Official No:
Full Grant Proposal Application Form
CLOSING DATE: Monday, 20August 2010, 5.00pm
The submission must comprise:
1.Soft copy with signature – email to Ms Peggy Leong ()
2.Hard copy with signature – posted to:
Singapore Immunology Network
8A, Biomedical Grove, #04-06 Immunos, Singapore (138648)
Attn: Ms Peggy Leong ()
Singapore Immunology Network
8A, Biomedical Grove,
#04-06 Immunos, Singapore (138648)
Tel: 6407 0011 Fax: 6464 2057
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In no more than 30 words; be descriptive rather than general.2a. Amountof funding Requested for (S$):
2b. Duration of project (Years): / (Max. 3 years)
3a. Host Institution:
3b. EXTRAMURAL PROJECT COORDINAtor(Please note that only one Extramural Coordinator per application allowed)
Name: / Contact No.:
Title: / Email Add:
3c. SIgN RESEARCHER[1](Please add if there are more.)
Name: / Contact No.:
Title: / Email Add:
3d. CO-INVESTIGATOR(S)(Please add if there are more Co-Investigators[2].)
Name: / Contact No.:
Title: / Email Add:
3e. Collaborator(s)[3](Please add if there are more Collaborators)
Name: / Contact No.:
Title: / Email Add:
4. Declaration of Ethics Consideration
Note that approval of grant is subject to ethics approval.
Tick, where appropriate, if your study involves the following:
Human subjectUse of Human Tissues or Cells
Animal Experimentation
Use of Animal Tissues or Cells
Requirement for containment Class 2 and above
A copy of the ethics approval is attached:
In no more than 300 words, please provide a succinct and accuratescientific description of the proposal to include the specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the research proposal. Note that the scientific abstract may be disclosed to other funding agencies.
In no more than 300 words, provide a succinct and accurate lay description of the proposal to include the specific aims, approach and significance of the research proposal, including its importance to science or medicine. Note that the lay abstract may be released to the media for the purpose of the announcement of the grant call results.
State the relevance and the significance of the research proposal to health and/or science (include local and/or international impact), highlighting the potential for exploitation and/commercialisation of results, if any. Use more than 1 page if required.
Instruction and Guide for details of research proposal
Give a description of the research in no more than 8pages. InformationSHOULD include specific aim(s) of the project, scientific/clinical significance, preliminary studies/progress reports, methods, contribution of Extramural Project Coordinator, SIgN Researcher, Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s)as well as publications/patents related to the research proposal. Please emphasise on the novelty and innovative aspects of the proposed work. References should be provided on a separate page.
a) Specific Aims
State concisely anddescribe the aims of the research project and/or the hypothesis that is to be tested. Since the duration and funding of the research are capped at 3 years, your aims and proposed research workshould be achievable within this period.
b) Scientific/Clinical Significance
Express clearly the relevance of your proposal and its contributions to health and/orscience. Briefly sketch the background to the current proposal, critically evaluate existing knowledge and specifically identify the gaps which the project is intended to fill. Do not waste valuable space with large amounts of background information on the general health problem. Instead describe how your research will contribute to (i)solving the health problem; (ii)develop new knowledge; (iii)develop scientific and clinical applications;and (iv)provide tangible improvements in life sciences/healthcare. You should include both short term (3-5 years) and possible long term implications. Append relevant references.
c) Preliminary Studies/Progress Reports
For NEW APPLICATIONS, provide an account of the Investigator’s preliminary studies (if any) pertinent to the applications and/or any other information that will help to establish the experience and competence of the investigator pursuing the proposed project.
For RENEWAL APPLICATIONS, give the beginning and end dates of the period covered since theresearch project was last reviewed. Provide a succinct account of published and unpublished results, indicating the importance of the findings. Discuss any changes in the project’s specific aims during the periods covered. List the titles and complete references to all publications and completed manuscripts that have resulted from the project.
d) Methods
Describe in detail the experimental design and the procedure to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Describe in detail the protocols to be used and the tentative sequence of the investigation. Include statistical justification and the means by which data will be analysed and interpreted. Where appropriate, describe sample recruitment and characteristics such as number, gender, ethnicity, etc and provide an estimate of the likely effect size and the sample size required to detect this (power analysis). Describe any new methodology and its advantage over existing methodologies. Discuss the potential difficulties and limitations of the proposed procedures and alternative approaches to achieve the aims. Point out any procedures, situations or materials that may be hazardous to personnel and the precautions to be exercised. PI should also mention who else in the world are working in similar areas and highlight the key/main competitors. Make every attempt to be succinct.
e) Expertise, roles and contributions of Extramural Project Coordinator, SIgN Researcher, Co Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s)
Describe the roles of Extramural Project Coordinator, SIgN Researcher, Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s) involved in the project. Specify the research background, technical competencies, role and contribution to specific deliverables and achievements that are relevant and necessary to ensure success for the proposed research. State the applicants’ publications and patents held related to this research proposal. Please provide letters of support or equivalent from Collaborators for this section.
f) References
List in chronological order the full titles and complete references to recent representative publications pertinent to this research proposal.
