Minutes of a meeting of Sefton RUFC Board: Tuesday 28th August 2012.
Present: WFJ (Chair); RS (Minutes); ASp; ASt; AC; DL; GP.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 3rd July were agreed. All matters arising would be dealt with within the main agenda.
1. Incorporation Progress:
a) Land & Assets transfer.
RS now has a document prepared by the Solicitors (MSB). The Assets Transfer now requires signing by two of the Trustees and one of the new Directors on behalf of the Board. The meeting decided that the Chairman would be the most appropriate signatory. The signed document would then be returned to the Solicitors for final processing. When this had happened the Incorporation process would be complete.(Ongoing)
b) CASC application.
GP now has the completed application. After one final signature the application will be posted tomorrow. (Ongoing)
2. Finance:
a) Current financial.
RS gave details of the balances of the two current accounts and the saving account. There had been one major expenditure recently as our grounds contractor, David J Platt had been paid for the summer maintenance work carried out so far.
The debit card payments had now been transferred to the ‘new’ account. With one minor query about which account one of our ticket ‘partners’ made payments into we could now begin to close the ‘old’ current account.
RS asked the meeting whether when publishing the Board meetings he should include the actual bank balances.
It was agreed that for commercial reasons the actual sums involved should be omitted. The information would however be available on request to individual members. It was believed that this was the best way to ensure the members were kept informed of all ongoing matters, while at the same time protecting the Club commercially.
ASp reported that he had submitted the VAT return ‘on line’. He will now ‘cascade’ how to do this to other Board members.
b) Computerised bookkeeping.
ASp also presented 3 months (first quarter) accounts that had been generated by the book keeper using the new system. Each month’s figures would continue to build a bigger picture for us to use to analyse the Clubs financial ‘health’.
3. Membership:
RS reported that the system was all in place. All necessary paperwork and membership cards were available for use. It now just need the members to pay!
4. Pitch maintenance:
a) Summer program update.
WFJ itemised the work that had been carried out, and the results are fairly obvious!
A JCB has now cleared a pathway down the side of the boundary fence (footpath side). This pathway will be used by the heavy plant vehicles during the floodlight installation to prevent damage to the pitch margins. The bottom left pitch dead ball area would also be squared off behind the container using a mini digger.
David J Platt had also given an idea of the work required to weed kill and level the fence areas beside the bottom two pitches. Expenditure on this would be considered at a later date.
Platt’s are also going to position the two lampposts that would provide temporary lighting until the major scheme had been completed. ASp had prepared lighting heads for them that would be installed when the posts were in place.
AC asked for confirmation that the bottom left pitch could be used for junior training this Thursday (30th). This was confirmed.
‘Normal service’ would resume on all pitches from the first week of September.
b) Future pitch work.
WFJ is still working on Protecting Playing Fields grant bid that will hopefully allow us to complete the drainage system over all the pitch surfaces.
5. Floodlighting Phase 2:
The RFU has recently informed WFJ that Musco Lighting are no longer a ‘Framework’ contractor. Their preferred contractor is now a company called Abacus. A site visit has been arranged for Thursday 30/8/12. A price will then be then be submitted by the contractor. The planning permission will need checking with the local authority as the existing application is now over two years old.
Happily the RFU has indicated that they will meet any price differences between Musco’s original quotation and Abacus’s new quote. This is important because the grant award from Inspired Facilities is a fixed sum (£28.5k). (Ongoing).
6. Croxteth Park Option:
ASt gave a brief update, although there had not been any significant developments due to the holiday period. Club Design had produced two draft schemes.
Robert Lyle (LCC) had informed Arthur that English Heritage had already raised some issues over the use of Croxteth Country Park, and discussions were taking place. (Ongoing).
7. Thornhead Lane:
Two estimates had been received for repairs to the Lane surface from Leyfield Road and for a major repair in the gate way area. A speed hump would also be added at the gate to regulate vehicle speeds entering the car park.
The Board agreed to proceed with the cheaper of the two estimates of approximately £1600 + VAT from a company called Tarways. The second estimate had been slightly more.
RS reported that the Thornhead Brook realignment project was now at the planning permission stage with the City Council. (Ongoing).
RS also reported that he had been contacted by Merseyside Police about a complaint received from one of our neighbours about vehicles driving on a public footpath.
After checking with LCC that their stance (as Highways Authority) had not changed on this (it hasn’t) RS visited Eaton Road and presented the PC dealing with the complaint with the Club’s documentary evidence of our Private Vehicular Rights along Thornhead Lane.
As a result Merseyside Police will be informing the ‘complainant’ that this iis not a matter for the Police.
8. Authorisation of Functions:
There were no functions requiring approval.
9. Other Urgent & Essential Items:
WFJ wants to put out a ‘News Sheet’ to inform the membership of all recent developments. He asked for contributions. Contributions would also be sought from the Sub Committees. (agreed).
ASp has sourced a cherry picker access platform to be used to mend the car park lights. Cost would be about £70. (agreed).
AC reported that he continued to be disappointed in the response of the RDO to his frequent requests for information or help. WFJ would investigate the situation.
WFJ reported on some valuable help we are receiving on the stand roof project from one of our members (parent) who is a Quantity Surveyor for a local firm. (Ongoing).
RS has been contacted by Ellie Huckle, who is this seasons JMU Ladies captain. They are keen to both play their matches with us again, and to train as well.
RS asked for clarification if the adults would continue to train on a Monday night. If they are then could we can continue to offer them facilities at the same time. ASt indicated Monday night would continue as training night for the foreseeable future and that the Ladies could be accommodated at the same time (they don’t need changing facilities).
RS would now enter into firm negotiations with JMU, and the Students Union who hold the purse strings. (Ongoing).
WFJ reported that we’ve now closed business on the Autumn International ticket sales. The higher priced 6 Nations tickets would be sold to the Licensed Operators to bring much needed funds into the club. The cheaper tickets would be offered for sale to Club members.
10. Date of Next Board Meeting:
The Board would meet on a date yet to be confirmed.
Signature ...... (Chairman)