CDAA Annual Report 11

/ Annual Report
May 2014


The Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA) is proud to have served the career development community for the past 17 years and is looking forward to representing its members and all Career Development Practitioners for many years to come.

Over the past year the Board, Board Committees, Chapters, and Alberta Career Development Conference (ACDC) Planning Committee have been working diligently on your behalf to implement the association’s strategic directions (strengthening and growing the membership, engaging the membership, and positioning CDAA in the community) and to providing you with additional value for your membership dollars including significantly discounted rates on conference registration fees, professional development / training registration fees, and opportunities to connect with other programs, services, and initiatives.

The launch of the inaugural Alberta Career Development Conference; engagement of existing and new members; member recognition initiatives; strengthened relationships with strategic partners; fiscal responsibility; advocacy and promotion; and ongoing involvement with the Canadian Council for Career Development are among the many achievements of the CDAA’s dedicated volunteers and staff, on your behalf, this year.

Working on your behalf this past year have been the following CDAA Board, Committee / Chapter Volunteers, and Staff:

CDAA Board / Committees:

Dorothy Ritz – Chair

Scott Fisher – Treasurer, Registration Committee Chair, Standards and Certification Chair, ACDC Program Committee Member

Vicky Chio – Director, Membership and Chapter Development Committee Chair, ACDC Supportive Member

Tracey Campbell – Director, Marketing and Communication Committee Chair, ACDC Supportive Member

Arlayna Alcock – Director, ACDC Volunteer and Social Committee Chair, Calgary Chapter Planning Committee Member

Shirley McBride – Director, ACDC Planning Committee Chair

Freddi Dogterom – Director

Registration / Standards and Certification Committee Members:

Gurpreet Dara; Paulina Ojikutu; Nicole Stogrin; Monique Trudel; Lise Stransky

Marketing and Communication Committee Members:

Debbie Pratt; Nadya Voloshenko; Leita Blasetti; Thomas Labelle

Membership and Chapter Development Committee:

North of 60 Chapter:

Susan Huvenaars – Chapter Planning Committee Coordinator

Edmonton Chapter:

Huong Bui – Chapter Planning Committee Coordinator, ACDC Marketing and Exhibitor Fair Committee Chair

Mirela Pirvu – Chapter Planning Committee Coordinator

Miranda Vande Kuyt – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Central Alberta Chapter:

Ann Garrett – Chapter Planning Committee Coordinator

Wendy Fessler – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Calgary Chapter:

Ann Nakaska – Chapter Planning Committee Coordinator, ACDC Finance and Facility Committee Chair

Lisa Moon – Chapter Planning Committee Coordinator

Jill Nikiforuk – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Gani Dehari – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Southern Alberta Chapter:

Linda Rawbon – Chapter Planning Committee Coordinator

Judy Stolk-Ingram – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Tim Clark – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Karen MacDonald – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Karen Svreck – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Susan Schmidt – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Gail Vandebeek – Chapter Planning Committee Member

Jami Wells – Chapter Planning Committee Member

ACDC Program Committee Members:

Geoff Peruniak; Marilyn Berezowsky; Lorna Bramley

ACDC Registration Committee Members:

Shelley Perkins

ACDC Volunteer and Social Committee Members:

Patrick Cotter; Stuart Riley

ACDC Marketing and Exhibitor Fair Committee Members:

Robert Manolson; Charmin Rockwell; Theresa Bernardo

ACDC Volunteers:

Wendy Wu and “Day Of” Volunteers

CDAA Executive Director:

Paula Wischoff Yerama

CDAA Administrator:

Alice Funk

CDAA Communications Coordinator:

Carol Pylypow

Committee Reports

Strategic Direction #1: Strengthen and Grow the Association

Governance / Finance Committee Update (Dorothy / Scott)

Annual objectives included:

1. Developing a budget for the year

2. Tracking the budget throughout the year

3. Discussing new initiatives in the context of the budget

4. Reporting budget activities to the Board of Directors and to the members

*All annual objectives were met.

