SSP 50254 Annex BX - Element

Issue 1, Rev 0

Operations Nomenclature Template

for ESA ISS Elements

ESA Specific

Operations Nomenclature



Issue 1, Rev 0

August 2002

SSP 50254 Annex BX - Element

Issue 1, Rev 0

ESA Specific Operations Nomenclature


This document defines the ESA-specific operations nomenclature for the Element.

It is controlled by the ODFCB and all changes to the document are approved by the members of the ODFCB and signed by the ESA and ISS ODFCB chairpersons.

Prepared by:

Name, Book Manager
Element OpNom Provider Organization

Approved by:

Mikael Wolff, ESA ODFCB Chairperson
Member of the ISS ODFCB

Approved by:

Bob Chesson Dieter Andresen
ESA OCB Chairpersons
Richard Snyder
ISS ODFCB Chairperson


This document is the ESA Annex BX part of to the ISS Operations Nomenclature (OpNom, SSP 50254). It defines the ESA specific portion of the ISS OpNom for the Element (ELEM).

In the further context herein this Annex B1document is referred to as “ELEM OpNom”, the governing ISS Operations Nomenclature SSP 50254 as “ISS OpNom”.


This second draft is intended for review and will be formally published after implementation of the review comments.

Formal versions will be maintained in accordance with approved change requests.

Draft 1
Draft 2
Rev A / Initial Draft for internal review
Review Version
RIDs from the initial ESA ODFCB review implemented / Oct. 01
March 02
August 02


This ESA Annex BX to the ISS Operations Nomenclature (SSP 50254) defines the specific operations nomenclature for Element (ELEM), which comprises insert a brief definition of the Element, eventual with major constituents

The preface introduces the general scenario for the ESA Specific Operational Nomenclature (OpNom) and the planned ESA approach towards its development and control.

Scope of the ESA Specific Operations Nomenclature

The ISS OpNom (SSP 50254) defines the nomenclature in the ISS Operations Data File (ODF) products, which are procedures, displays and reference data that are used in orbit and on ground for on-orbit operations of the ISS. The ESA Annex B to the ISS OpNom contains the specific nomenclature for the ESA provided ISS Programme Elements.

In the table below, the white rows define the elements, for which the specific OpNom is defined and formally controlled by the ODFCB in the ESA Annexes B of the OpNom.
The "grayed" ESA elements are out of this scope. Inputs are provided, but the formal control is not ESA responsibility. This scope of the ESA specific OpNom corresponds with the scope of the provision and control of ESA Operations Data File (ODF) products.

ESA/ISS Elements / Scope of ESA OpNom
Columbus Laboratory with External P/L Facility (COL) / Specific OpNom is covered in dedicated ESA Annex B volumes to the ISS OpNom.
This Annex B1 covers the COL OpNom
ESA Payloads (P/L) in COL or in/on other ISS elements
Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) / ATV OpNom inputs will be provided to RSA.
ESA Contributions to ISS Partners: Cupola, ERA, DMS-R, LSE / Initial OpNom inputs are provided at delivery. Follow-on definitions are responsibility of the receiving Partner.
ESA Payloads in ETOVs / ESA specific nomenclature will be provided in accordance with related ETOV ICDs and standards.

For each of the in scope ESA elements, the specific OpNom covers not only the operations of the ESA element itself, but also interface operations, as shown in the figure below.

The OpNom for Interface Ops is used on both the User and the Provider side. In order to have identical OpNom it is provided by the User and imported by the Provider.

The ODF products must be developed by the Provider, compatible with his support systems and execution tools. The User provides inputs in form of generic procedures, displays and reference data.

Development Concept for the ESA Specific OpNom

The definition of ESA specific OpNom is assigned bottom-up to the providers and/or operators of the individual ESA Elements, which are also responsible for the development of the related ODF operations products.

Each ESA Element has a dedicated ESA Annex B part with the same basic structure as the ISS OpNom:

  • It covers both OpNom categories:

 MDB OpNom that is included in mission data base systems on ground and on-orbit, and which is utilized by the data handling systems during automatic or remote controlled operations on-board and from ground. This type of OpNom includes telemetry and commands, automated procedures, messages, file names, names of operations products, etc.

 Other OpNom that is not included in mission data base systems. This OpNom is used on labels, on hardware units and control panels, in manual procedures, in the work area of displays, and in the context of related operational reference documentation and data.

