AECT Nomination Committee Procedures


This document is intended to guide the AECT Nomination Committee in the functions of its tasks. Appendix A (Relevant AECT Policy and By-Laws) to this document includes the AECT policies as stated in the governance documentation for the organization. These procedures are intended as suggested guidelines and may be adapted depending on the committee as long as they continue to meet the policies stated in the appendix.

The Immediate Past President is charged with chairing the AECT Nominating Committee and working with the Board of Directors and in cooperation with the Executive Director, with preparing the ballot for the next AECT election.

NOTE: The process used by the 2013 NC (Ana Donaldson, Chair) is used in this document as an example of how the NC might proceed.

Nominating Committee:

The Nomination Committee (NC) is composed of the Chair (Immediate AECT Past President) and additional 6-9 members. It is advisable that the committee represents the diversity of the organization and includes some former committee members for continuity.

The By-laws state that the Nominating Committee is selected by the President-Elect prior to November 1st. Traditionally the selection process has also included input from the Past Chairperson, the AECT President, and Executive Director. It is important that the committee members be contacted prior to the final day of the international convention so planning of the first meeting can be scheduled. It is critical that all discussions be keep private and within the committee members and all documents be restricted only to the NC members. The 2013 NC used Google Docs for posting of all documents with access only give to the NC members.

Slate of Officers:

Each NC must fill the slate of two candidates for President-Elect designate. Every third year, two names need to be identified for the position of Executive Secretary. The current cycle is for the next Exec Secretary slate due by July 2013, with the following scheduled for July 2016. The two At-Large Board Members were just elected in the 2013 election. One is for a two-year term and the other is for a three-year term. The two-year term position needs to be ready for the 2015 election cycle (NC Chair: Steve Harmon) and the next for the 2016 cycle (NC Chair Rob Branch).

Initial Nominating Committee Meeting:

Traditionally the first meeting of NC is held on the final morning of the AECT convention in a private location. The Presidential Suite (if available) has been used in the past and has included a continental breakfast. The agenda includes introductions and determination of email addresses prior to the discussion of the candidate names to be considered. Each NC member offers names for consideration for the position(s).. Approximately 25 names were identified during the recent session with additional discussion that was not to be shared beyond the NC. The names were then put on an A List for immediate consideration and a B List for future consideration. The group agreed to post all documentation as a Google Docs with member-only access. It was also agreed that conference calls were another way of contact if the group needed subsequent meetings.


Selection Process:

The suggested A List of 15 names was entered in the Review the Candidates Table.NC members were asked to select several candidates that they would be responsible for researching further. During the next few weeks, the Committee Assignment column, Institution and Links columns, and additional Comments table items were completed by the individual members. The completed table was in place by Dec. 1st. The group was reminded that nothing in text that was questionable was to be entered in Google Docs.

Review the Candidates Table

Suggested Candidate / Institution and links / Committee Assignment / Comments

The previous NC Chair was also contacted for an overview from the previous year and for any recommendations or insights into the process. Her comments supported the planned actions of the committee.

The following e-mail was sent to all NC members at the completion of the Review of Candidates Table.

Dec. 11, 2012


After reviewing the links from the above table, please rank your choices in the following table from 1 (first choice) to 15 (last choice). It would be great to have this completed in the the next few weeks. I would like to start contacting possible candidates after the first of the year. Have a great holiday season and I look forward to your input.

- Ana

Rate the Candidates Table:

Ranking by Committee Member
Suggested Candidate Name / #1 / #2 / #3 / #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 / #8 / Sum
Candidate Name / n / n / n / n / n / n / n / n / total

Once the majority of NC members submitted their rankings, the table was put in the ranked order. The five top candidates were contacted to consider running for office. The original thought was to have different NC members contact the candidates, but previous Chairs recommended that the NC Chair do the contacting so that the information asked and provided would be consistent. This was the process then followed.

Initial Candidate Contact:

The following are the items included in the initial phone call by the NC Chair to each of the top 5 candidates:

  • Request the individual consider running for AECT president for 2015-2016
  • Convention will be in Indianapolis, IN - Oct. 2015
  • Advisable to have the support of the institution
  • Advisable to have a release of one course and / or GA support
  • Urge them to speak with past presidents
  • Some travel expected but others can be asked to represent if needed
  • Most travel covered full or in part by affiliates or as part of $2,500(current level) AECT travel support
  • Application form to be completed by April 1st
  • Decision on top two candidates by July, 2013
  • Expected to attend as a non-voting observer on Exec Committee Wednesday weekly calls after results announced in the Spring.
  • Expected to attend monthly Board Meeting calls as a non-voting member
  • Expected to attend Summer Leadership meeting and two board meetings at the fall convention.
  • Will be recognized as President-Elect at end of Tuesday board meeting at fall convention.
  • At the end of your term of office, you will be considered a life-time AECT member with your dues paid by the organization.
  • Questions?

