Advice Regarding the Technology Memorandum of Understanding Form
This memorandum should be completed only where there has been a change of provider school approved from ______(year) by the Ministry of Education.
Further Information and Help
Further information on technology staffing can be found from:-The Education website’s school staffing and technology pages.
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Section 1.
This is a memorandum between:The Board of Trustees of / School
The Board of Trustees of / School
In relation to the provision of year 7 and 8 technology instruction for the / school year.
Section 2.
Where:1.______School has agreed to provide technology instruction for year 7 and year 8 students of ______School for the ______school year.
2.______School has agreed to advise ______School of the number of students for whom technology instruction is required and has agreed to release those students for such instruction as and when required throughout the ______school year.
3. ______Schooland ______School acknowledge that there is no contractual relationship between them but nevertheless wish to record their understanding by way of written memorandum.
Section 3.
Terms of AgreementTerms of Agreement
1.This agreement shall commence on the first day of ______(Year) in which the schools in question are open for instruction, and shall continue until the last day of ______(year) that the schools are open for instruction.
2.______School(client)undertakes to send to ______School (provider) the number of students it intends to release for Technology instruction in ______(year).
The numbers will be forwarded by ______School in writing (separately identifying year 7 and year 8 students) to the approved provider school as follows at the date of signing this memorandum (based on the predicted school roll estimated as at 1 March ______) and confirms that those numbers are:
______Year 7 students
______Year 8 students
3.______School(provider), will as soon as practicable after 1 March ______, ensure the total number of students at year 7 and year 8 (based on the actual roll as at 1 March ______) attending the school for Technology tuition, are reflected accurately on their 1 March ______roll return to the Ministry of Education.
In line with the staffing provision ______School(provider)undertakes to provide technology instruction (and other specialist subjects as may be approved by the Secretary for Education) for the students of ______School (client) as follows:
(a)______hours of instruction per week for each student attending on a regular basis or the equivalent thereof if students attend other than weekly; and
(b)through the employment and allocation to these classes of suitably qualified and registered teachers.
4.______School(provider)undertakes to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, it engages qualified and registered relieving teachers in situations where the regular teachers teaching technology instruction will not be available.
5.______School (provider) undertakes full responsibility for the care and control of the students from ______School whilst receiving technology instruction at ______School.
6.______School (provider) undertakes that the technology instruction will meet the objectives of the technology curriculum.
7.______School and ______School may vary this memorandum of understanding in writing. Such variation shall be read together with and form part of this memorandum. However, no such variation that affects resource implications for the Ministry of Education (including staffing, funding, transport or property) shall take effect without approval of the Secretary for Education.
8.Any dispute that arises between the parties which has staffing, school transport, or other resource implications shall be resolved between the respective boards of trustees in consultation with the Ministry of Education.
9.The parties acknowledge that this memorandum simply records their understanding of the arrangement and shall not give rise to any contractual relationship.
10. As witness this Memorandum of Understanding was signed on
______(day), ___ / ___ / ___ (date).
Section 4.
Signing of MemorandumSigned for and on behalf of the ______School Board of Trustees by:
Signature / Name
Signature / Name
Signed for and on behalf of the ______School Board of Trustees by:
Signature / Name
Signature / Name
Technology Memorandum of Understanding Aug 2015 Ministry of Education
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