Three-level Modelling of WMO data products based on BUFR/CREX tables
Model of the WMO data product: TM 307080 – Synoptic reports from fixed land stations suitable for SYNOP data
- The model is defined as an instance of the meta-model as follows:
1.1A table that is an instance of the meta-model of the table of the tables of the tree
1.2Tables that are instances of the meta-model of the tables of the tree
The documents describing the structure and the contents of these tables and constituting the basic reference documentation of the model are given in Annexes 1 [1] and 2.
- The diagram showing the tables of the tree with their fields and their relationship is given in Annex 3.
Annex 1
Table of the tables of the tree and their relationship
name / alias / alias_2 / description / ForeignKey / indexS307080 / S1 / SYNOP / F0
S307080S301090 / S2 / IdentTimeCoord / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F1
S307080S301090S301004 / S3 / Identification / (Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates) / F1 / F2
S307080S301090S301011 / S4 / YYMMDD / (Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates) / F1 / F3
S307080S301090S301012 / S5 / HHmn / (Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates) / F1 / F4
S307080S301090S301021 / S6 / Coordinates / (Surface station identification; time, horizontal and vertical co-ordinates) / F1 / F5
S307080S302031 / S7 / PressureData / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F6
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / Pressure / (Pressure information) / F6 / F7
S307080S302035 / S9 / BasicData / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F8
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / TemperatureHumidity / (Basic synoptic “instantaneous” data) / F8 / F9
S307080S302035S302033 / S11 / Visibility / (Basic synoptic “instantaneous” data) / F8 / F10
S307080S302035S302034 / S12 / Precipitation24H / (Basic synoptic “instantaneous” data) / F8 / F11
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / CloudData / (Basic synoptic “instantaneous” data) / F8 / F12
S307080S302035R1 / S14 / IndividualCloudsByLayer_R / F8 / F13
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / IndividualClouds / (Basic synoptic “instantaneous” data) / F13 / F14
S307080S302036 / S16 / CloudsBelowStation / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F15
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / ByClouds_R / F15 / F16
S307080S302047 / S18 / CloudDrift / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F17
S307080S302047R1 / S19 / ByLevel_R / F17 / F18
S307080S302048 / S20 / DirectionElevationCloud / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F19
S307080S302037 / S21 / StateGround / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F20
S307080S302043 / S22 / PeriodData / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F21
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / PresentPastWeather / (Basic synoptic “period” data) / F21 / F22
S307080S302043R1 / S24 / SunshineDataByPeriod_R / F21 / F23
S307080S302043R1S302039 / S25 / SunshineData / (Basic synoptic “period” data) / F23 / F24
S307080S302043S302040 / S26 / Precipitation / (Basic synoptic “period” data) / F21 / F25
S307080S302043S302040R1 / S27 / ByPeriod_1R / F25 / F26
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / ExtremeTemperature / (Basic synoptic “period” data) / F21 / F27
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / WindData / (Basic synoptic “period” data) / F21 / F28
S307080S302043S302042R1 / S30 / ByPeriod_2R / F28 / F29
S307080S302044 / S31 / EvaporationData / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F30
S307080R1 / S32 / RadiationDataByPeriod / F0 / F31
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / RadiationData / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F31 / F32
S307080S302046 / S34 / TemperatureChange / (Sequence for representation of synoptic reports from a fixed land station suitable for SYNOP data) / F0 / F33
Annex 2
Structure of the tables of the tree
(a) List of elements FXY in the order of the reading of the catalogue of sequences, as fields of the tables of the tree
table / aliastable / element / FXY / name / unitS307080S301090S301004 / S3 / E001001n0 / 001001 / WMO block number / Numeric
S307080S301090S301004 / S3 / E001002n1 / 001002 / WMO station number / Numeric
S307080S301090S301004 / S3 / E001015n2 / 001015 / Station or site name / Character
S307080S301090S301004 / S3 / E002001n3 / 002001 / Type of station / Code table
S307080S301090S301011 / S4 / E004001n0 / 004001 / Year / Year
S307080S301090S301011 / S4 / E004002n1 / 004002 / Month / Month
S307080S301090S301011 / S4 / E004003n2 / 004003 / Day / Day
S307080S301090S301012 / S5 / E004004n0 / 004004 / Hour / Hour
S307080S301090S301012 / S5 / E004005n1 / 004005 / Minute / Minute
S307080S301090S301021 / S6 / E005001n0 / 005001 / Latitude (high accuracy) / Degree
S307080S301090S301021 / S6 / E006001n1 / 006001 / Longitude (high accuracy) / Degree
S307080S301090 / S2 / E007030n0 / 007030 / Height of station ground above mean sea level (see Note 3) / m
S307080S301090 / S2 / E007031n1 / 007031 / Height of barometer above mean sea level (see Note 4) / m
