6th Grade Math/Science Syllabus / Ms. T. James
Math/Science ** Room 9
Description / Math 6A
- Sixth-grade students develop an understanding of the concept of a ratio and use ratio reasoning to solve a variety of real-world and mathematical problems, including those involving unit pricing and constant speed. Students extend their understanding of operations with fractions to include dividing Students extend fractions by fractions. Sixth-graders compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and their understanding decimals and find the greatest common factor and least common multiples of certain of operations with whole numbers.
- Students expand their scope of numbers to the system of rational numbers, which dividing fractions includes negative rational numbers and integers. They locate rational numbers on a by fractions number line, add and subtract negative numbers, and graph points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. Students write expressions and equations with variables and apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
- Students begin to think statistically as they summarize numerical data sets by quantitative measures of center and variability. They build upon the foundation of area to determine area and volume of more complex shapes.
- The science curriculum in sixth grade emphasizes the study of earth sciences. The standards in sixth grade present many of the foundations of geology and geophysics, including plate tectonics and earth structure, topography, and energy. The material is linked to resource management and ecology, building on what students have learned in previous grades.
- Sixth-grade science topics are organized into six standard sets: Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure, Shaping Earth’s Surface, Heat (Thermal Energy) (Physical Sciences), Energy in the Earth System, Ecology (Life Sciences), Resources, and Investigation and Experimentation. As students learn the content defined by the standards in the Life, Earth, and Physical Science strands, they are also practicing investigation and experimentation skills. That is, the investigation and experimentation standards should be infused throughout Science instruction.
Materials / Per class (one for math, one for science)
- spiral notebook or loose paper
- 3-ring binder (1” or 1.5”)
- 5-tab dividers
- pencils
- highlighters (any color)
- red pen
- colored pencils
- calculator
Procedure /
- Respect Ms. James and classmates at all times.
- Come to class on time.
- Come to class in uniform.
- Use the restroom during transition time.
- Preparedness:
- Students are expected to come to class prepared everyday with their homework, workbook, binder, and writing utensils.
- No eating, drinking, or chewing gum in class.
- No profanity in class.
- No bullying.
- No personal electronic devices; must remain off and put away.
- Use district approved websites in Computer Lab or iPad.
Procedures / Before the Bell Rings
- Quietly stand in line
- Quietly enter the classroom and sit at your desk
- Get out your supplies
- Sharpen your pencil, if necessary
- Raise hand if you would like the Ms. James’s attention
- Be productive and on task
- Remain in your seat unless told otherwise
- Use of restroom for emergency only. Ten minutes after class and/or ten minutes before the end of class.
- Please remain seated until you are dismissed by Ms. James
Absences / Excused absences require a note by the parent or guardian or a call from the Attendance office.
- death in family
- family emergency
- severe illness
- hospitalized
- going somewhere to celebrate birthdays
- getting hair done
- babysitting family
Tardy Policy / Three (3) tardies = Unsatisfactory in Work Habits.
Grading / All grades are input into LAUSD MISIS Gradebook.
All grades will be cumulative of all assignments (the average of all graded assignments).
- Class work
- Individual
- Group
- Notes
- Homework
- Computer Lab
- Assessments
- Quizzes
- Unit test
- Project
- Parent Information
Scale / 90 – 100%...... A
80 – 89%...... B
70 – 79%...... C
60 – 69%...... D
0 - 59%...... F
Homework / Homework is not a punishment, but a valuable tool to help your student succeed in math.
Your student will always receive written and oral directions for homework.
All assignments should be labeled with the student’s first and last name, date, and period
Information / Extra Credit
- Extra credit will be offered at theteacher’s discretion.
- Students should not rely on extra credit as a means for getting a highgrade in the class.
- To schedule a Parent/Conference please call the school or email to set-up a time.
- To discuss grades or request progress report (prior to each grading period), I can email your child’s report.
LAUSD: Work Habits and Cooperation
WORK HABITS / EXCELLENT / SATISFACTORY / UNSATISFACTORYEffort / Demonstrates exceptional determination in accomplishing tasks and mastering standards. / Demonstrates determination in accomplishing tasks and mastering standards. / Demonstrates little determination in accomplishing tasks and mastering standards.
Responsibility / Accepts complete responsibility for personal actions and demonstrates honesty, fairness, and integrity. / Accepts responsibility for personal actions and frequently demonstrates honesty, fairness, and integrity. / Accepts little responsibility for personal actions.
Attendance / Maintains excellent attendance record by consistently avoiding unnecessary absences or tardies. / Maintains a satisfactory attendance record by avoiding unnecessary absences or tardies. / Makes little effort to maintain a satisfactory attendance record; is frequently absent or tardy without excuses.
Evaluation / Makes explicit effort to examine work using both teacher-generated and self-generated criteria. / Makes effort to examine work using teacher-generated criteria. / Makes use only of teacher-generated criteria to examine work on an inconsistent basis.
Courtesy / Maintains courteous relations with the teacher and other students and consistently works without disturbing others. / Demonstrates courteous relations with the teacher and other students and generally works without disturbing others. / Demonstrates discourteous behavior towards the teacher and other students and consistently lacks consideration for others.
Conduct / Obeys rules, respects public and personal property and actively promotes the general welfare. / Obeys rules, respects public and personal property and supports the general welfare. / Shows disregard for rules; has little respect for public and personal property and often opposes the general welfare.
Improvement / Assumes responsibility for personal improvement and rarely needs correction. / Tries to improve and usually accepts corrections in an objective manner. / Makes little attempt to improve and shows indifference or resistance to corrections.
Class Relations / Demonstrates leadership ability to work with others in a variety of situations to set and achieve goals. / Demonstrates ability to work with others in a variety of situations to set and achieve goals. / Demonstrates little ability to work with others in a variety of situations to set and achieve goals.
(Please sign and return)
I acknowledge that I have read and received a copy of:
1)6th Grade Math/Science Syllabus
2)Computer Lab Contract
3)Science Lab Contract
I will govern myself according to these rules, procedures, andexpectations. I will assist my child/guardian in meeting these expectations.
Student Name / Period / DateParent/Guardian Name / Parent/Guardian Signature / Date
Home Phone / Cell Phone
6th Grade Syllabus / 1