The leadership of the CDAA have taken actions consistent with previous years to be fiscally responsible. The use of membership funds is transparent and strategic. For example, funds had been committed to pins and mugs and the development of marketing post cards which are still being used for marketing and promotion purposes. This year, funds were allocated to the promotion of CDAA through electronic and hard copy publications which has provided increased exposure of the association to potential members.

One significant highlight was the contract allocated for an Executive Director. We are very grateful for Paula’s work this year. As Executive Director she has attended conferences and meetings provincially and nationally, at no additional expense to the association, to promote the work of the association and to work collaboratively on projects related to certification and association development. She has participated on the CCCD Steering Committee, the Certification Working Group, and the Career Challenge Working Group which allows CDAA to contribute to initiatives and projects that impact career development throughout Canada. In addition, she has handled a myriad of details and meetings with members and leaders within the CDAA. Her involvement as the Executive Director has enabled consistent leadership for the CDAA, which strengthens the position of the organization with members, government, other associations, and private industry both in Alberta, nationally, and internationally. Budgeting for and resourcing the Executive Director is essential to the growth and development of the CDAA.

Although the CDAA is seeking out other sources of income, such as promotion of information and events for other organizations or individuals, by far, the most significant form of income is through membership fees. We are pleased to report that throughout the year our membership grew as high as 292 members. Unfortunately, there has recently been a sharp decrease as organizations faced significant budget restraints that impacted their ability to renew memberships.

We recommend that processes similar to this year be maintained and that the contractors who provide administrative, communication and executive director functions continue in their current positions.

There is no membership fee increase being proposed for this year.

Effective May 13, 2014 the CDAA bank account balance is $94,944.51, an increase of approximately $20,000.00 from this time last year, with a Paypal balance to be transferred of $4,042.56.00. The bank account increase is in large part due to conference registration fees. Upcoming conference expenses will decrease the bank account balance by approximately $20,000.00.

Expenses for the 2013/2014 budget year have not exceeded revenues and the budget is on track to maintain a zero balance.

The 2012 / 2013 audit was completed in early 2014 for year ending August 31, 2013, by, with no concerns noted. is being recommended as the auditor for 2014 / 2015 and has already been approved as the auditor for 2013 / 2014. Audited financial statements are attached as well as the 2014 / 2015 budget.

Registration/ Standards and Certification Committee Update (Scott)

Annual objectives included:

1. Developing a Leave Policy for the association and its members; a draft Leave Policy has been developed and will be finalized in the coming year.

2. Taking a lead role on the national stage for professionalization and certification of Career Development Professionals; CDAA has been a key resource for other provinces that have recently established certification or are close to doing so.

3. Continued stabilization of CDAA and CCDP memberships; there was an increase in associate members followed by a recent decrease and stabilization of CCDP registrations.

The CDAA has seen continued stabilization and growth of associate and certified members over the past year. Other provincial associations are starting to experience some of the challenges experienced by CDAA including declining membership after a grandfathering phase has been implemented. Previous committee efforts, including group memberships and the employment pathway, have allowed the CDAA to be a flexible association and to provide alternative mechanisms for the membership to remain engaged and grow.

We continue to lead the way on the national front and will be working in partnership with the British Columbia Career Development Association (BCCDA) to discuss some ‘Best Practices’ that can be shared with other provincial organizations that have just recently established certification or are close to doing so.

There will be a need to further strengthen our partnership and relationship with the BCCDA related to reciprocity of credentials. The CDAA was the first association outside of Quebec to create a certification system for Career Development Professionals. Since that time the BCCDA has established a certification system and now New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have established their own provincially based certification systems. In addition, an Expression of Interest (EOI) has been issued in Ontario to set-up a certification system for that province. It is important to re-evaluate and strengthen our pre-existing agreement with the BCCDA as we can become a ‘Best Practice’ for the mobility of Career Development Professionals across Canada. It will also be important to continue to develop innovative tools in order for the CDAA to be flexible to its members in these difficult times while, at the same time, maintaining the viability of the association. A major goal of the committee in the upcoming year is the formalization of a Leave Policy for CCDPs.

