Q1 Many thanks for your help in completing this questionnaire. First, please provide us with a few details about your club
Club Name
Sport Bowls
Your name
Q2 Please provide information below on the teams you run, where they play and where they train.
Team Type / Number of Teams / Match Venue and Day and Time of Play / Training Venue and Day of PlayJunior
Veteran Male
Veteran Female
Q3a Are you playing more, less or the same number of matches as last season?
More Less or the same
Q3b If NOT the same, please explain why:
Q4 Please list the league(s) in which each of your team(s) are playing this season:
Q5 Approximately how many members does your club have?
Male Female Boys Girls Non playing Total
Q6 We would like to understand the area from which your members are drawn. Please state approximately, what percentage of your members live:
Less than 1 mile from your main venue
1- 5 miles from your main venue
More than 5 miles away from your main venue
Q7 Are people with disabilities involved in your club? Yes No
Are there any issues arising from this (e.g. difficulty in accessing/using facilities?)
Q8 Does your club own its home green? Yes No
If yes, do you have an open access policy i.e. can other groups or clubs use your facilities by arrangement? (please give details)
Q9a Please name your club’s MAIN green:
Q9b Please rate the following aspects of your MAIN green and other facilities
Good Acceptable Poor
Playing Surface
Green maintenance
Freedom from litter
Freedom from dog fouling
Overall green quality
Changing facilities
Car parking
Overall value for money
Please make any comments you wish to regarding the quality of your green:
Q10 Do any of the above quality issues, or any other factors (such as overuse) make it difficult for your club to accommodate all its home matches or expand its activities?
Yes No
If YES, please give full details
Q11 How many games (approx) were cancelled due to the green condition last season?
Q12 Are you satisfied with the overall provision of bowling greens in Warwick?
Yes No
Q13 If no, please indicate which of the following you believe to be the main issue and explain why
Green quality Amount of greens Amount of greens of the right quality
Access to greens Quality of pavilions Other
Q14 Does your club currently have any capacity for new members?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details
Q15 Does your club currently do, or have the intention to do, any activities or promotion to increase membership?
Yes No
If yes, please specify
Q16 Please indicate if you believe any of the below factors prevent your club from attracting new members:
Quality of the greens Cost of membership
Shortage of, or poor quality, changing facilities Falling membership/shortage of members
Lack of internal financing (subs/fund raising) Lack of external funding (grants, loans)
Shortage of coaches or volunteers Restrictions on development from any planning Cost of travelling to compete or other legislation (e.g. DDA)
Q17 Are there any other particular problems or issues faced by your club? (please give details)
Q18 Are there any improvements which you would like to see at your home venue, or are there any issues or concerns that have not been adequately covered by previous questions that you would like to raise?
Please return to: Dan Robinson, Planning Officer, Warwick District Council, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Leamington Spa, CV32 5HZ
Please save as a completed version and attach to a reply email to: