Supplemental Materials
Structural imaging analysis
The structural data included in this study has been published previously as part of a larger study of white and gray matter structures in antipsychotic and mood-stabilizer-naïve individuals with BD II/NOS (1). T1-weighted images were analyzed using the analysis pipeline FSL_VBM (Douaud et al., 2007). This includes: (i) segmentation of individual images into grey and white matter tissues and cerebrospinal fluid; (ii) affine registration to the GM ICBM-152 template; (iii) averaging of the images to form a study-specific template and; (iv) non-linear registration of individual participant images to the study-specific template (during which each voxel is divided by the Jacobian of the warp field in order to compensate for any expansion/contraction). All images were then smoothed using a 3mm Gaussian kernel (~7mm full width half maximum; FWHM), prior to extraction of individual participant gray matter volumes within the anatomically defined putamen ROI (see main manuscript for further details on ROI analyses).
1. Yip SW, Chandler RA, Rogers RD, Mackay CM, Goodwin, GM (2013): White matter alterations in antipsychotic- and mood stabilizer-naive individuals with bipolar II/NOS disorder. Neuroimage Clin 3: 271-278.
Supplemental Table 1 – Findings from whole-brain ANOVAs (pFWE<.05; k>50) exploring the effects of reward valence (wins/losses), reward magnitude ($0/$1/$5) and group (HC/BD) on neural activations during monetary incentive delay (MID) task performance
BA / x / y / z / k (voxels) / FA1 Phase – main effect of reward valence (win/loss)
R lingual gyrus / cuneus / primary visual cortex / secondary visual cortex / 17, 18 / 15 / -85 / 1 / 116 / 85.06
A1 Phase – main effect of reward magnitude ($5 vs. $1)
Lentiform nucleus / IFG / caudate / putamen / thalamus / insula / midbrain / 13, 47 / 12 / 8 / 7 / 1719 / 90.28
Cingulate gyrus / medial frontal gyrus / SMA / precentral gyrus / cingulum / superior frontal gyrus / postcentral gyrus / anterior cingulate / primary motor cortex / middle frontal gyrus / 4, 6, 24, 32 / 6 / 2 / 55 / 1329 / 73.94
Cuneus / precuneus / middle occipital gyrus / primary visual cortex / secondary visual cortex / somatosensory association cortex / / 7, 17, 18 / -6 / -76 / 1 / 1251 / 48.72
Precuneus / 15 / -70 / 43 / 120 / 45.12
Middle frontal gyrus / SMA / precentral gyrus / 6 / 27 / -7 / 52 / 197 / 37.32
Anterior cerebellum / posterior cerebellum / -27 / -64 / -20 / 185 / 37.02
Outcome phase – main effect of reward magnitude ($0 vs. $1/$5)*
Anterior cingulate / 32 / 6 / 41 / 13 / 101 / 45.46
*As non-winning and non-losing outcomes were excluded from these analyses, $1 and $5 trials were combined to allow for sufficient power
IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; SMA = supplementary motor area
Supplemental Figure 1 – Schematic showing monetary incentive delay (MID) task design