Interprofessional Health Education

Longitudinal Project Guidelines


Each team of students is required to complete one longitudinal project in order to receive a passing grade in the Interprofessional Health Education course. Teams may choose a project description from the list below, or create their own project with the approval of the IPE coordinators (e-mail addresses listed on the course website). Teams must work together to complete their projects.


Projects will be graded on completeness, clarity, creativity and teamwork skills. Monthly project check-ins on the course site are required and should be submitted to the Longitudinal Project Online Check-ins Forum (Under the Longitudinal Project heading on the course website). There are 4 required check-ins, two in the Fall Quarter and two in the Winter Quarter. Here are the check-in details


Project Description and Relevance

Due on: ______

As a group, provide a minimum 350-word description of what your final project entails. In your submission include a description of purpose, the need for your project, and your target audience/relevance to society. How could your project be useful to your target audience? How could or will your project be used in a real world setting? Think specifically about which populations or communities (including specific sites like schools, clinics, hospitals, etc.) could benefit from your work. How would your work improve patient outcomes and/or interprofessional collaboration?

Provide Feedback on another project

Due on: ______

Individually, look at the forums on the course site and find another group’s project description. Provide feedback on a group project of your choosing, minimum of 100 words. You are able to view postings in any forum, but your response must be posted to your own street forum. Please list the street name of the group to which you are giving feedback in the title of your post. When viewing a project description, click on the name of the student who submitted the post in order to find their email address; please send that student an email telling them you have provided feedback on their work and give them your street name so they can locate your comments. Try to be as specific and constructive as possible, giving the group an opportunity to modify their project plan based on feedback.


●Progress Report

Due on: ______

As a group please submit a minimum 300-word update on the progress of your project. This can include whatever aspects your group deems relevant, but may involve: research completed, materials gathered, specific parts of the project that are finished or have a rough draft done. Groups should also include an update on group dynamics including how and when the group has met (online, including group emailing, or over the phone, etc.), and any challenges that have arisen. (Only one post per group is necessary).

Role and Responsibilities

Due on: ______

As a group, provide a document that describes how each person has contributed to the project and will continue to contribute to the project as it moves toward completion (one post per group). Also, provide a strategy for the dissemination of your product and/or your plan for handing off your project to your site contact.



Due on: ______

As a group, please upload a final version of your project. If your team project is not in digital form, please still submit a brief description of what was turned in as a hard copy (poster, video, etc.), including the time and date of submission. The location where hard copies may be turned in will be updated on the course website closer to the submission date.

Completed projects will be graded by the IPE Coordinators and the top 10 projects will be rewarded a letter of recognition from the Deans of each school. The last page of this document contains the grading sheet that will be used to score projects.

**A note on group logistics. Here are some things that worked for us to keep in touch – we took notes at every meeting and posted them on a shared Google Docs collection. We also scheduled meetings using (a service that helps a large group coordinate times) and a shared Google Calendar.

Project Options:

Below are some examples of projects that teams could work if they choose not to sign up for a community site. Teams are not limited to choosing one of the options below, but if your ideas differ greatly from the examples provided we ask that it be approved by IPE coordinators first. Creativity is encouraged!Project online check-ins should be uploaded to the course site at the designated times as well as the final project. Students may also choose to turn in a hard copy of their project.


●About 10 hours of work for each individual.

●Tangible evidence of what you worked on. This may be a hard copy of whatever document you create, or a detailed outline and/or materials used for a presentation. We encourage pictures or video of the session to be included. Presentation materials may include posters, PowerPoints, or other media used. We prefer to have a digital copy turned in, but if this is not applicable to your project, a hard copy is appropriate.

  1. Patient Education Pamphlet/Handout

Work as a team to create a patient pamphlet or educational handout on a health topic of your teams choosing.

Topic Suggestions (you are not limited to choosing one of these):

●Smoking Cessation

●Diabetes Lifestyle Modification

●How the patient will follow up with the 5 health professions

●Diabetic Nutrition Information

●Diabetic Oral Hygiene Care

Guidelines: The pamphlet or handout should be two pages, presented either in brochure format or double-sided flyer. It should be composed of no more than 50% images, and should include a reference section that cites at least two reputable sources (professional organizations, scholarly journals, etc.). The text must be written at or below a 6th grade reading level, and this must be documented in the references section of your work. Please include at least one link to a website that might offer more information to the patient about your particular topic. As part of your project, please submit your work to a site that might benefit from your product. In your final submission let us know where you submitted your work, and if they were able to use it!

*How to display readability statistics using Microsoft Word:
1.On Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Spelling & Grammar tab.
2.Select the Check grammar with spelling check box.
3.Select the Show readability statistics check box, and then click OK.
4.On the Standard toolbar click Spelling and Grammar.
When Microsoft Word finishes checking spelling and grammar, it displays information about the reading level of the document.
  1. Create a Presentation for Students

Your team may choose to create a presentation for elementary, middle, or high school students. You may choose a topic of health education, or present to the students about the education and various roles and responsibilities of each health professional.

Guidelines: The presentation must be 20-30 minutes in length, and your group must provide a thorough outline of the topics to be covered. Please be detailed in your outline! If you choose to play a game with the students as part of your presentation, for example, please describe the game and how it will help them grasp the concepts your team is teaching. Please provide a references list for any sources used. To receive full credit, you are required to present your materials to a class. Please provide us with any tangible materials used during your presentation (i.e. PowerPoint’s, posters, pictures, etc.). Also, please provide information about the date, time, site contact and location of your presentation.

  1. Create a Fact Sheet About Health Reform

Your team may choose to create a handout or fact sheet about a health reform topic that you think might be relevant to our patient.

Guidelines: The fact sheet must be at least 2 pages (1-page double-sided is acceptable), and may include no more than 50% images, graphs, or figures. You must use at least 3 reputable sources, which must be cited in APA formatand footnotes on the document. The text must be written at or below a 6th grade reading level, and this must be documented in the references section of your work. Please include links to websites that might offer more information to the patient about your particular topic. As part of your project, please submit your work to a site that might benefit from your product. In your final submission let us know where you submitted your work, and if they were able to use it!

  1. Record a Video on a Health Topic

Your team may choose to develop a 10-15 minute video on a health topic suitable for a health center or hospital waiting room. A slideshow video presentation is acceptable.

Guidelines: The video must be 10-15 minutes in length. Please submit your completed work to a site that might be able to use it. Consider contacting Student Health Services to see if they may have a need for particular health topics!