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / E010004n0 / 010004 / Pressure / Pa
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / E010051n1 / 010051 / Pressure reduced to mean sea level / Pa
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / E010061n2 / 010061 / 3-hour pressure change / Pa
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / E010063n3 / 010063 / Characteristic of pressure tendency / Code table
S307080S302031 / S7 / E010062n0 / 010062 / 24-hour pressure change / Pa
S307080S302031 / S7 / E007004n1 / 007004 / Pressure / Pa
S307080S302031 / S7 / E010009n2 / 010009 / Geopotential height / gpm
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / E012101n1 / 012101 / Temperature/dry-bulb temperature / °C
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / E012103n2 / 012103 / Dew-point temperature / °C
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / E013003n3 / 013003 / Relative humidity / %
S307080S302035S302033 / S11 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302035S302033 / S11 / E020001n1 / 020001 / Horizontal visibility / m
S307080S302035S302034 / S12 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302035S302034 / S12 / E013023n1 / 013023 / Total precipitation past 24 hours / kg m-2
S307080S302035 / S9 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020010n0 / 020010 / Cloud cover (total) (see Note 5) / %
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E008002n1 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020011n2 / 020011 / Cloud amount / Code table
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020013n3 / 020013 / Height of base of cloud / m
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020012n4 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020012n5 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020012n6 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / E008002n0 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / E020011n1 / 020011 / Cloud amount / Code table
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / E020012n2 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / E020013n3 / 020013 / Height of base of cloud / m
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E008002n0 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E020011n1 / 020011 / Cloud amount / Code table
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E020012n2 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E020014n3 / 020014 / Height of top of cloud / m
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E020017n4 / 020017 / Cloud top description / Code table
S307080S302047R1 / S19 / E008002n0 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302047R1 / S19 / E020054n1 / 020054 / True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving / Degree true
S307080 / S1 / E008002n0 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302048 / S20 / E005021n0 / 005021 / Bearing or azimuth / Degree true
S307080S302048 / S20 / E007021n1 / 007021 / Elevation (see Note 2) / Degree
S307080S302048 / S20 / E020012n2 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302048 / S20 / E005021n3 / 005021 / Bearing or azimuth / Degree true
S307080S302048 / S20 / E007021n4 / 007021 / Elevation (see Note 2) / Degree
S307080S302037 / S21 / E020062n0 / 020062 / State of the ground (with or without snow) / Code table
S307080S302037 / S21 / E013013n1 / 013013 / Total snow depth / m
S307080S302037 / S21 / E012113n2 / 012113 / Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours / °C
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / E020003n0 / 020003 / Present weather (see Note 1) / Code table
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / E004024n1 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / E020004n2 / 020004 / Past weather (1) (see Note 2) / Code table
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / E020005n3 / 020005 / Past weather (2) (see Note 2) / Code table
S307080S302043R1S302039 / S25 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043R1S302039 / S25 / E014031n1 / 014031 / Total sunshine / Minute
S307080S302043S302040 / S26 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302043S302040R1 / S27 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302040R1 / S27 / E013011n1 / 013011 / Total precipitation/total water equivalent / kg m-2
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E004024n1 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E004024n2 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E012111n3 / 012111 / Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified / °C
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E004024n4 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E004024n5 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E012112n6 / 012112 / Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified / °C
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E002002n1 / 002002 / Type of instrumentation for wind measurement / Flag table
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E008021n2 / 008021 / Time significance / Code table
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E004025n3 / 004025 / Time period or displacement / Minute
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E011001n4 / 011001 / Wind direction / Degree true
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E011002n5 / 011002 / Wind speed / m s-1
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E008021n6 / 008021 / Time significance / Code table
S307080S302043S302042R1 / S30 / E004025n0 / 004025 / Time period or displacement / Minute
S307080S302043S302042R1 / S30 / E011043n1 / 011043 / Maximum wind gust direction / Degree true
S307080S302043S302042R1 / S30 / E011041n2 / 011041 / Maximum wind gust speed / m s-1
S307080S302043 / S22 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302044 / S31 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302044 / S31 / E002004n1 / 002004 / Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type / Code table
S307080S302044 / S31 / E013003n2 / 013003 / Relative humidity / %
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014002n1 / 014002 / Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014004n2 / 014004 / Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014016n3 / 014016 / Net radiation, integrated over period specified / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014028n4 / 014028 / Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over peri / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014029n5 / 014029 / Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over per / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014030n6 / 014030 / Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over peri / J m-2
S307080S302046 / S34 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302046 / S34 / E004024n1 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302046 / S34 / E012049n2 / 012049 / Temperature change over specified period / °C
(b) List of tables of the tree ordered by field “table”
table / alias / element / FXY / name / unitS307080 / S1 / E008002n0 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S301090 / S2 / E007030n0 / 007030 / Height of station ground above mean sea level (see Note 3) / m
S307080S301090 / S2 / E007031n1 / 007031 / Height of barometer above mean sea level (see Note 4) / m
S307080S301090S301004 / S3 / E001001n0 / 001001 / WMO block number / Numeric
S307080S301090S301004 / S3 / E001002n1 / 001002 / WMO station number / Numeric
S307080S301090S301004 / S3 / E001015n2 / 001015 / Station or site name / Character
S307080S301090S301004 / S3 / E002001n3 / 002001 / Type of station / Code table
S307080S301090S301011 / S4 / E004001n0 / 004001 / Year / Year
S307080S301090S301011 / S4 / E004002n1 / 004002 / Month / Month
S307080S301090S301011 / S4 / E004003n2 / 004003 / Day / Day
S307080S301090S301012 / S5 / E004004n0 / 004004 / Hour / Hour
S307080S301090S301012 / S5 / E004005n1 / 004005 / Minute / Minute
S307080S301090S301021 / S6 / E005001n0 / 005001 / Latitude (high accuracy) / Degree
S307080S301090S301021 / S6 / E006001n1 / 006001 / Longitude (high accuracy) / Degree
S307080S302031 / S7 / E010062n0 / 010062 / 24-hour pressure change / Pa
S307080S302031 / S7 / E007004n1 / 007004 / Pressure / Pa
S307080S302031 / S7 / E010009n2 / 010009 / Geopotential height / gpm
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / E010004n0 / 010004 / Pressure / Pa
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / E010051n1 / 010051 / Pressure reduced to mean sea level / Pa
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / E010061n2 / 010061 / 3-hour pressure change / Pa
S307080S302031S302001 / S8 / E010063n3 / 010063 / Characteristic of pressure tendency / Code table
S307080S302035 / S9 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / E012101n1 / 012101 / Temperature/dry-bulb temperature / °C
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / E012103n2 / 012103 / Dew-point temperature / °C
S307080S302035S302032 / S10 / E013003n3 / 013003 / Relative humidity / %
S307080S302035S302033 / S11 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302035S302033 / S11 / E020001n1 / 020001 / Horizontal visibility / m
S307080S302035S302034 / S12 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302035S302034 / S12 / E013023n1 / 013023 / Total precipitation past 24 hours / kg m-2
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020010n0 / 020010 / Cloud cover (total) (see Note 5) / %
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E008002n1 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020011n2 / 020011 / Cloud amount / Code table
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020013n3 / 020013 / Height of base of cloud / m
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020012n4 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020012n5 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302035S302004 / S13 / E020012n6 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / E008002n0 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / E020011n1 / 020011 / Cloud amount / Code table
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / E020012n2 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302035R1S302005 / S15 / E020013n3 / 020013 / Height of base of cloud / m
