I (name of mentee) ______(ADEA Membership Number) ______am advising ADEA that the mentoring partnership with ______(name of mentor) was completed by mutual agreement on _____ / _____ / _____.
I have maintained copies of relevant documentation to substantiate my involvement in the mentoring partnership including a record of contacts between me and my mentor.
Signature:______Date: _____ / _____ / ______
Your answers to the following questions will be used to evaluate and improve the ADEA Mentoring Program. They will not be used as a means of assessing either your achievements within the partnership or your mentor’s role in the partnership.
Please complete the following pages and forward them to the ADEA National Office together with this page.
- Please indicate on a scale of 1 – 5 to what extent you believe the overall goals of your mentoring partnership were achieved.
Not at allExtremely well
Comments: ______
- Was this partnership dissolved earlier than originally anticipated?
Yes No
If yes, what was the reason?
Mentee goals were achieved earlier than anticipated
Partnership was unsatisfactory and dissolved by mutual agreement
Other: please specify: ______
- Please indicate on a scale of 1 – 5 to what extentyour personal goalsforthe mentoring partnership were achieved.
Not at allExtremely well
Comments: ______
- Did you contact the ADEA National Office for support regarding the mentoring program at any time?
Yes No
If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 – 5 how you would rate the support your received from the ADEA National Office
Very poorExcellent
Comments: ______
- How would you rate the mentoring program material in the ADEA Mentoring Program Members Manual?
Very poorExcellent
Comments: ______
- How did you find your mentor?
ADEA website
Branch representatives
Own network and contacts
Other: (please specify): ______
Comments: ______
- Did you enter a mentoring partnership in order to become credentialled?
Yes No
If yes, have you submitted a credentialling application?
Yes No
If no, do you intend to submit a credentialling application?
Yes No
Comments: ______
- Please indicate on a scale of 1 – 5 how you would rate your overall satisfaction with the implementation of the ADEA Mentoring Program?
Very poorExcellent
Comments: ______
- Would you act as an ADEA mentor in the future?
Yes No
Comments: ______
- Please write any other comments or suggestions regarding the ADEA Mentoring Program?
Thank you
This Notification of Completion and Evaluation must be submitted to the ADEA National Office within two (2) weeks of completing the mentoring partnership.
Email completed form to