Details of Research Proposal
Print information using Arial Font 11, single-spaced.Do not exceed8pages. References are separate.
Provide the expected percentage effort within the project, as well as within his/her other work commitments for each Extramural Project Coordinator, SIgN Researcher, Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s).
/Role in project (e.g. Extramural Project Coordinator, SIgN Researcher, Co-Investigators and Collaborators)
/% effort within project[4]
/% effort within own work commitments[5]
In no more than 1 page per applicant, please provide the following information on the Extramural Project Coordinator, SIgN Researcher, Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s).
- Name
- Current position and past employment history (Please provide full details, eg., joint appointments, percentage of time spent in Singapore every year, if applicable)
- Academic qualifications (indicate institution’s name and year degree awarded)
- Selected publications (not more than 10publications, stating impact factors where applicable.)
- Research interests
- Patents held (related or unrelated to study)
- Recent awards (Scientific awards)
- Current and previous support from A*STAR (previously NSTB)/BMRC/NMRC or other sources (Please also include proposals pending approval)
- Research outcomes from other grants (e.g. publications, patents, awards, etc.)
Curriculum Vitae - 1 page per applicant
Print information using Arial Font 11, single-spaced.
11. Declaration of Other Funding Support
a)Please declare if the current research proposal is already being funded by another existing grant and / or being applied to other types of grant funding. Grants include those by BMRC, NMRC, Universities, Clusters and other public funding agencies. If YES, please provide the details below.
Funding Agency / Status (Awarded or Applied) / Amount awarded/applied for ($) / Years of support / Expiry date of Grant
b)Please provide the details for all grants currently held or being applied[6] (including submitted applications) by the Extramural Project Coordinator. Grants include those supported by/ applied to BMRC, NMRC, Universities, Clusters and other public funding agencies. Attach the scientific abstract of each grant listed below for reference.
Grant Title and ID / Funding Agency / Status (Awarded or Applied) / Amount awarded/applied for($) / Years of support / Expiry date of Grant
Total amount of overhead funding received or will be receiving ($): ______.
b) Provide details of ALL other resources available to the institutions which are not derived from funds provided for specific projects, such as departmental technicians, equipment and consumables, grants from private foundations, start-up funds, donations from charitable organisations and collaborations with industry. You may also attach correspondences showing commitments by other parties in support of your work.
Types of resources / Funding Organisations / Duration of support / Expiry date, if any12. BUDGET INFORMATION
Proposed Budget
You are advised to prepare the budget carefully under each category and provide the details and justifications for all categories in Section 14.
An aggregate budget for each category is not acceptable.
Only expenses directly related to the proposed project are allowed. Overhead charges and contingency funds are not allowed.
Please note:
The duration of funding is capped at 3 years.
The total amount of funding for equipment is capped at $100,000.
The total amount of funding for OOE- Overseas Travel is capped at $6,000 per year.
Please refer to theAPPENDIX1– “Preparing the budget for a grant application” carefully while filling in this section.
Manpower (EOM) /Qualifications
/ No /Year 1($)
/Year 2($)
/Year 3($)
/Total ($)
Research Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Associate
Research Assistant
Research Officer
Project Officer
Research Nurse
Laboratory Technician
Others (Please specify)
EOM Sub-total
Equipment (please state)
/Year 1($)
/Year 2($)
/Year 3($)
/Total ($)
Equipment Subtotal
Other Operating Expenses (OOE)
/Year 1($)
/Year 2($)
/Year 3($)
/Total ($)
Materials & Consumables
Animal Cost
Local Conferences
Others (please state)
OOE- Overseas Travel
/Year 1($)
/Year 2($)
/Year 3($)
/Total ($)
Overseas Travel (Includes overseas conference travel & overseas travel for purposes directly related to the research project)
OOE Subtotal*
Grand Total
*OOE Subtotal shouldinclude that of OOE and OOE-Overseas Travel expenses
13.Details and Justifications of Proposed Budget
Provide the details and justifications for all categories in Section 13. Add more pages to this section if the space provided is insufficient. SIgN reserves the right not to provide funding for items that are not duly justified in this proposal.
a)EOM Category
Justify manpower request with respect to the specific role of each manpower request and detail the contribution of each request to the project.
b)Equipment Category
List and provide justification foreach piece of equipment required for the research proposal, and support with relevant documents. State if similar equipment exists in the PI or co-applicants’ labs or in the PI’s department/school and justify why new equipment is required for the project. Note that the total amount of funding for equipment is capped at $100,000.
