Course Syllabus for Chemistry
Chemistry I Standard Syllabus 2011-2012
Rhea County High SchoolStephanie Wimberley, Instructor
405 Pierce Roade-mail address:
Evensville, TN 37332phone: 775-7821 ext. 279
Course Description
Chemistry is a course that explores the properties of matter and the changes that it undergoes. As per the standards of the state of Tennessee, the student will investigate three major topics: atomic structure, matter and energy, and interactions of matter. Students will explore chemistry through inquiry, hands-on laboratory investigations, individual studies and group activities. In addition to study of subject matter, students will also be instructed in the necessary precautions required for performing safe inquiries and laboratory activities.
Course Outline
State standards for chemistry are listed at the following website
Nine weeks 1 : Chapters 1,2,4,5,6,3
Nine weeks 2: Chapters 12,7,8,9,
Nine weeks 3: Chapters 10, 11,13
Nine weeks 4: Chapters 14,15,18,24
Student must have successfully completed: Physical Science, Algebra I
Thandi Buthelezi, Laurel Dingrando, Nicholas Hainen, Cheryl Wistrom, Dinah Zike. (2008). Chemistry: Matter and Change. Columbus, Ohio: Glencoe McGraw-Hill.
Text online
User name and password will be announced.
Replacement cost of text will be announced.
Lab Fund
- We ask that each student donate at least $5.00 toward the purchase of lab supplies. The number and variety of labs offered during this school year are determined by the amount of funds donated.
- Lab fund money is needed by the end of the second week of school.
- This money will only be spent on the chemicals and supplies that will be used by the student during laboratory activities.
Lab Safety guidelines will be described in detail on a separate safety contract.
A student who does not follow the lab safety guidelines or causes a dangerous situation may loose laboratory privileges for the particular lab or for the remainder of the semester. Loss of lab privileges will result in a ZERO grade for all remaining labs.
All makeup labs must be scheduled with Ms. Wimberley a head of time to be made up during lunch.
No makeup labs will be allowed during regular class time
Required Materials
The following materials are needed for class everyday:
- Textbook
- Calculator (one that can handle exponents and logs)
- 3 Ring Binder ( 2in works best) with 5 tabs or folders
- Paper, both notebook and graphing paper
- Writing Utensil and a Highlighter
Classroom Rules
School-Wide Rules:
1.Be in class on time with all needed materials.
2.Do not curse, use profanity, inappropriate language, or obscene gestures.
3.Follow directions.
4.Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
5.Clean up your mess.
Classroom Policies:
- Be Prepared!
- This means to bring your book, paper, writing utensil, and notebook to class EVERYDAY.
- Be Respectful.
- Show respect for yourself, your classmates and your teacher at all times
- Be Cooperative.
- Play along and follow instructions willingly.
- Be Responsible.
- It is YOUR responsibility to pay attention to and heed due dates when they are given and posted on the board.
- Food and drink will be allowed with moderation as long as it does not interfere with class work.
Classroom Management Plan:
Consequences for violation of the rules outlined in the school handbook or by the teacher will be dealt with appropriately for the situation. The following will be imposed as needed, but not necessarily in this order
- Verbal RemindersSeating Adjustments
- Modified or Alternative AssignmentsParent Contacts
- DetentionOffice Referral
Grading ScaleGrades –percentages are approximate
93-100 A40% Tests (all will be cumulative)
83-92 B10 % Quizzes (pop and planned)
75-84 C25 % labs(prepost quizzes, write-ups and post lab questions)
70-74 D5 % in class Questions of the Day (QOD’s)
69 or below F20% homework
The semester exam counts as1/7 of the semester average
Late work policy
All late work will be penalized 10% of the total worth of the assignment per day late up to 5 school days or 50% off.
- This percentage will be taken off of any assignment that is turned in late.
- If a student signs in with me at lunch for tutoring on an assignment, I will sign off ONE LATE DAY per day they get help FROM ME during LUNCH.
Make-up work will be accepted as per school board policy 6.200:
All missed class work or tests (from excused absences) may be made up provided that the student makes the request immediately upon returning to school and provided class time is not taken from other students.
Students will not be allowed to make up work missed when an absence is unexcused.
- It is the students’ responsibility to REQUEST the makeup work from their instructors.
- Students will be allowed 1.5 days per day excused absence to make up their work.
- Students who turn in makeup work past their due date may still lose late points.
For more information about grading, please refer to the grading policy information page.
Course Syllabus for Chemistry
Chemistry I Standard – Contact Information Sheet
Students and Parents,
Please fill out the information below and sign where appropriate. Students must return this page to me for a grade, but should keep the rest of the syllabus in their notebooks for future reference. I am looking forward to working with you!
Let’s have a great year!
I have read carefully, understand, and agree to follow the classroom policies, laboratory safety guidelines for Ms. Wimberley’s Chemistry class, and ALL school policies outlined in the Rhea County High School Student Handbook.
Student PRINTED Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
I have read carefully and understand the classroom policies, grading policies, the laboratory safety guidelines for Ms. Wimberley’s Chemistry class, and ALL school policies outlined in the Cleveland High School Student Handbook that my student is expected to follow.
Parent/Guardian PRINTED Name:______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Email: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone: (work) ______(cell) ______
Home Mailing Address: ______
Other Contact Information (Please provide name(s) with additional numbers or email addresses) ______
Course Syllabus for Chemistry