Page #1Step by Step Guide to Latin Verbs

Step-by-Step Guide to Latin Verbs

by (your nomen) of the class period of Latin II, on this day of , anno domini .

How to make a Latin verb

What Mood is the Verb?(See p. 496)

  1. Determine the Mood of the verb.
  2. Does it give a Command? Such verbs are ______mood.
  3. Does it state a fact or ask a question? It is ______mood.

Imperatives(See p. 73)

  1. If the verb is Imperative Mood, you must find the verb stem from the [choose one: 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th ] principal part.
  2. Drop the letters ______from the form in #2 to get the verb stem.
  3. If the verb is singular in number, the verb stemis the imperative form.
  4. If the verb is plural in number, add the letters ______to the verb stem to find the plural imperative form.

Indicative Mood

  1. If the verb is Indicative Mood, you must first determine its voice.(See p. 187)
  2. Does the subject of the sentence Do the action of the verb? This is
  3. Is the subject of the sentence Acted Upon by someone or something else? This is voice.

What Tense is the Verb? (See p. 495)

  1. Now you must determine the Tense of the verb and which system, Present or Perfect, that tense falls under. You can determine this from what helping verbs (if any) English uses with the verb, as follows:
  2. I verb, I am verbing, I do verb: ______tense.
  3. I was verbing, I used to verb, I kept on verbing: ______tense.
  4. I will verb, I am going to verb: ______tense.
  5. I have verbed, I did verb, I verbed:______tense.
  6. I had verbed:______tense.
  7. I will have verbed: ______tense.
  8. Which System is your verb? Present System verbs include these three tenses:
  9. tense
  10. tense
  11. tense
  12. Perfect Systemverbs include these three tenses:
  13. tense
  14. tense
  15. tense
  16. If the tense is Present System, you will find your present verb stem from the [choose one: 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th ] Principal Part.
  17. From this Principal Part, drop the letter(s) ______to find the present system verb stem.
  18. If the tense is Perfect System, you will find your perfect verb stem from the [choose one: 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th ] Principal Part.
  19. From this Principal Part, drop the letter(s) ______to find the perfect system verb stem.

Present System

  1. Present Tense Verbs
  2. Start with the Present System Stem (See #10 above).
  3. Add the Present Personal Ending corresponding to the person, number, and voice of your verb.
  4. Active Endings
  5. (I) = -o (-m in Imperfect or Future)
  6. (you) = -s
  7. (he/she/it) = -t
  8. (we) = -mus
  9. (you all) = -tis
  10. (they) = -nt
  11. Passive Endings(See p. 188)
  12. (I) = ______
  13. (you) = ______
  14. (he/she/it) = ______
  15. (we) = ______
  16. (you all) = ______
  17. (they) = ______
  18. You’re done with your present tense verb!
  19. Imperfect Tense Verbs(See p. 180)
  20. Start with the Present System Stem (See #10 above)..
  21. Add the Imperfect Tense Sign:______
  22. Add the Present Personal Ending corresponding to the person, number, and voice of your verb. (See endings in #12 above.)
  23. You’re done with your imperfect tense verb!
  24. Future Tense Verbs
  25. Start with the Present System Stem (See #10 above)..
  26. Add the Future Tense Sign:
  27. For 1st and 2nd conjugations:______(See p. 56)
  28. For 3rd and 4th conjugations:______(See p. 162)
  29. Add the Present Personal Ending corresponding to the person, number, and voice of your verb. (See endings in #12 above.)
  30. You’re done with your future tense verb!

Perfect System

  1. Perfect Tense Verbs
  2. Active Verbs Only: (See p. 95)
  3. Start with the Perfect Tense Stem (see #11 above).
  4. Add the Perfect Personal Ending corresponding to the person and number of your verb.
  5. (I) = ______
  6. (you) = ______
  7. (he/she/it) = ______
  8. (we) = ______
  9. (you all) = ______
  10. (they) = ______
  11. Passive Verbs Only:(See p. 227)
  12. Start with the [Choose one: 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th ] Principal Part, which is the Perfect Passive Participle or the Verbal Adjective.
  13. Make the Perfect Passive Participle agree with the subject of the verb. (If it’s plural, make it plural. If feminine, give it a feminine form, etc. It will always be nominative because it is agreeing with the Subject of the sentence. And the endings will all come from 1st and 2nd declension, like any –us –a –um adjective’s endings do.)
  14. For the Helping Verb, choose the present-tense form of the verb Sum which agrees with your verb in Person and Number:
  15. (I) = sum
  16. (you) = ______
  17. (he/she/it) = ______
  18. (we) = ______
  19. (you all) = ______
  20. (they) = ______
  21. You’re done with your Perfect Tense verb!
  22. Pluperfect Tense Verbs
  23. Active Verbs Only: (See p. 213)
  24. Start with the Perfect Tense Stem (see #11 above).
  25. Add the Pluperfect Personal Ending corresponding to the person and number of your verb. The Pluperfect Personal Endings consist of the Pluperfect Tense sign, -era-, plus the Present Personal Endings (see #12 above).
  26. (I) = eram
  27. (you) = ______
  28. (he/she/it) = ______
  29. (we) = ______
  30. (you all) = ______
  31. (they) = ______
  32. Passive Verbs Only: (See p. 227)
  33. Start with the [Choose one: 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th ] Principal Part, which is the Perfect Passive Participle or the Verbal Adjective.
  34. Make the Perfect Passive Participle agree with the subject of the verb. (If it’s plural, make it plural. If feminine, give it a feminine form, etc. It will always be nominative because it is agreeing with the Subject of the sentence. And the endings will all come from 1st and 2nd declension, like any –us –a –um adjective’s endings do.)
  35. For the Helping Verb, choose the imperfect-tense form of the verb Sum which agrees with your verb in Person and Number:
  36. (I) = eram
  37. (you) = ______
  38. (he/she/it) = ______
  39. (we) = ______
  40. (you all) = ______
  41. (they) = ______
  42. You’re done with your Pluperfect Tense verb!
  43. Future Perfect Tense Verbs
  44. Active Verbs Only: (See p. 213)
  45. Start with the Perfect Tense Stem (see #11 above).
  46. Add the Future Perfect Personal Ending corresponding to the person and number of your verb. The Future Perfect Personal Endings consist of the Future Perfect Tense sign, -eri- (1st sing –ero-), plus the Present Personal Endings (see #12 above).
  47. (I) = erō
  48. (you) = ______
  49. (he/she/it) = ______
  50. (we) = ______
  51. (you all) = ______
  52. (they) = ______
  53. Passive Verbs Only:(See p. 228)
  54. Start with the [Choose one: 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th ] Principal Part, which is the Perfect Passive Participle or the Verbal Adjective.
  55. Make the Perfect Passive Participle agree with the subject of the verb. (If it’s plural, make it plural. If feminine, give it a feminine form, etc. It will always be nominative because it is agreeing with the Subject of the sentence. And the endings will all come from 1st and 2nd declension, like any –us –a –um adjective’s endings do.)
  56. For the Helping Verb, choose the future-tense form of the verb Sum which agrees with your verb in Person and Number:
  57. (I) = erō
  58. (you) = ______
  59. (he/she/it) = ______
  60. (we) = ______
  61. (you all) = ______
  62. (they) = ______
  63. You’re done with your Future Perfect Tense verb!