After the initial contact phone call, the following table was posted in Google Docs to track the candidate status:

Candidates Tracking Table

Candidates by priority / initial contact by Chair / Notes
Name / Date of phone call
(Follow-up dates if needed} / Phone number
Initial response
Date application packet sent
Final acceptance of nomination or reasons for declining

Candidate Timeline:

The following was the timeline shared with the NC members and candidates for the application process:


  • Application due to Nominating Committee Chair by April 1
  • Decision for slate of two candidates by Summer Leadership Meeting (July 15)
  • Candidate’s 5 minute speech during Friday’s business meeting in Anaheim on Nov. 1st. - no campaigning allowed during the convention
  • Bio, candidate’s statement, and video due to AECT Exec Director by first week of January prior to the beginning of the online election.
  • Election online beginning second week of January. Results announced 45 days from the beginning date of the election.
  • Begin attending Wed. 3pm (EST) weekly Exec and Board phone calls as a non-voting member (March 2014). Your title at this point is President-Elect Designee.
  • Attend Summer Leadership meeting in July, if possible and all following meetings while on Executive Committee
  • First TechTrends column and conference art work due around time of Summer Leadership meeting.
  • Attend Tuesday board meeting at next convention
  • At end of Tuesday board meeting - officially President-elect


An example of a letter requesting the candidate’s application is provided as Appendix B. Each candidate was asked to complete an application and to submit it by April 1st to the NC Chair. A description of AECT is provided in Appendix C as a resource for when the candidate was seeking institutional support.

Application questions:

  1. My Experience with AECT.My Education, career, and leadership experience.
  2. My Vision and goals for AECT.
  3. How I see the role of the President of AECT.
  4. My thoughts on managing AECT including fiscal responsibility
  5. How I will develop or promote AECT
  6. What I see as unique to AECT when compared to other professional organizations
  7. Anything else that you would like to add?


The interested candidates returned completed applications by April 1st. The NC members agreed on the top two candidates. Since the candidate names were determined prior to the Summer Leadership meeting this year, the slate was approved first by the Exec Committee and then by the AECT Board during May. The slate for Exec Secretary consisted of the NC members agreeing upon two suggested names and the approval of the Exec Committee. The Board was informed of the final slate during the June board meeting. A bio, picture, and write-up for the AECT website by the first week of January will be requested of all candidates. Only the President-Elect designate candidates are asked to also include a video.




AECT Policies and Information Manual Revision 2012

The Governance committees of the Association shall consist of a Nominating Committee, the Executive Committee and an Ethics Committee. (4.13.2 – Other Committees)


6.1. Appointment of Committee. By August 1, the President-Elect designate shall appoint a Nominating Committee of not less than nine members representing the Association by geographic location, levels of education, types of positions and sex/race, to the extent that it is possible and practical. The chairperson of this committee shall be the Immediate Past-President.

6.2. Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall meet during the annual convention to discuss criteria and potential candidates. A public call for nominations shall be through print and/or electronic means as determined by the Board of Directors and Associations leaders shall be solicited for nominations. Nominations shall be closed no later than July 1 of the following year, to allow sufficient time for potential candidates to submit documentation for review and ranking by the Nominating committee.

6.3. Ballots. By September 15, the Nominating Committee shall prepare an official ballot listing two nominees for President-elect, two nominees for Executive Secretary (every third year) with the provision for write-in candidates. Not later than February 1 following, the Executive Director shall present the official ballot with biographical sketches to each member in good standing through print and/or electronic means.

6.4. Eligibility. The Nominating Committee shall determine the eligibility of nominees and ascertain that all the nominees for any office are willing to stand for office. Eligibility shall consist of membership in the Association.

6.5. Restrictions. Individuals selected to be on the ballot in the general association election for President-Elect and/or Executive Secretary may not simultaneously be candidates for election to the Board from Council(s) or a Division.

6.6. Closing of Voting Period. Forty-five (45) days after presentation of the final ballot, the Nominating Committee shall close the election. The Executive Director shall be responsible for counting the votes. Tie votes shall be resolved by a vote of the Board of Directors. The election results shall be reported by the Executive Director to the general membership no later than May 1.


While not yet a voting member of the Board of Directors, the President-Elect Designate assumes a number of responsibilities upon her or his election. Specifically, the President-Elect Designate:

1. recommends members for the National Nominating Committee to the President.

2. represents the Association as requested by the President and the organization.

3. attends, when time permits, executive committee and board meetings.