The CDAA will continue to be involved nationally in discussions regarding the creation of a national certification or a harmonized certification which will serve to strengthen certification and transferability of certification across Canada. A number of options are being discussed and further information will be forthcoming.

Current membership numbers (as of May 12, 2014):

Calgary / Central / Edmonton / North / North of 60 / South / No Chapter / TOTAL
Total / 128 / 8 / 80 / 10 / 5 / 25 / 8 / 264 ↓
May 2013 / 116 / 7 / 103 / 12 / 4 / 28 / 5 / 277
Associate / 60 / 5 / 44 / 5 / 4 / 14 / 2 / 134 ↓
May 2013 / 60 / 4 / 61 / 6 / 3 / 15 / 1 / 150
Certified / 53 / 2 / 29 / 4 / 1 / 11 / 4 / 104 =
May 2013 / 50 / 3 / 31 / 4 / 1 / 11 / 4 / 104
Pre-Certified / 12 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 15 ↑
May 2013 / 5 / 0 / 6 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 11
Honorary / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 4 ↑
May 2013 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 3
Life / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 5 ↑
May 2013 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 3
Sr. Assoc. / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 ↓
May 2013 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1
Student / 0 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 ↓
May 2013 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 5

Membership numbers from previous years:

2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009
Members / 264 / 277 / 274 / 298 / 326 / 349
Certified Members / 104 / 104 / 124 / 137 / 146

Alberta Career Development Conference Planning Committee Update (Shirley)

Annual objectives included:

1. Developing and initiating an annual Alberta Career Development Conference; a dedicated and enthusiastic Alberta Career Development Conference Planning Committee was established to plan and execute the inaugural Alberta Career Development Conference: BTT and Beyond – Get Connected.

2. Developing a consultative Alberta Partnership Committee; a group of career development stakeholders has been identified.

3. Developing a processes that can be replicated for future annual Alberta Career Development Conferences; a financially viable Alberta Career Development Conference has been planned. ACDC 2014 will be critically evaluated for the initiation and planning of ACDC 2015 to be held in Edmonton.

Hard work was conducted by all members of this committee, who were strongly committed to the re-initiation of an annual Alberta Career Development Conference. Many thanks to all of the committee members, exhibitors, volunteers, and sponsors who have contributed to the success of ACDC 2014. Special thanks to Paula Wischoff Yerama, our CDAA Executive Director, who put in endless hours along with Alice Funk, Administrator, to ensure that all details were handled in a thorough and efficient manner. Many heartfelt thanks to all!

It is the goal of the CDAA to have a continuous and annual Alberta Career Development Conference to foster the professional development of all individuals within our career development and related industries.

Strategic Direction #2: Engage the Membership

Membership and Chapter Development Committee Update (Victoria)

Annual objectives included:

1. Reconnecting with chapter coordinators and establishing regular online meetings; the MCDC has been meeting online monthly and the Chair has been able to attend all Calgary Chapter Social events with the goal of attending social events in other chapters as well to connect with coordinators and members face to face.

2. Enhancing regular collaboration and communication between CDAA Chapters in Alberta through the year, for renewed chapter support and motivation; the Calgary Chapter has a regular “Chapter Notables” email that is sent to Calgary members only – to provide similar promotion and sharing for other chapters a CDAA Monthly Chapter Events email goes out to all members focused on chapter hosted events.

3. Facilitating the planning and delivery of a “Fall Multi-Chapter Event”; the Fall Multi-Chapter event in 2013 with Dr. David Blustein from Boston College was very successful – the topic was “Invigorate Your Practice – How To Use the Psychology of Work to Help Your Clients Get UNSTUCK”. We are currently reviewing speakers for a 2014 Fall Multi-Chapter event in Edmonton, Red Deer, and Calgary.

There have been various chapter events, workshops, and social events hosted that have engaged members and attracted new members. A few examples include Edmonton’s LinkedIn workshop, Calgary’s Spring Event, and social events each Fall, Winter, and Spring.