Prime Areas / Specific Areas
Week /
Big Book / PSED / Physical Development / Communication
Language / Literacy / Letters & Sounds / Mathematics / Understanding
the world / Expressive
Arts & Design
Week 1
12th-17th April
Nine Ducks Nine / MFB
Walking to pond.
Adapting behaviour to different situations / M&H
Walking to the pond safely.
Feeding ducks / Listening
Environmental sounds on the pond walk / Duck masks.
Speech bubbles rhyme / Listening
Walk recording environmental sounds / Counting forward and backwards ordering-9
Counting irregular arrangement / Pond vocab using STC
Talking about things observed / Role play story with clay
Multi media
Duck masks
Week 2
20th-24th April
Gruffalo / MR
Can play in a group-ability to collaborate
(Gruffalo Dance) / M&H
Gruffalo dance
Fine motor painting
Gruffalos / Speaking
Using who , what, when questions
Following Gruffalo hunt / Joining in with repeated refrains / L&S p.10
“Gruffalo” is lost in the woods / Counting Gruffalo
Numberline ordering
1-30 / Mini beast hunt
Awareness of features in the environment / Gruffalo dance
Painting Gruffalos
Week 3
27th-30th April
Messy Martin / SC & SA
Confident to talk about home & community
(door labels) / M&H
Using wheeled toys
Messy t.shirts
Using pipettes / Understanding
Complicated vocabulary in the story / Rhyme in the text continuing rhyming strings / Using boom whackers outside / Counting socks making pairs matching
patterns / Making masks with food
e.g. beetroot / raspberries / Splatter painting using fabric paints & crayons on messy T-shirt
Week 4
5th-8th May
Lost & Found / MR
Exploring & labelling emotions
E.G lonely , sad ,
Emotion game / M&H
Provide portable equipment for boat building
Fine motor-ice mountain / Speaking
Sequencing how we made an ice mountain / Guided reading with text.
Continue rhyming strings / Literacy outdoors
alphabet boxes / Counting pattern-repeating with 1&2 attributes / Ice mountain
Making boats / Role play story
Colour mixing shades of blue
Week 5
11th-15th may
Jump Frog Jump / MF & B
Respect for others, living things & the environemnt / M&H
Moving freely & with pleasure
Jumping , hopping , sliding H&SC
Making fishcakes / Listening & Attention
Which children retain fish dissection information / Making fishcakes
Following STC recipe
Lilly pad names / Sound box for first set of sounds using pond items / Counting maths outdoors
Frogs in the pond / Dissecting round & flat fish
Pond vocab / Role play pond
Drawings of fish
Week 6
18th-22nd May
Funny Bones / SC & SA
Selecting materials & resources to draw skeletons / M&H
Obstacle courses involving balancing, dressing, crawling, running / Understanding
Into science-living things
5 answering how and what questions / Hears and says initial sounds
Model riting
Body part
vocabulary / Rhyme in text continue
Continue rhyming strings / Counting time –day & night. Discuss what we do at different times of the day / Into science
Living things
Cooking a chicken explore skeleton / Role play story outside
Drawing sof skeleton
Specific Areas