1. prepare slate of nominees for President-Elect and when required for Secretary/Treasurer and Delegates-at-Large to the Board of Directors for presentation to the membership.

Reference: By-laws Section 6, Nominations and Elections.



(a) By November 1, the President-Elect designate shall appoint a Nominating Committee of not less than nine members representing the Association by geographic location, levels of education, types of position and sex/race, to the extent that it is possible and practical. The chairperson of this committee shall be the Immediate Past-President.

(b) The Nominating Committee shall meet during the annual convention to discuss criteria and potential candidates. A public call for nominations shall be through print and/or electronic means as determined by the Board of Directors and Association leaders shall be solicited for nominations. Nominations shall be closed no later than September 1 of the following year, to allow sufficient time for potential candidates to submit documentation for review and ranking by the Nominating Committee.

(c) By December 15, the Nominating Committee shall prepare an official ballot listing two nominees for President-Elect, two nominees for Secretary/Treasurer (every third year) with the provision for write-in candidates. Not later than April 1 following, the Executive Director shall present the official ballot with biographical sketches to each member in good standing through print and/or electronic means.

(d) The Nominating Committee shall determine the eligibility of nominees and ascertain that all the nominees for any office are willing to stand for office. Eligibility shall consist of membership in the Association.

(e) Individuals selected to be on the ballot in the general association election President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer may not simultaneously be candidates for election to the Board from Council(s) or a Division.

(f) Forty-five (45) days after presentation of the final ballot, the Nominating Committee shall close the election. The Executive Director shall be responsible for counting the votes. Tie votes shall be resolved by a vote of the Board of Directors. The election results shall be reported by the Executive Director to the general membership no later than June 1.


Presidential Candidacy Application

Thank you for considering running for the position of AECT President for the 2015-2016 term. The Nominating Committee has recognized your leadership skills and experience and believe you are a strong candidate for this position. The responses to the application questions need to be returned to the Nominating Committee Chair Ana Donaldson () by April 1, 2013. The final two candidates will be announced at the Summer Board Meeting on July 15th in Bloomington, IN.

Application questions:

  1. My Experience with AECT.My Education, career, and leadership experience.
  2. My Vision and goals for AECT.
  3. How I see the role of the President of AECT.
  4. My thoughts on managing AECT including fiscal responsibility
  5. How I will develop or promote AECT
  6. What I see as unique to AECT when compared to other professional organizations
  7. Anything else that you would like to add?

Note: the following timeline and key items from the initial phone conversation are included for your information. Do not hesitate to contact the committee chair if you have any questions.


  • Application due to Nominating Committee Chair by April 1, 2013
  • Decision for slate of two candidates by Summer Leadership Meeting (July 15)
  • Candidate’s 5 minute speech during Friday’s business meeting in Anaheim on Nov. 1st. - no campaigning allowed during the convention
  • Bio, candidate’s statement, and video due to AECT Exec Director by Dec. 1, 2013.
  • Election online beginning in January. Results announced 45 days from the beginning date of the election.
  • Begin attending Wed. 3pm (EST) weekly Exec and Board phone calls as a non-voting member (March 2024). Official title at this point is President-Elect Designee..
  • Attend Summer Leadership meeting in Bloomington, IN - July 15-17th, if possible and all following meetings while on Executive Committee
  • Attend Tuesday board meeting in Jacksonville, 2014
  • At end of Tuesday board meeting - officially President-elect

Items from the initial phone conversation:

  • Convention will be in Indianapolis, IN - Oct. 2015
  • Advisable to have the support of the institution
  • Advisable to have a release of one course and / or GA support
  • Urge them to speak with past presidents
  • Some travel expected but others can be asked to represent if needed
  • Most travel covered full or in part by affiliates or as part of $2,500 AECT travel support
  • Application form to be completed by April 1st
  • Decision on top two candidates by July, 2013
  • Expected to attend as a non-voting observer on Exec Committee Wednesday weekly calls after results announced in the Spring.
  • Expected to attend monthly Board Meeting calls as a non-voting member
  • Expected to attend Summer Leadership meeting and two board meetings at the fall convention.
  • Will be recognized as President-Elect at end of Tuesday board meeting at fall convention.
  • At the end of your term of office, you will be considered a life-time AECT member with your dues paid by the organization.


AECT, the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, is considered the premier professional organization for the field of Instructional and Educational Technology and Design. The stated mission of AECT is to provide international leadership by promoting scholarship and best practices in the creation, use, and management of technologies for effective teaching and learning in a wide range of settings. Our members can be found globally in institutions of higher learning, K-20 settings, in the industry, government and medical sectors as professionals who research, teach and enhance learning with technology.