Cheshire East UNISON Branch Committee

Wednesday 20th March 2013 at 1.0 pm – Sandbach Library

Attendance: Phil Mason – Chair

Craig Nicholson

Mike Kurek

Nina Hammill

Sue Pullan

Jonathan Shaw

Tracey Evans

Jo Hobson

Marilyn Houston

Jim Jervis

Lesley Simons

Nicole Archer

Donna Davenport

Peter Elcock

Apologies: Olga Kokkinis, Robert Warhurst, Elaine Hitchinson, Rose Hignett,

Craig Wilshaw. Tony Caffery, Lisa Walsh

Appointed minute taker for the meeting – Jane Cooke

1.  / Minutes of previous meeting on 13 December 2012 were approved.
Proposed JH, Seconded JS.
Matters arising from the previous minutes:
2.3 Membership/Welfare: PM to invite Lorraine Rushton in Cheshire East Council Benefits to attend a future Branch Committee meeting to discuss changes to Benefits.
3. Equality: Statutory notice received from Cheshire East in relation to proposed expansion of Mobberley Primary School. RH offered to look at it and feedback.
JS to follow up with Rose Hignett.
5. Items from Stewards:
- Re-affiliations to Unite against Fascism and Palestine Solidarity Campaign were approved.
- UAF National Conference was attended by NH who would do a report. / Action
2.  / Secretariat:
Branch Secretary’s Report:
-  CN is currently on a phased return over the next 3 weeks but would not be taking on any casework.
-  Cheshire East Council has appointed Rachel Musson (ex Shropshire Council) as Interim Chief Operating Officer.
-  Senior Management Review: All senior managers would be undergoing psychometric testing.
-  Accounts had been audited and approved and sent to IMPS Manchester.
-  Postage to be reduced with more use of email, website, twitter, facebook as alternatives to posting.
-  Noted that Facilities Agreement deters the use of council email addresses.
-  MK would look at reducing the budget and bring to a future branch committee meeting but said that education/courses would not be affected.
-  Cheshire East Unison would look to move out of council buildings in the future.
-  MK put forward a proposal for UNISON Cheshire East Branch to set up a reserve account with Leek United Building Society for a higher rate of interest.
30 days notice to withdraw. Signatories would be Mike Kurek, Robert Warhurst, Craig Nicholson, Phil Mason and Tracey Evans.
Proposed by CN / Seconded TE. Agreed by all.
-  Branch Office IT expenditure: £120 for a new router was approved. Also replacement of main server at Branch Office) at a cost of £8000 + VAT to be shared between Cheshire East and West Cheshire branches. (The server can still be used should the branches decided to split the office).
Proposed by CN / Seconded JH. Agreed by all.
-  An accommodation sub-committee would look at the possibilities of remaining with West Cheshire Branch or relocating.
Committee: Craig Nicholson, Mike Kurek, Phil Mason & Sue Pullan
Jane Cooke would attend as staff representative.
-  MK reiterated that training forms must be completed to reimburse expenses.
-  JS suggested that the Recruit a Friend campaign should be extended. PM commented that this should only be once a year but other incentive schemes to be discussed at the next R&O meeting.
Clair Edwards-Steele has left Cheshire East Council and has joined Wulvern Housing. Clair is intending to continue as Welfare Officer.
Health & Safety: Report tabled from Jo Hobson.

Equality: Report tabled.

International Officer: NH had attended the recent International Seminar at Croyde Bay and would submit a report. / PM
3.  / Recruitment/Organisation:
A further Stewards’ Development Day will be arranged.
4.  / AGM 2013
1.  Honoraria payments to Cheshire East Stewards as agreed at AGM were approved. Proposed by TE/ Seconded by JJ.
2.  Craig Nicholson was approved as Labour Link Officer.
3.  Lesley Simons would send draft proposals and costs for social events. / LS
5.  / Reports Tabled for Information:
Children, Families and Adults Directorate: No report.
Places and Organisational Capacity Directorate:
• 2013-2014 £78.4M overall Places Directorate budget, facing significant cuts again this year.
• In order to achieve cost savings - consultation taking place regarding service delivery change including outsourcing option which could affect up to 1,000 employees across the Council.
• Significant number of local consultation meetings in each service area - proposal suggested by CN for 1 meeting in the north and 1 in south to briefing
• CN stressed the importance of unison members attending the Cheshire East Roadshows. Dates are currently on the Cheshire East intranet website.
• Pay Briefings - PM expressed his disappointment over the lack of member attendees at the recent pay briefings. PM would send the presentation for the website.
Schools: Report tabled.

Steve Warren (Schools HR) has produced a list of schools moving to academy status (approx 24) – list not published yet.
Corporate and Shared Services: No report. / PM
6.  / Capital Expenditure on IT Equipment for Branch Office
Covered in agenda item 2 Treasurer’s Report.
7.  / AOB
1.  Hazards Conference 2013: Nominees approved –Jo Hobson, Nina Hammill, Tracey Evans & Sue Pullan - £265 x 4 including accommodation. Proposed PM / Seconded CN. Approved.
2.  PM extended thanks to Clair Edwards-Steele for her work in the past and good wishes in her new role at Wulvern Housing.
3.  Marilyn Houston advised that she was now on redeployment list and would let us know the outcome.
4.  Lesley said that the Health & Safety sub committee would need a representative should Lesley leave Cheshire East Council.
5.  VR is targeted to specific areas.
6.  Business Secretarial Support review complete.
7.  Cheshire East UNISON Safety Reps Meeting : The next meeting will be held on 11th April in Sandbach House. PM to draft a letter to safety reps to encourage attendance.
8.  UNISON Steward Accreditation training: List to be drawn up by RW. / PM
8.  / Date of next meeting: Thursday, 18th April at 1.00 pm – East Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, Crewe / All to put in diaries

The meeting finished at 16.00