  • The following Payload specific definitions are mandatory:

 Full Names and specific abbreviations and acronyms,

 Units of measurement.

 Installed and stowed equipment

  • Other Payload specific definitions are optional:

 Location codes, coordinate systems

 Definition of specific guidelines for the composition of the constituents to full OpNom’s in operations products.

 Definition of a set of representative examples for each type of OpNom as used in the operations products. These examples shall demonstrate, that the OpNom in the operations products can be expected correct, unambiguous and unique.

The full set of specific OpNom is implemented in the developed operations products only. The OpNom provider – at his discretion – can decide to establish complete OpNom lists in order to enhance the correct implementation in his operations products.

This document is based on an ESA furnished generic Annex B part template (blank book), which provides the outline and generic definitions, data formats and examples.

Template Guidelines:

The template includes generic names, guidelines, and empty tables, which shall be handled in the actual Annex B parts as follows:

Xreplace by the ESA-assigned Annex B part number

Elementreplace by the full name of the Element

ELEM:replace by the Element Acronym

Content/format guidelines or examples replace by actual content

The predefined section structure should be retained. Sections without Element specific OpNom
should state "No ELEM specific OpNom".

With this template each Element specific OpNom can be developed by using:

 the ISS OpNom in the main volume of SSP 50254,

 the ICD and the OpNom of interfacing Elements for which service operations are provided,

 the operations data of the Element itself.

This distributed development is considered the most effective method.

 It allocates the OpNom development and its use during the development of the operations products in one hand, which is the best precondition for completeness and compliance with the operations products.

 It allows a highly independent and effective parallel development of the OpNom for the different ESA Elements

 It supports the early start of the OpNom definition, which enhances the desirable correspondence of the OpNom with the engineering nomenclature.

Control Concept for ESA Specific OpNom

The ESA specific OpNom is part of the overall ISS OpNom, which is controlled by the ISS ODF Control Board (ODFCB). The ESA ODFCB – the ESA ODFCB chairperson is member of the ISS ODFCB - controls the OpNom for all ESA Elements, which are contributed by different ESA or National European Organizations.

  • ESA plans to manage and control the individual Annex B parts as separate documents, without upward integration into a higher level Annex B document for all ESA Elements.
  • The Element provider completes his Annex B part and delivers it to the contractually higher level ESA Element organization and to the ESA ODFCB. The ESA ODFCB forwards it to the ISS ODFCB. The receiving parties review the Annex B part. They initiate and control necessary corrections.
  • The OpNom of interfacing ISS or ESA elements is defined and controlled in related ICDs.

The ESA plan, to manage, maintain and control the individual Annex B part documents separately, facilitates also an easy adaptation to mission/increment needs. The collective of the involved ESA Annex B parts constitutes the ESA specific OpNom for the mission/increment.

Table of Content




1.2Scope of Columbus Specific Operations Nomenclature......

1.2.1Scope of Element OpNom......

1.2.2Interface Operations OpNom......

1.3Document Structure


2.1Applicable Documents......

2.2Reference Documents......

3Basic nomenclature format and guidelines

3.1nomenclature format Guidelines......

3.2Capitalization Guidelines......

3.3location coding......

3.3.1Element Specific Location Coding......

3.4coordinate systems......


3.6Ground control positions......


4Units of measurement......

4.1International System of Units......

4.2Miscellaneous Units......

5UTilization for Element control and monitoring......

5.1Data Base Operations Nomenclature......

5.1.1Constraints and Assumptions......

5.1.2Definition of OpNom in the ELEM Mission Data Base......

5.1.3Implementation of DB OpNom in ODF Products......

5.1.4On-Board Processing of the DB OpNom......

5.2Other OpNom

5.2.1Manual Crew Procedures......

5.2.2Automated Crew Procedures (ACP)......

5.2.3Monitoring and Control Displays (MCD)......

5.2.4Local Controls and Interface Panels......

5.2.5Equipment and IMS Labels......

6Element ODF Naming Registration......

6.1Introduction to naming registration......

6.2Symbols guidelines......

7Element System messages......

8Element Hierarchy......

9Installed and Stowed Hardware Nomenclature......

9.1Structure Nomenclature......

9.2Thermal Control System (TCS) Nomenclature......