All items listed under OOE should be appropriately justified and supported with relevant documents. Consumables to be used for the project should be appropriately categorized and costed.
d)OOE – Overseas Travel
List down the details of the places and/or countries to be visited, the purpose (state the names of the conferences and meetings if available), duration and persons travelling, and emphasize any proposed international collaborations. A breakdown of the travel budget into airfare and allowance for board and lodging is advised. PIs are advised to only provide fair and reasonable estimates for travel expense. Travel must be by economy class airfare. Note that the total amount of funding for OOE- Overseas Travel is capped at $6,000 per year.
14. Milestones and Performance Indicators
a) Propose detailed scientific milestones for the research proposal. These will be used to assess the progress of the study. The progress of the project will be taken into consideration for continued disbursements of funds.
*Please use shading for the time points
(please describe) / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
(please describe) / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
*RSE: Research Scientist & Engineering
b) Indicate the final expected targets. Please state ‘NA’ where indicator is not applicable.
Performance Indicators / Number / valueCapability Indicators / Training R&D manpower for industry / Master’s research students trained
PhD students trained
Master’s research and PhD students trained and spun out to local industry as RSEs[7]
Research staff spun out to local industry as RSEs
Post-doctoral (within 3 years of the PhD award) researchers hired
Developing long term R&D capability / Papers published in international journals
(To state impact factor)
Joint programs/projects with local universities, hospitals
Joint programs/projects with prestigious international research organisations
Proof-of-concept studies in man
Progress to Clinical trials
Kick-start clinical treatments/therapeutics
Patents filed/granted/licensed/commercialized
Invention disclosures
Presentations at international conferences
External awards for research at international level
Industry Relevance Indicators / R&D collaboration / R&D projects with industry cash funding
Industry dollars (value SGD) received to fund R&D projects
Outcomes / Revenue from royalties and licensing agreements
Spin-off companies registered
New products/processes commercialised
15. Suggested Names of Local and OveRseas Reviewers
Suggest names of reviewers who may be suitable to review the proposed project, and state the relationship with the applicant(s). Reviewers who are co-authors with the applicant in publications are generally not to be included.
Please note:
Reviewers should not have a relationship with the applicant, for e.g. co-worker or collaborator, and must not have conflict of interest or involvement (direct and indirect) with the proposed project. SIgN has the final discretion whether to select the suggested reviewers for the evaluation of the grant proposal.
S/N / Title and Affiliation / Names of Reviewers / Details of contacts(Please provide mailing address,
e-mail address, tel. and fax numbers.)
The application should not be sent to the following reviewers:
S/N / Title and Affiliation / Names of Reviewers1
16. UNDERTAKING by Extramural Project Coordinator, SIgN Researcher, Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s)
In signing the Grant Application, the Extramural Project Coordinator, SIgN Researcher(s), Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s)UNDERTAKE, on any Grant Award, to:
- Not send similar versions or part(s) of this proposal to other agencies for funding.
- Submit supporting documents of ethics approval obtained from the relevant Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Animal Ethics Committee for studies involving human subjects/human tissues or cells, and animal/animal tissues or cells respectively.
- Be actively engaged in the execution of the research and comply with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
- Ensure that SIgN/BMRC funding is acknowledged in all publications.
- Ensure that all publications arising from research wholly or partly funded by SIgN will be forwarded to SIgN.
- Co-operate with SIgN to develop interests in biomedical sciences among students and teachers.
- Obtain approval from SIgN/BMRC before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded by SIgN/BMRC.
Name and Signature of Extramural Project Coordinator
Name and Signature of SIgN Researcher
Name and Signature of Co-Investigator
Name and Signature of Collaborator
*Please expand the above list if there are more than one SIgN Researcher, Co-Investigator or Collaborator
In signing the Grant Application, the Head of the Department UNDERTAKES, on any Grant Award, to:
- Ensure that approval from SIgN/BMRC has been obtained before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded by the SIgN/BMRC.
- Read, support and agree to this proposal being carried out in the Department.
- Ensure that the study complies with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
- Ensure that all necessary licenses and approvals have been obtained or are being sought.
Name and Signature of Head of Department Date
* If the Extramural Project Coordinator is the Head of Department, UNDERTAKING by the HOD’s Reporting officer is required.
Name, Designation and Signature Date
18. UNDERTAKING by the Institution - Extramural Project Coordinator
In signing the Grant Application, the Institution UNDERTAKES, on any Grant Award, to:
- Provide appropriate support during the grant period.
- Ensure that the funds provided are used for the appropriate purposes.
- Ensure that the study complies with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
- Ensure that approval from SIgN/BMRC has been obtained before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded by SIgN/BMRC.
Name and Signature of Director of Institution* Date
* If the Extramural Project Coordinator is the Director of the Institution, UNDERTAKING by the Director’s Reporting officer is required.
Name, Designation and Signature Date
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