage to the Holy Land has traditionally been considered of great benefit in developing Christian spirituality and values; therefore, be it
Resolved That an opportunity be created by the Oregon Synod to organize and carry out a “Holy Land Accompaniment Pilgrimage” to take place May 2014 in partnership with the ELCJHL, in partial fulfillment of the commitment made by this Synod in 2004; and be it further
Resolved That the bishop of this synod be authorized to constitute and supervise a task force dedicated to conducting a synod-wide process of discernment, education, and mutual support in 2013-14 so that every congregation of the Oregon Synod can be equipped, if they so choose, to identify at least one person to participate in the “Holy Land Accompaniment Pilgrimage” or a similar trip arranged by another group; and be it further
Resolved That this same task force be authorized to plan, organize, and implement the practical arrangements for this pilgrimage trip to the Holy Land; and be it further
Resolved That this task force be authorized to use the Oregon Synod’s official channels of communication, in partnership with the synod staff, to assist the task force in organizing and carrying out the “Holy Land Accompaniment Pilgrimage” trip and in offering the preparatory process of discernment, education, and mutual support associated with it; and be it further
Resolved That this task force be authorized to name someone who has taken part in this “Holy Land Accompaniment Pilgrimage” trip to submit a report about it to the Oregon Synod Assembly in 2015; and that this selected person be invited to present a summary of that report to a plenary session of the Synod Assembly in 2015.