Imperial FFA

Chapter Officer


Imperial FFA Officer Application

Application Instructions and Process

  1. Complete this form. The form will be used by a selection committee to score the applicant.
  1. The student and parent(s) must initial and sign the officer contract, which explains the duties of each office.
  1. Participate in the interview process (must interview to be considered for office)
  2. Candidates will draw for interview order
  3. Candidate must be in official dress (no exceptions)
  1. A written test covering FFA knowledge will be taken. This test will not be take-home or open book.

Officer Duties and Expectations

  1. Duties of each specific office are outlined below. Each officer is expected to fulfill the duties of the office to which they are elected.
  1. All officers are expected to attend the Chapter Officer Leadership Training (COLT) in Aurora at the end of May.
  1. All officers are expected to be present at each officer and chapter meeting. Failure to attend meetings gives grounds for removal from office.
  1. All officers must be enrolled in an Agricultural Education class both semesters during the year they hold office. If an officer is unable to meet this requirement, arrangements need to be made with the Advisor(s) about handling the problem.
  1. Other duties may be assigned as needed by the advisors.

Imperial FFA Officer Duties


Give officers an agenda for each meeting one week in advance

In charge of all meetings

Serve as a leadership example to all members

Official Chapter Spokesman

Vice President

Coordinator of all committees

Chairman of POA


Maintain Secretary’s Book / Record Minutes

Type Agenda for each meeting

Take attendance and meetings and roll on activities/trips


Collect dues and write receipts

Finance Chairman (Organize fundraiser)

Maintain Treasurer’s Book / Provide Treasurers Report


Write News Releases

Develop Chapter Newsletter each month of the school year

Take pictures and in charge of camera

Write invitations and thank you letters


Organize meeting room

Set up paraphernalia

In charge of cleaning up meeting room after meeting


Official Invocation Presenter


Assist with parliamentary procedure at all FFA meetings

Help sentinel set up the meeting room for meetings


Take pictures and in charge of camera

Develop a Chapter Scrapbook

Chamber of Commerce Representative

Attend monthly chamber meeting

Inform chamber of chapter activities

Organize members when chapter is working with chamber on activities


Supervise chapter activities

Encourage FFA involvement among all members

Build school and community support

Imperial FFA Officer Application

Name Grade in School

RANK YOUR PREFERRED OFFICE FROM 1-8: (1 is the office you most prefer; 8 is the office you least prefer)

President / Vice-President / Secretary / Treasurer
Sentinel / Reporter / Parliamentarian / Historian

Why did you choose your number one office?

List the reasons why you want to be a Chapter officer?

What other activities are you planning on being involved with next year other than FFA / Ag?

Imperial FFA Officer Application

What leadership qualities do you feel you can bring to the chapter and officer team?

What improvements could be made in the Chapter and how should it/they be done?

List three goals you would like to see the Imperial FFA achieve the coming year.




Imperial FFA Officer Application

Place a ‘Check” for each item you have participated in this past year:

FFA Activities you Participated (or worked) in

___Banquet Set-up

___Banquet takedown



___High Point

___Mud Volleyball


___County Fair Help

___Movie Theatre # times ___

___Summer Lou Haw

___Pasture Golf

___Coop Banquet set-up and takedown

___National Convention

___Proficiency Application

___ Denver Stock Show

___FFA Week – Breakfast

___FFA Week – Chicken Bingo

___FFA Week – Chapter Tees

___FFA Week – Official Dress

___MFE / ALD – Kearney

___Coop Expo set-up and takedown


___Mini Peak

___State Convention

___Senior Officer Interviews

___Junior Officer Interviews

___Member of the Month

Chapter FFA Meetings You Attended


___June – Summer










FFA teams you have been a part of

District (D) State (S) Nationals (N)

____Range Judging

____Livestock Judging

____Parliamentary Procedure

____ Sr. Public Speaking

____ Jr. Public Speaking

____ Extemporaneous Speaking

____ Coop Speaking

____ Natural Resources Speaking

____ Interview Skills

____ Creed

____Ag Demonstration

____Ag Communications

____Landscape and Nursery


____Food Science


____Ag Sales



____Livestock Management


____Ag Mechanics

____Natural Resources

____Marketing Plan

____Farm Management

SAE Projects at County Fair










Other Activities not listed above


Imperial FFA Officer Agreement

To qualify for an FFA office, you and a parent/guardian must read and agree to each of the following statements. Read each statement, and initial each to indicate your agreement. If you have a particular objection to one of the statements below, you may still qualify for an office by attaching a typewritten statement describing why you disagree with the statement.



______I understand that a limited number of students may serve the chapter as an officer, and that this application is just the first step in the selection process. The process will include interviews, which are scheduled for the date and time mentioned at the top of the first page of this application. I understand that I will be required to attend this interview to be considered for an office.

______I understand the responsibilities of an FFA officer in general, and the responsibilities associated with the particular office(s) for which I am running. I will serve as an officer to the best of my ability.

______The FFA organization has high standards. I realize that it is a privilege, not a right, to serve as a chapter officer. I understand that behavior that is not consistent with that of a responsible officer may result in my being removed from office in accordance with the FFA constitution.

______I meet one of the two following requirements: 1) I own an official FFA jacket and official dress, which includes a clean white dress shirt, an FFA tie or scarf (or a solid black or blue tie or scarf), black dress pants or skirt, black socks, and black dress shoes. Or 2) I agree to obtain these items (jacket and official dress) if elected to an office.

______I agree to attend all chapter meetings and officer meetings; I understand that missing or showing up late to more than two officer meetings, chapter meetings, or other events for which officer attendance is mandatory, without a prior excuse that has been cleared by the advisor, will result in points earned towards removal from office. Officer Point System is outlined in the following pages.

______I agree that FFA members that hold an office should be held to a higher standard than other members. Therefore, if at any time during my term I am declared ineligible to participate in activities by Chase County School Administration due to a good conduct violation, or any other reason, I will permanently step down from my office.

______I agree to memorize my part in the opening ceremonies, regardless of what office I am elected to, by the beginning of C.O.L.T. and continue to have it memorized the remainder of the school year.

______I agree to participate in all chapter officer training and planning sessions following my election. (This may include an overnight retreat) Officers may be expected to contribute up to $50 toward expenses.

By signing below, we certify that:

  1. The information on this application is true and accurate
  2. The student has parental permission to serve as a chapter officer if elected.
  3. We fully realize the additional time and work required by officers if they are to fulfill their responsibilities and duties properly.
  4. We will cooperate with the FFA member in any way possible to help them do the best job they are capable of doing as an officer.
  5. We have read and agreed to each of the above statements.


studentdate parent/guardiandate

Imperial FFA Officer Removal Policy for 2012-2013

Being an officer is an honor and definitely has its privileges. There are certain expectations to be met. Below is the policy and point system for the officer team. The point system carries over from time to installment as an officer to retirement at the FFA banquet the following year.




Tardy for an officer meeting

Tardy for an FFA meeting

Tardy for a mandatory FFA function


Missing an officer meeting

Missing a mandatory FFA function


Missing an FFA meeting without a legitimate excuse given within prior notice


Not fulfilling officer duties each occurrence


Violations of the FFA Code of Ethics will also be taken into consideration and assigned point values based upon individual cases.

*Excused tardies and absences will not result in point deductions. Excused absences are those authorized by the advisor prior to the event OR emergency situations such as illness or family tragedy.