North Stonington Education Foundation presents…
A North Stonington Bicentennial Event
Runners In Support of Education…and walkers too!
A 4 Mile Road Race, 2 Mile Fitness Walk & Children Fun Runs
WHEN: Saturday, May 26, 2007 Rain or shine!
9:45 a.m. 2 mile Fitness Walk Children Fun Runs: Ages 3-5 yrs 100 yd run
10:00 a.m. 4 mile Run 6-7 yrs 1/4 mile run
11:00 a.m. Children Races 8-9 yrs 1/2 mile run
11:30 a.m. Awards 10-12 yrs 1 mile run
Registration and race packet pick up will be held at the North Stonington Grange from 8:30-9:45 a.m.
WHERE: Start and Finish at North Stonington Grange Fairgrounds, Wyassup Road North Stonington, CT.
Directions: From Norwich: Rt.2 East, follow Rt.2 passing Foxwoods Resort Casino, Rt. 201 & Holly Green Plaza. At the next traffic light (see Mobil Station) turn left onto Main St. *At the end of Main St., turn left onto Wyassup Rd. The Grange is @ 1/2 mile on left.
From New London: I-95 northbound to Exit 92, turn left onto Rt.2. Stay on Rt.2 (follow Mashantucket/Foxwoods signs around Rt. 184 rotary), at second light (see Mobil Station) turn right onto Main St. Follow directions from * to Grange. Map available on
ENTRY FEE:Pre-registered and received by 5/21/07 /- Runners & Walkers [13 and older]: $15 (includes after race picnic); after 5/21/07: $20
- Children [6 to 13]: $5 (includes after race picnic); after 5/21/07: $7
- Children [under 6]: Free. Additional Food Tickets 6 years & up (non-participants): $5
—a non-profit organization that supports public education in North Stonington, CT.
- After Race Picnic – Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, home baked goodies, soda & bottled water.
- Free T-Shirt to all pre-registered runners and walkers ages 3 & up, while they last on the day of registration.
- Awards to overall top three finishers and in each category (no double dipping). Walker prizes presented on raffle basis.
- Ribbon for all children fun runs participants.
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REGISTRATION FORM: You must complete entire registration form. Please print in block letters.
Runners Categories: Number ofAdded Food
Tickets: ______
Please circle your division:
Junior 13 –19 years
Open 20-29 years
SubMaster 30-39 years
Master 40-49 years
GrandMaster 50-59 years
Veteran 60-69 years
Senior 70 & up
City______State____ Zip______
Phone ( )______Birthdate ___/___/_____
Sex: M F Age as of May 26, 2007: ______
T-shirt Size (adults) S M L XL XXL
T-shirt Size (youth) S M L
I will participate as a (13 & up) RUNNER or WALKER
I will participate in the Children Fun Run
I agree to assume all responsibility for all risk of damage or injury that may occur to me as a participant in this event. As a condition of the acceptance of my entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release North Stonington Education Foundation, the organizing committee, the town of North Stonington, the North Stonington Grange, the sponsors and their representatives and employees for any injuries suffered by me while competing in or traveling to or from the event described in this entry application. I certify that I have properly trained for and, to the best of my knowledge, am physically fit for this run/walk.
Signature of participant required Date Parent or guardian’s signature if applicant under 18
Mail registration form with payment (checks payable to NSEF) to: NSEF 297 Norwich Westerly Road, North Stonington, CT 06359 For more information, please call Bob Lohmann, Race Director: 860-889-5543