English 101/Silverman
Your Writing Profile
I would like to know something about your perception of yourself as a writer because it will aid in determining the approaches to our writing activities this quarter. It is also a good starting point for evaluating yourself as writer, a theme we will re-visit at the end of the quarter. This is a required assignment and will count toward your overall point total, but it will not receive a numerical or letter grade.
In this profile, I would like you to include a brief history of your development as a writer. How did you arrive at this juncture in your writing skills? Who were the individuals and/or classes that had a significant negative or positive impact on your writing? What are your writing goals for this quarter? Then please conjecture how you will use writing in your future.
This profile must be word-processed, 1 and ½ line spacing or double-spaced, at least one page, and is due at the start of class on Friday, October 2.
Week1 Schedule
Tuesday, September 29: Introduction to the course and classmates. Discussion on hopes and fears for the quarter. HOMEWORK: Purchase both textbooks and needed materials. Begin to work on your profile as a writer assignment.
Wednesday, September 30: Continuation of hopes and fears discussion as needed. Then we will move to a discussion of the writing process and planning for the creation of our first essay--description. HOMEWORK: Read pages 3-13 in A Writer’s Referenceand pages 31-38 in The Bedford Reader. Write two paragraphs in response as you note points that you disagree with and ideas that are new to you.
Thursday, October 1: Small group and whole class activities on description. HOMEWORK: Read pages 137-145 in The Bedford Reader and write two paragraphs in response.
Friday, October 2:Writing profiles are due today. Discussion on assigned reading from The Bedford Reader. Planning for descriptive essays. HOMEWORK: Read “Orange Crush” starting on p. 164in The Bedford Reader and answer the Questions on Meaning and Writing Strategy following the essay. Be prepared to share the main point of your descriptive essay in class on Monday. Prepare ahandwritten or word-processed full draft—750-900 words-- of the first essay—description—for Wednesday, October 7. Other assignments to be noted in the next schedule.