9.3Environmental. Control and Life Support (ECLSS) Nomenclature......

9.4Electrical Power System (EPS) Nomenclature......

9.5Data Management SUBSystem (DMS) Nomenclature......

9.6Communication System (COMMS) Nomenclature......

9.7Control and Interface Panels......

9.8Installed Supplied Items Nomenclature......

9.9On Orbit Stowed Items Nomenclature......

9.10Tools Nomenclature......



Figure 3 1: Element Coordinate System(s)



Table 1 1: Interface Operations OpNom used/provided by Element

Table 1 2: Structure of the Element OpNom......

Table 2 1: Applicable Documents......

Table 2 2: Reference Documents......

Table 3 1: Element Location Codes......

Table 3 2: Element Ground Control Center Positions......

Table 4 1: Element SI Units

Table 4 2: Element Miscellaneous Units

Table 5 1: Element Data Base Reserved Words

Table 5 2: Element Reserved Delimiters and Operators

Table 5 3: Element DB OpNom Examples......

Table 9 1: Installed Structure Nomenclature......

Table 9 2: Installed TCS Nomenclature......

Table 9 3: Installed ECLSS Nomenclature......

Table 9 4: Installed EPS Nomenclature......

Table 9 5: Installed DMSS Nomenclature......

Table 9 6: Installed COMMS Nomenclature......

Table 9 7: Installed SUP Nomenclature......

Table 9 8: Installed Supplied Items Nomenclature......

Table 9 9: On Orbit Stowed Items Nomenclature (TBC)......

Table 9 10: Tools (Set) Nomenclature......

Page 1

SSP 50254 Annex BX - Element

Issue 1, Rev 0

1 Introduction

This document is the ESA Annex BX part of to the ISS Operations Nomenclature (OpNom, SSP 50254). It defines the ESA specific portion of the ISS OpNom for the Element (ELEM), which comprises insert a brief definition of the Element, eventual with major constituents.

In the further context herein this Annex B document is referred to as “ELEM OpNom”, the governing ISS Operations Nomenclature SSP 50254 as “ISS OpNom”.

It contains:

  • ESA-specific methods for denoting all Element provided hardware and software and associated data referenced by operations products that are used by the ISS operations community. These operations products include commands, procedures, displays, planning products, reference information, system handbooks, system briefs, mission rules, schematics, training products, and the nomenclature on control panels and onboard equipment.
  • The nomenclature does not specify methods for referencing organizations, reviews, etc. which are not related to the actual operations of Element.

Lists with examples for each Element specific OpNom type are included to an extent which demonstrates that the OpNom constituents and their composition are in accordance with the general guidelines in the ISS OpNom and the related specifics in this Annex BX part, and result in unique and unambiguous OpNom for Element.

These lists are used by ESA for control and coordination with the OpNom of other ESA Programme Elements, and with the ISS ODFCB.

The correctness of the complete and actually implemented OpNom will be verified during the validation of the actual ODF operations products.

1.1 Authority

This Element Annex BX version was prepared for ESA by insert provider organization.

It will be configuration managed by the ESA ODFCB, which – in the frame of the ESA ODFCB Charter - is responsible for overseeing the preparation, maintenance, control, and for coordination with the ISS ODFCB.

The Chairperson of the ESA ODFCB approves and signs this document and all changes to it after approval by the ESA ODFCB members, the ESA MSM Engineering Board, and the ISS ODFCB.

If there are comments or questions to this document, please contact the above Author organization, or:

Gerd Hajen Astrium-IOTESA ODFCB Co-Chairman:

For the latest version of this document, please consult the document list on the ESA ODF homepage:

(user id: esaeo, password: issops)

1.2 Scope of Columbus Specific Operations Nomenclature

1.2.1 Scope of Element OpNom

This OpNom Annex BX for Element applies to all agencies and individuals participating in, or contributing to, Element mission operations. Mission operations include ground checkout, training and simulations as well as real-time flight operations activities.

It applies to all operations documentation (paper or electronic media) and all operations products used in orbit and on ground that make reference to Element flight systems, equipment or activities. It is complementary to the applicable ISS Operations Nomenclature SSP 50254.

