Tuesday, Sept. 5th (Half-Day)-Community Builder (Snowball Questions)
Wednesday, Sept. 6th-Major and Minor Behavior Guide (Notes)
Thursday, Sept. 7th-Safe, Respectful, and Responsible (Notes), Classroom Scavenger Hunt (Notes)
Friday, Sept. 8th-Week in Review Quiz (Quiz, Formative)
Monday, Sept. 11th-Class Syllabus (Notes)
-Start Up Question: What are two strengths and two areas of improvement you have?
Tuesday, Sept. 12th-About Me Gazette (Assignment; due Wed., Sept. 13th)
-Start Up Question: What are the seven continents and which is the largest?
Wednesday, Sept. 13th-Five Themes of Geography (Guided Notes)
-Start Up Question: What is "Geography"? Why do you think it's important to study Geography?
Thursday, Sept. 14th-MR.HELP/Five Themes Hand/My Hand Really Likes Pizza (Notes), Double Bubble Map (Notes)
-Start Up Question: Describe the natural and human characteristics of Dearborn?
Friday, Sept. 15th-Week in Review Quiz and Interactive Notebook Set Up
-Start Up Question: What are two specific Locations in Dearborn? What are two specific Places in Dearborn?
Monday, Sept. 16th-New Week in Review page (Assignment: due Friday, Sept. 22nd) and Interactive Notebook Set-Up
-Start Up Question: Complete the following statement-I believe Freedom of Speech is important because...
-Assignment: For 1st and 2nd Core-Human Environment Interaction Double Bubble Map. For 3rd and 4th Core-Place and Location Double Bubble Map
Tuesday, Sept. 19th-Five Themes of Geography Foldable (Assignment for 1st and 2nd Core: due Wed., Sept. 20th)
-Start Up Question: Should everyone have the right to carry weapons for self-defense? Why?
Wednesday, Sept. 20th-1st and 2nd Core:Region Research (Notes) and Design a City Project. 3rd and 4th Core: Five Themes Foldable (INB pg. 7) and Design a City Project(Design a City Project is a summative project due on Monday, Sept. 25th)
-Start Up Question: Is the Death Penalty cruel and unusual punishment? Why?
Thursday, Sept. 21st-Five Themes of Geography Test(Summative Grade)
-Start Up Question: How did you study for today's Five Themes test?
Friday, Sept. 22nd-Lat and Long Guided Notes (Notes)
-Start Up Question: What are two rights all students should have in our classroom? Why?
Monday, Sept. 25th-Lat and Long Guided Notes and Latitude Practice (pages 8 and 9 in your INB)
-Start Up Question: What is Latitude? What is Longitude? Why do we use them?
Tuesday, Sept. 26th-Lat and Long Group Essay (will be page 10 in INB)
-Start Up Question: What is a picture that represents Latitude? What is a picture that represents Longitude?
Wednesday, Sept. 27th-Lat and Long Review(Latitude and Longitude Quiz tomorrow)
-Start Up Question: What are two differences between Latitude and Longitude?
Thursday, Sept. 28th-Lat and Long Quiz; Vocab Week 1-4 (Formative Assignment)
-Start Up Question: When might you use Latitude and Longitude in real life?
Friday, Sept.29th-NWEA
-No Start Up Question