2012-2014-LEA/Charter Technology Plan




Schools, school districts, and libraries that want to apply for Schools and Libraries support, commonly referred to as "E-rate," must first prepare a technology plan. Beginning with FY2011, technology plans are required only for Priority 2 services (Internal Connections and Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections). An approved technology plan sets out how information technology and telecommunications infrastructure will be used to achieve educational goals, specific curriculum reforms, or library service improvements.

A technology plan designed to improve education should cover the entire funding year (July 1 to June 30) but not more than three years. The plan must contain the following elements:

Goals and realistic strategy for using telecommunications and information technology
A professional development strategy
An assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other services needed
Ongoing evaluation process

The technology plan must be approved by a USAC-certified technology plan approver before discounted services can begin. The state is the certified technology plan approver for libraries and public schools. August, 2011.

LEA/Charter Name: / Guilford Preparatory Academy
LEA/Charter Number: / 41C
Superintendent Name: / Robin Buckrham
Superintendent Signature
Local Board Chair Name: / Regina Williams, Ph.D.
Local Board Chair Signature:
Person of Contact: / Charlotte Ward
Telephone: / 336-954-1344
Contact Email: /

Guilford Preparatory Academy
Technology Plan


Draft November 2011

Final July 2012

Table of Contents

Vision / Page #
Strategic Priorities Overview / Page #
Priority 1: Shared Services Model / Page #
Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices / Page #
Priority 3: Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks / Page #
Priority 4: Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development / Page #
Priority 5: 21st Century Leadership for Your LEA / Page #
Appendices / Page #
References / Page #

Guilford Preparatory Academy
Technology Planning Committee/MTAC

Member / Job Title/Position
Charlotte Ward / Assistant PrincipalTechnology Director
Kedrick Garland
Valerie McCain / IT Technician
Computer Applications/Technology Teacher (K-8)
Rodney Dawson
Lily Umesh / Behavior Support Specialist
Science Teacher (6-8)

Guilford Preparatory Academy Technology Plan


Vision Statement

Vision Statement

Technology transforms learning in schools when it fundamentally changes the way our stakeholders collaborate in the education of our students. We must make certain technology becomes an integral part of the learning environment that prepares students to compete locally, nationally and internationally. Technology is a continually developing method and we will continue to seek new ways to ensure it remains a significant component of Guilford Preparatory Academy’s curriculum.

Guilford Preparatory Academy Technology Plan

Strategic Priorities

2012 - 2014

Equal access to technology and 21st century opportunities are critical to ensuring the success of all Guilford Preparatory Academy students. The integration of 21st Century tools will prepare our students to be career and college ready. Core content mastery is essential but not inclusive when applying knowledge to communicate, collaborate, analyze, create, innovate, and solve problems. Guilford Preparatory Academy’s students have access to technology during regular school hours and afterschool.

Our school has focused during 2011-2012 on upgrading our wireless infrastructure to make it more robust. We have increased our hardware and online assessment tools to prepare our students for digital teaching and learning resources, including digital textbooks. Our entire staff has been involved in technology professional development and has access to teaching and learning technologies. Teachers are cross-trained to serve as teacher leaders focusing on 21st Century leadership inside and outside the classroom for grade level and middle school teams.

Strategic Priority 1: A Statewide Shared Services Model

Essential Questions for Guilford Preparatory Academy

How will we leverage collaborative purchasing to pay substantially less for technology services and platforms?

How can a Statewide Shared Services Model assist in shifting primary support from infrastructure to instructional needs?

How can a Statewide Shared Services Model enable increased infrastructure and technology efficiency and sustainability?

How can a Statewide Shared Services Model provide higher service reliability?

How can a Statewide Shared Services Model facilitatemore strategic budgeting modelsfor our LEA/Charter School?

Current Status and Moving Forward
Technology is accessible in many forms to all Guilford Preparatory Academy (GPA) students. We plan to utilize E-rate discounts to leverage collaborativepurchasing to pay less for our technology services and platforms. Our Technology Director and Computer Applications/Technology teacher will continue to meet with state specialist to assist us in transitioning from upgrading our wireless infrastructure to addressing our instructional needs for teachers. Our IT Technician is researching statewide shared services providing higher service reliability for web filtering.

We are seeking to utilize the NC Ed Cloud in the future to provide for us:

  • Equity of access to computing and storage resources;
  • Consistently high availability, reliability and performance;
  • A common infrastructure platform to support emerging data systems;
  • Sustainable and predictable operational costs that will be significantly less than current technology infrastructure expenditures.

Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 1: Shared Services Model
By participating in the shared services of NC FALCON, Guilford Preparatory Academy has familiarized our teachers and administrators with formative assessment modules and NC iCloud for future data storage. We participate in webinars and tutorials to better prepare us for the transition to online assessments, digital textbooks and universal access to personal teaching devices.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Put more technology into the hands of our K-8 students and teachers to increase individualized learning options
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Our DSW contains specifics we have planned to combine our efforts through local vendors with state provided shared services to best serve our students.
1. Statewide Shared Services Model
Suggested Goals/Targets / Year 1
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 / Year 2
July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 / Yearly Evaluation
Evaluation Method(s) / DPI Use
1.1 Upgrade wireless infrastructure
1.2 Internet
1.3 E-rate
1.4 NC Cloud Services / 1.1 New internal connections and conduit are being installed in Building #2 to connect our existing wiring and approximately 10 additional access points will be added throughout both building.
We are seeking more classroom space from our landlord; therefore, T1s may suffice connecting all three buildings.
1.2 Combine our current two internet providers and choose one vendor and join buildings with wireless access points
1.3 Use prior E-rate documentation to determine which vendors best meet our needs and offer management services.
1.4 Our IT Technician will access the internet and web filtering services we have and determine if the iCloud will be more beneficial. / 1.1 Use Needs Assessment report to determine determining factors of wireless infrastructure at new location.
School Board is planning to purchase permanent location for school.
1.2 Continue with one internet provider and discuss transition plan to new facility
1.3 Plan to use E-rate discount funding to subsidize Internal Connections necessary at new location.
1.4 Follow the recommendations of our IT Technician using our Needs Assessment Report provided from state representative. / 1.1 Robust wireless infrastructure
1.2 Access points necessary to support our school needs
1.3 E-rate FY 2013-2014 USAC Commitment Decision Letters
1.4 Services available through the NC Cloud

Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices

Essential Questions

What is universal access to personal teaching and learning devices?

Why do our teachers and students need access to personal teaching and learning devices?

How will we provide ample access to individual teaching and learning devices?

What models can be used for implementing universal access to personal teaching and learning devicesin our LEA/Charter.

Current Status and Moving Forward

Teachers integrate technology into their instruction in a variety of ways including the use of computers, videos, DVDs, CD’s, promethean boards, calculators, iClickers, and laptops and the Internet. GPA has a mobile computer lab with a total of 30 wireless laptops and planning to purchase another mobile computer lab to accommodate our K-2 students, and one teacher laptop and desktop per classroom.

A full-time instructional technology teacher is available to assist teachers in the integration of technology in the classroom to cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. GPA students use technology to collect, share, analyze, and interpret data. They also research and communicate information during project-based learning activities to increase learning in reading, writing, math, social studies and science at all grade levels while using Microsoft Office and curriculum-based programs. Fourth graders are introduced to keyboarding skills and practice with web based typing programs. Laptops and data projectors are used by teachers to share educational resources in the class room such as virtual science experiments, math problems, and virtual fieldtrips; students also use this equipment to create multimedia products.

Formative assessments are conducted using the Test Magic system and online resources such as: Study Island, Reading A-Z, Math Trailblazers,and Education City to continuously benchmark student achievement and guide teacher instruction. In addition, our TeacherEase program allows us to manage student attendance, grade book, report cards, teacher discipline, and parents have 24 hour access. It enhances teacher collaboration and improves parent communication. GPA has reestablished a media center with computers available for student and teacher use. Teachers have personal libraries in their classrooms and share resources to increase student achievement. Teachers will be allowed to check out the mobile computer lab as needed to enhance their instructional strategies. All computers and laptops have Internet access.

Teachers work collaboratively with the Instructional Technology teacher to identify objectives in their curriculum where learning would be enhanced by technology, to create lessons integrating the New NC Common Core and Essential Standards. Spanish is a core subject (not an elective) at GPA and is enhanced through computer software and websites (visual and auditory). Our teachers participate in professional development and demonstrate strategies such as: modeling, team teaching, and feedback through PLCs. Teachers participate in a PD Needs Assessment survey to acquire information about relevant staff development.

Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices
will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan...
Create a professional development plan to provide teachers and administrators with the skills and understandings needed to use data to inform instructional practice and make formative assessments a daily practice in the classroom.
Update the analysis of our technology infrastructure needed to support a 21st century curriculum and assessment system.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Seek Diagnostic Assessments using hand held technology that allow teachers to check where each child is with reading, writing and math basics throughout the year so they have a solid foundation for continued learning.
Position GPA to address the increasing international demographic among our students and develop partnerships with local Arabic groups. Promoting global awareness– especially with second languages, we will pilot Arabic as another foreign language choice for our 3-5 students in the Fall 2012.
Increase virtual learning opportunities so every child can reach his or her potential.
Put more technology into the hands of students and teachers to increase individualized learning options.
Increase the use of technology for providing professional development opportunities for teachers.
Race to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Our RttT DSW allowed funding for staff to attend professional development in reading, math, science, social studies and technology addressing the NC Common Core and Essential Standards. We had a curriculum team attend the 2011 Summer Institute and will send another team to 2012 Summer Institute.
Priority 2: Universal Access to Personal Teaching and Learning Devices
Suggested Goals/Targets / Year 1
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 / Year 2
July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 / Yearly Evaluation
Evaluation Method(s) / DPI Use
Develop a comprehensive sustainable LEA plan for universal access. / Distribute PD Needs Assessment survey and analyze feedback
Professional Development Committee Chairperson / Finalize schoolwide PD plan that addresses criteria for earning CEUs for participating in onsite trainings and workshops.
Curriculum Team and Professional Development Committee Chairperson / CEUs earned for licensure renewal
Communicate your plan to all stakeholders. / Plans will be posted on our school’s website.
Webmaster / Plans will be posted on our school’s website.
Webmaster / School Board minutes
Increase overall access to personal learning devices from 100 to 300. / Continue to research the options of becoming a 1:1 school upon completion of our wireless infrastructure upgrade.
Administration and IT Technician / Begin developing implementation plan to become a 1:1 school by 2014-2015 because we will be in our permanent location.
School Board approval / Student to computer devices ratio of 1:1 for all 3-5 students and K-2 students will have day access to desktop and older mobile devices.
Utilize Personal Learning Devices to promote student owned learning. / Train middle school students to become technology/computer troubleshooters.
ITTechnician / Offer PT summer internships for troubleshooters to upgrade software, assist with minor repairs, etc.
Principal, IT Technician / Community awareness of student owned learning.

Strategic Priority 3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks

Essential Questions

What are digital teaching and learning resources? What are digital textbooks?

Why do teachers and students need access to digital teaching and learning devices?

What are the benefits of digital textbooks?

What are open educational resources and how can they is used?

How can access to these resources be increased in our LEA?

Current Status and Moving Forward
Guilford Preparatory Academy plans to embrace North Carolina's digital online teaching and learning resource repository, NCWiseOwl, which provides free online resources for charter schools in North Carolina. The NC WiseOwl program ensures that all students have access to quality research tools, periodicals, and curriculum support materials regardless of the economic status. All of the reference sources on WiseOwl are available for student and parent use at home, as well as at school.

Alignment to Other Plans and Initiatives:
Strategic Priority 3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks
Guilford Preparatory Academy will utilize and align with the following key initiatives/plans to reach for the vision and complete the strategic priorities of our plan...
ACRERace to the Top Local and State Scopes of Work
Both ACRE and Race to the Top call for reforms of the instructional models used in the classrooms across North Carolina. Innovative reform cannot be fostered using the resources of yesteryear. To provide equal access to produce globally–competitive students, and to build affordable and sustainable educational technology practices, Guilford Preparatory Academy must shift from traditional print and paper based resources to affordable, current online resources. This will allow the transition from a paper–based assessment system to one that takes greater advantage of technology which includes formative, benchmark and summative assessments based on the new standards.
Career and College Ready, Set, Go!
Increase virtual learning opportunities and put more technology into the hands of students and teachers to increase individualized learning options.
3: Statewide Access to Digital Teaching and Learning Resources, Including Digital Textbooks
Suggested Goals/Targets / Year 1
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 / Year 2
July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 / Yearly Evaluation
Evaluation Methods(s) / DPI Use
Shift from traditional print and paper-based resources to affordable, current online resources / Purchase online resources and provide training for 3-8 teachers and teacher assistants. Use print textbooks as supplemental resources for students
Textbook Coordinator / Upload all online textbooks on our school’s website through a secure site for student and parent home use
Curriculum Team/IT Technician / Student login data
Utilize procured resources such as NC WiseOwl, and other open education resources / Attend webinars about NC WiseOwl and seek training from the state offered trainings.
Regional Technology contacts / Actively utilize NCWiseOwl and IIS on a regular basis.
Teachers and Administrators / Lesson plans submitted and onsite PD.
Provide digital content aligned specifically to Common Core and NC Essential Standards / Purchase state adopted and recommended resources for Common Core and NC Essential Standards
Curriculum Team / Update adopted resources for K-8 teachers.
Administration / Lesson plans
Ensure equity to digital teaching and learning resources from school to school in your LEA. / Wireless infrastructure upgrade
E-Rate Coordinator and IT Technician / Provide digital teaching and learning resources for all K-8 classroom teachers and students.
Administration / Student and teacher usage and login reports

Strategic Priority 4: A Statewide Model of Technology-Enabled Professional Development

Essential Questions

What skills are needed to transition to digital teaching and learning resources?

How can these skills be delivered and sustained to our LEA teachers and administrators?

How do teachers, administrators, and staff work with colleagues to guide our LEA toward more effective uses of 21st Century tools for teaching, learning, and managing instruction?