It covers two OpNom categories:

  • Electronic data base (DB) OpNom that is applied for remote control/monitoring and is defined in the Element mission DB. This DB OpNom includes the telemetry and commands, automated procedures, messages, filenames, etc.
  • Other OpNom that is not defined in the Element DB. This category includes the OpNom for installed hardware, nomenclature in the work area of ground/onboard displays, equipment labels, inventory, schematics, etc. This OpNom is used in manual procedures and related reference information. It defines:

 ESA specific Element OpNom constituents, including units of measurements, abbreviations, acronyms, location codes, etc.

 any dedicated guidelines for the composition of the specific Element OpNom, which deviate from the guidelines defined in the applicable generic portion of the ISS Operations Nomenclature SSP 50254.

 Lists with examples for each Element specific OpNom type are included to an extent, which demonstrates, that the OpNom constituents and their composition are in accordance with the general guidelines in the ISS OpNom and the related specifics in this Annex BX part, and result in unique and unambiguous OpNom for Element.

1.2.2 Interface Operations OpNom

Table 1 1 below shows the service operations interfaces with higher level ISS-elements (services used by Element) and the lower level ISS-elements (services provided by Element). It identifies also the ICDs, in which the related interfaces are defined.

Interfacing Element / Interface Ops / OpNom Reference / ICD Reference
TBD / used or / TBD / TBD

Table 1 1: Interface Operations OpNom used/provided by Element

1.3 Document Structure

The structure of this Annex is adapted to the outlines of the ISS OpNom SSP 50254 and the US Annex E. It provides Element specific OpNom as shown in Table 1 2, with reference to the ISS- and US-Specific OpNom sections.

Section / Content / ISS / US OpNom Ref.
Section 3 / Basic Nomenclature Format and Guidelines / ISS OpNom section 3
Section 4 / Units of Measurement / ISS OpNom section 4
Section 5 / Use for Element Monitoring and Control / ISS OpNom section 5
Section 6 / ODF Naming Registration / ISS OpNom section 6
Section 7 / Caution and Warning Messages / ISS OpNom section 7
Section 8 / Element Hierarchy / ISS OpNom section 10
Section 9 / Installed and Stowed Hardware Nomenclature / US Annex E section 4

Table 1 2: Structure of the Element OpNom

2 documents

2.1 Applicable Documents

The documents in

Table 2 1 are programmatic, multilateral agreed upon, ESA and Columbus sources for the OpNom defined in this Element Annex BX.

Document / Relevance to ESA OpNom
ESA MSM Operations Processes
OPS-PL-0-001/1-ESA, Issue 1/A, 15.08.00 / Controlling ESA program document, requires OpNom
Operational Data File Standards
SSP 50253, Rev March 2001 / Controlling program document for standards in developing ODF products
ISS Operations Nomenclature (Main Volume)
SSP 50254 Rev C, July 2000 / Defines all general ISS OpNom guidelines and configuration control; requires partner-specific Annexes
ESA ODF Management Plan
ESA-MSM-PL-ODF, March 2002 / Defines the planned implementation of the ESA ODF and the ESA specific OpNom
Further applicable ICDs and other Documents / TBD, ICDs from Table 1-1

Table 2 1: Applicable Documents

2.2 Reference Documents

The documents in

Table 2 2 were used as sources for, or provide background information to, the definition of the OpNom in this Element Annex BX.

Document / Relevance to OpNom
ISS Operations Data File Management Plan
SSP 50252, Rev E, July 2000 / Controlling ISS program document , requires OpNom
Space Station Inventory Management System Label Specification SSP 50007, Basic, March 94 / Requirements for OpNom on IMS compatible labels
Display and Graphics Commonality Standard, SSP 50313, TBD / Source of HCI guidelines for development of onboard and ground displays
International Space Station Flight Crew Inte-gration Standards
SSP 50005, Revision B, August 95 / Source of information for units and acronyms
ESA Specific Operations Nomenclature Annex B1 Columbus SSP 50254, Annex B1 / COL OpNom and formats and template examples O

Table 2 2: Reference Documents

3 Basic nomenclature format and guidelines

This section addresses the most general form of OpNom and then discusses the uses of OpNom in different types of Element operations products. This section also discusses the nomenclature guidelines for location coding, coordinate system, and crew positions. OpNom should also be followed when “commenting” automated procedures.

Element specific formats and guidelines refer to the corresponding ISS OpNom section, stating compliance or describing specific deviations.