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E008002n0 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E020011n1 / 020011 / Cloud amount / Code table
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E020012n2 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E020014n3 / 020014 / Height of top of cloud / m
S307080S302036R1 / S17 / E020017n4 / 020017 / Cloud top description / Code table
S307080S302047R1 / S19 / E008002n0 / 008002 / Vertical significance (surface observations) / Code table
S307080S302047R1 / S19 / E020054n1 / 020054 / True direction from which a phenomenon or clouds are moving / Degree true
S307080S302048 / S20 / E005021n0 / 005021 / Bearing or azimuth / Degree true
S307080S302048 / S20 / E007021n1 / 007021 / Elevation (see Note 2) / Degree
S307080S302048 / S20 / E020012n2 / 020012 / Cloud type / Code table
S307080S302048 / S20 / E005021n3 / 005021 / Bearing or azimuth / Degree true
S307080S302048 / S20 / E007021n4 / 007021 / Elevation (see Note 2) / Degree
S307080S302037 / S21 / E020062n0 / 020062 / State of the ground (with or without snow) / Code table
S307080S302037 / S21 / E013013n1 / 013013 / Total snow depth / m
S307080S302037 / S21 / E012113n2 / 012113 / Ground minimum temperature, past 12 hours / °C
S307080S302043 / S22 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / E020003n0 / 020003 / Present weather (see Note 1) / Code table
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / E004024n1 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / E020004n2 / 020004 / Past weather (1) (see Note 2) / Code table
S307080S302043S302038 / S23 / E020005n3 / 020005 / Past weather (2) (see Note 2) / Code table
S307080S302043R1S302039 / S25 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043R1S302039 / S25 / E014031n1 / 014031 / Total sunshine / Minute
S307080S302043S302040 / S26 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302043S302040R1 / S27 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302040R1 / S27 / E013011n1 / 013011 / Total precipitation/total water equivalent / kg m-2
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E004024n1 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E004024n2 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E012111n3 / 012111 / Maximum temperature, at height and over period specified / °C
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E004024n4 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E004024n5 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302043S302041 / S28 / E012112n6 / 012112 / Minimum temperature, at height and over period specified / °C
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E007032n0 / 007032 / Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platf / m
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E002002n1 / 002002 / Type of instrumentation for wind measurement / Flag table
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E008021n2 / 008021 / Time significance / Code table
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E004025n3 / 004025 / Time period or displacement / Minute
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E011001n4 / 011001 / Wind direction / Degree true
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E011002n5 / 011002 / Wind speed / m s-1
S307080S302043S302042 / S29 / E008021n6 / 008021 / Time significance / Code table
S307080S302043S302042R1 / S30 / E004025n0 / 004025 / Time period or displacement / Minute
S307080S302043S302042R1 / S30 / E011043n1 / 011043 / Maximum wind gust direction / Degree true
S307080S302043S302042R1 / S30 / E011041n2 / 011041 / Maximum wind gust speed / m s-1
S307080S302044 / S31 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302044 / S31 / E002004n1 / 002004 / Type of instrumentation for evaporation measurement or type / Code table
S307080S302044 / S31 / E013003n2 / 013003 / Relative humidity / %
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014002n1 / 014002 / Long-wave radiation, integrated over period specified / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014004n2 / 014004 / Short-wave radiation, integrated over period specified / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014016n3 / 014016 / Net radiation, integrated over period specified / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014028n4 / 014028 / Global solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over peri / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014029n5 / 014029 / Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over per / J m-2
S307080R1S302045 / S33 / E014030n6 / 014030 / Direct solar radiation (high accuracy), integrated over peri / J m-2
S307080S302046 / S34 / E004024n0 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302046 / S34 / E004024n1 / 004024 / Time period or displacement / Hour
S307080S302046 / S34 / E012049n2 / 012049 / Temperature change over specified period / °C
Annex 3
Structure of the tables of the tree and their relationship
[1] The contents of the column alias_2 of the tables in Annex 1 are derived from the column description when available and were entered manually.