Present: Councillors: Mr B J Smythe (Chairman), Mr E B Pope, Mr T Smithson, Mr R Loach, Mr D J Gill, Mr S Gray, Mr L T I Grant (Clerk)
Action1. /
Apologises for Absence
None received
2. /Minutes of the meeting held on 25.06.07
The minutes were approved as a true record, subject to minor amendment to 7.1 (Priory) and 7.4 (Steering not sub)Proposed by Mr E B Pope, Seconded by Mr D J Gill
3. /Public Questions and Statements
There were no members of the public present at the meeting.4.
4.2 /
Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on 25.06.07
Highway Matters – NYCC
a) Repairs to Culvert under B1224 at Bickerton Highways NY have advised that this repair must take its turn on a list of remedial schemes and cannot be given priority. The Clerk was asked to write to the Corporate Director responsible for highways at Northallerton and draw attention to the failure of his Area Engineer to meet the target date (late April 2007) for repairs to the culvert, damaged by NYCC employees in 2006.b) Signage from the A1M to Thorp Arch Industrial Estate. The Chairman has not received a response to his letters regarding HGV signage after the A1 upgrade scheme has been completed. The major potholes which are appearing in the road surface on Rudgate (West Yorkshire section), have caused damage to local resident’s vehicles. The Clerk was asked to write to West Yorkshires Highways department seeking information on remedial works to this road.
a) Chequer’s Inn Car Park Hileys Solicitors are unable to act for the Parish Council in its negotiations with Punch Taverns, due to their current work load. The Clerk was asked to investigate other local practices with specialist knowledge of landlord and tenant legislation.b) Rabbit Infestation The Diocese of York and Hutton Wandersley Estates were reminded of their responsibilities outlined in The Pests Act 1954. Both have responded and confirmed their commitment to reduce the rabbit numbers. Councillors were reminded that effective action could only be taken over the winter months, when a coordinated effort would be sought. Enquiries are to be made regarding the cost of installing rabbit proof fencing round the grave yard at St Helen’s. / LTIG
5. / Police Matters
The Community Police Constable, Mark Ayres was not on duty. He had reported that there were no incidents during the month in the Parish. With regard to the Traffic Accidents on the B1224 at Bickerton, Sergeant Jane Guymer’s area has changed. She will advise the new Sergeant taking responsibility for the area, on 17 July 2007 and will ask him to contact the Clerk.
6. /
Financial Matters
6.1 / Treasurer’s ReportThe Bank balances at 30.06.07 were:
Business Money Management Account £3829.28
Community Account £ 68.01
There were no comments or queries from Councillors about the current PC accounts. / LTIG
6.2 /
Invoices Received and to be paid
Clerk’s Invoice (PC) £619.90Clerk’s Invoice (PPSC) £172.20
J R Paley Ltd (PPSC) £106.68
Proposed by Mr T Smithson, seconded by Mr R Loach /
6.3 /
Payments Received
No payments have been received. /6.4 / Review of effectiveness of internal audit
The internal auditor had been consulted about the document circulated by Mazars, regarding governance etc. He did not understand the document and could not comment on any changes necessary to the existing procedures. The Clerk is to contact YRCC for advice. /
7. /
Planning and Related Matters
/7.1 /
Planning Applications Received
A revised application for the works to the incomplete structure adjacent to Able Blast Cleaning off Rudgate had been received and was being circulated. The revised scheme is still not acceptable. /7.2 /
Planning Decisions Received
· The two schemes for Syningthwaite Priory have been approved.· The outstanding application to site a static caravan at Willowgarth Farm Bickerton, has been rejected after a meeting of the sub committee with the applicant and his agent. Councillors expressed their regret at this decision and agreed to write to the District Councillor and seek his advice on this important local issue.
7.3 /
General Planning Matters.
· The planning issues regarding works to 6 Pinfold Close Bickerton have been resolved. All works have received planning and change of use/ permitted development, approval.· Councillor R Loach expressed a prejudicial interest in the application received by HBC to remove trees to the rear of the Chequer’s Inn Bilton in Ainsty and withdrew from the meeting. HBC have written to the PC to confirm that the application to remove trees on the land to the rear of the Chequer’s Inn, refers to those trees not previously covered by a TPO on the same site. There is no requirement to advertise the works or consult any local organisations such as the PC. The tree specialist at HBC, has 6 weeks to consider the notice of intended works.
7.4 /
Parish Plan
The steering committee has agreed to circulate the executive summary of the Parish Plan to all properties. A covering note will be included, inviting volunteers to join 5 working groups set up to carry out work on the actions identified. Councillors hope to receive regular updates at PC meetings, on the work of the groups.8.
8.1 /
PC Administration
S137 Community GrantsFollowing the letter from the Clerk, 4 local groups have now asked for a community grant. Councillors agreed the following amounts to be paid to the groups:-
Bilton Cricket Club £150.00
Tockwith Show £175.00
Tockwith U5’s £120.00
Bickerton Village Society £135.00
Proposed by Mr E B Pope, seconded by Mr T Smithson
8.2 /
Parish Welcome Packs
No progress. / BJS/DJG8.3 /
Parish Council Website
Councillor R Loach, Councillor D J Gill and the Clerk held a meeting and are attempting to define the features of an interactive web site. A working group from the PP Steering Committee is also to investigate the subject. It has a volunteer who would be willing to advise and could set up a web site. / RL/DJG/
8.4 /
Dog Waste Bin Bickerton
This bin is now being emptied on a weekly basis. /8.5 /
Standing orders
It was agreed that there is a need to adopt standing orders for the Parish Council and define the roles and duties of the Chairman and Clerk. A sub committee will be formed comprising the Chairman, Vice Chairman, the Clerk and Councillor T Smithson, to review the situation and report to the next PC meeting. / BSEBP
9. /
Councillor’s Business Items for next Meeting
Overflowing foul drain problem in BiltonC E Electric (UK) – works in Bilton in Ainsty /
10. /
Dates for future monthly meetings
The dates for the next monthly meetings are:-10 September 2007 in St Helen’s Church, 15 October & 26 November 2007 in Tockwith School.
All meetings to be held at 7.30pm.
Clerk to the Parish Council: L T I Grant Tel 01423 359961
Chairman: B J Smythe Tel 01423358217