ALGEBRA 1Syllabus



Instructor: Mr. Shaw



Room: 102


Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:30-3:15

Thursday Mornings from 7:30-8

Before school or during lunch by appointment only


Algebra 1 introduces students to Algebra concepts. This course will provide a foundation to the symbolic language of mathematics by solving equations containing unknown values. A variety of problem-solving situations will be encountered and evaluated. In this class we will cover chapters 1-11 in your textbook.


•Textbook-Glencoe Mathematics Algebra 1

•spiral notebook with lined paper

• 3 binders for Assignments, Quizzes/Tests

• pencils (at least 2), eraser


Calculator use on tests, quizzes, homework and any other students work permitted only with express teacher authorization.

Classroom Rules

1.Be On Time

2.Be Respectful to your classmates and teachers

3.Try Your Best




Chapter Tests40%

Class Participation10%

Semester Final20%

Note: Extra Credit will not be offered in this course; Please refer to the Parent/Student handbook for the school grading scale.

***Rounding off Policy: Only Semester grades will grades be rounded up. (Ex. 89.5%= A or 79.5%=B)


  1. Homework will be given on a daily basis
  2. Homework will be posted daily on my website
  3. Homework will be due the next class period
  4. Homework will not be collected, but will be checked daily
  5. Homework CAN be turned in late for partial credit

MAKE-UP WORK - For students not in class due to an excused absence

Homework/Classwork Assignments:

If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you missed (look on my website) and do it at home on your own. Your assignment will be due the class after you come back. For example, if you are absent on Tuesday and come back to class Wednesday, the assignment that you missed Tuesday won’t be due until Thursday or Friday, depending on when your next class is.


If a student is absent the day a test or quiz is given, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with me to make up the test outside of class time within 48 hours of his/her return to school.*

For example, if Mary misses her test on Tuesday and returns to school on Wednesday, she has until 8:15am on Friday morning to complete the test or quiz.

Any assignment test or quiz missing as a result of an unexcused absence may not be made up and will result in 0 points earned. Keep in mind, there will be no NO make-ups for midterms or finals. If you are to be absent the day of a group assignment is due, your part of the project must be turned in to me on the due date, and you must notify your group members of your absence.

* Extensions may be made for special circumstances, such as an extended illness or a prearranged absence.

Algebra 1

Mr. Shaw

Syllabus Consent

Please keep the provided syllabus for contact information and as reference throughout the year. Please complete the following information form as a means for communication between the instructor and the student’s parents and as a consent that the syllabus was understood and the policies implemented in the course are agreed to.

By signing this syllabus, both the student and parent understand and agree to the policies and procedures of my class.

Student Name(please print):

Student Signature:

Parent Name(please print):

Parent Signature:

Parent Info:

Home phone:

Name (please print)Work phone:

Cell phone:


Home phone:

Name (please print)Work phone:

Cell phone:


Please return this completed signature page to Mr. Shaw by Monday August 25th.

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