8thAGW-Net Steering Committee Meeting

and Workshop on SW - GW interactions

Entebbe, Uganda: 29- 31August 2017

Day 1: Tuesday 29th, August

Activity / Time / Moderator
Opening and Welcoming by the Host & Manager / 9:00-9:30 / Callist
Introducing Participants / 9:30-10:00
Tea/coffee Break / 10:00-10:30
2 parallel sessions : / 10.30– 13.30
1a. SC meeting (members only)
  1. Minutes of the last Meeting
Adoption of the minutes, Matters arising from the minutes
  1. Progress of Network activities, and workplan and budget for 2018
  2. Additional activities, funding sources
  3. Collaboration with potential partners
  • CAPNET, IWSD, Rhodes Univ., BGR, IWMI, GRIPP, RWSN, IAH/BGN, Host institution, UNESCO-Kenya GW Centre, Others
  • SW/GW programme
  • Cost effective borehole capacity building initiative
  • AGWC operationalization
  1. AOB
/ 1b. GW- SW Interaction workshop (other participants)
Important discussion sessions:
  • Determine goals of each session
  • Produce guided questions for each session as starting points for discussion
  • Issues to be covered in last session on day 2
/ 1a Daniel
1b Jane
Lunch / 13.30 – 14.30
2. Present overview of planned workshop to committee members and discussion
  • Brief adaptation of workshop plan with input from committee members
  • Identify primary knowledge gaps in characterisation of GW-SW interaction
  • Important areas in terms of SW/GW understanding
  • E.g. geomorphological zones expected to have high connectivity, sensitive ecosystems, regions with many users highly reliant on conjunctive use, large new infrastructure or developments planned that require GW input.
  • Official launch of the new programme in AGW-Net.
/ 14.30 – 15.30 / Julia Glenday
Tea/coffee Break / 15.30 – 16.00
3. Approaches to characterisation of SW/GW interaction
  • The creative use of data
  • Effective vs ineffective methods
  • Presentation by Eddie Riddell on his work in the Lowveld,
  • Presentation by Julia Glenday on her work in Baviaanskloof,
  • Presentation by Johan van Tol on the importance of the unsaturated zone.
/ 16.00-17.30 / Simon Lorentz

Day 2: Wednesday 30th, August: presentations and discussions

4. Legislation and water management practice
  • If/how SWGW interactions are taken into account
  • Augmenting potable and agro-ecology supplies from informed GW management
  • Operating rivers during low flows.
  • Presentation by Moustapha Diene on AGW-Net’s handbook on GW in river basin organisations,
  • Presentation by Jane Tanner on behalf of Karim Sami on impacts of large-scale abstraction on baseflows.
/ 8.30- 10.30 / Callist
Tea/coffee Break / 10.30 – 11.00
5. GW-SW Interaction modelling
  • Understand different modelling approaches,
  • When are simpler or more complex approaches appropriate,
  • Temporal and spatial scale issues,
  • Presentation by Simon Lorentz and Sheila Imrie on GW/SW interactions in a mining scenario
  • Presentation by Jane Tanner on GWSW interactions using a simple model in the east coast of South Africa
/ 11.00 – 13.00 / Martin
Lunch / 13.00 – 14.00
6. The way forward for GW-SW research in Africa
  • How can Africa contribute towards increasing understanding internationally?
  • What are some of the hindrances to research in this field?
  • Issues around applying for funding for SW-GW interaction research in Africa,
  • Overcoming communication issues between SW and GW hydrologists,
  • Identify knowledge gaps and potential research sites,
  • Identify linkages with other research groups,
  • Assemble teams to apply for funding.
/ 14.00- 17.00
Break tea
15.30-16.00 / Jane & Callist
Closure / 17.00 / Host & Manager

Day 3: Thursday 31st, August

Site visit09.00

  • to see headwaters of the Nile in Jinja, or
  • Lake Victoria