Potential Projects10/15/2014

Office/District / Project Title / Project Description / Contact Person / Updated
Bridge / Kennedy Bridge Rehabilitation Design / A planning study has been recently completed for Bridge 9090, which carries TH 2 over the Red River of the North between Minnesota and North Dakota. The next phase of the project is to procure a consultant to use the planning study findings to determine a preferred rehabilitation alternative and carry it through detail design. A Qualification Based Selection will be utilized.
POSTED IN SWIFT – 10/14/14 / / 10/15/14
Bridge / Bridge 2440 Rehabilitation / Rehabilitation design for the 3rd Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis. The bridge is on the National Register of Historic Places. It is anticipated that the pre-qualification program will be used to select a consultant to complete the rehab design. / / 05/07/2014
Bridge / State Aid Bridge Ratings: Specialized Hauling Vehicles / Five consultants will be selected to complete load rating analysis and load posting recommendations for selected bridges on the local transportation system. A multi-award Pre-qualification Letter of Interest solicitation is anticipated to procure consultants. / / 09/17/2014
Bridge / Bridge Scoping Assistance / Field investigation and condition assessments for approximately 50 bridges along the I-94 corridor through State Project No. 2781-432, which is currently scheduled for an October 2016 construction letting. The goal of the project is to provide information and assistance to the Bridge Office Construction Unit in order to determine repair needs for the bridges, and to provide as-needed assistance to complete repair recommendations. A Pre-qualification Letter of Interest selection is anticipated to procure a consultant. / / 09/18/2014
District 1 / Blatnik Bridge Management Study / Review long term options for replacement of Bridge 9030 (Blatnik Bridge) over the St. Louis River between Duluthand Superior, WI. / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / Districtwide Right of Way Assistance / Assist District staff with FTR and Direct Purchase on multiple projects, Districtwide. / / 12/06/2013
District 1 / Final Design for TH 169 / Final Design for TH 169, Bovey to Taconite, Corridors of Commerce Project. The Project is 1.5 miles long, and will expand the existing two lanes to four lanes between Bovey and Taconite. / / 12/06/2013
District 1 / Hwy 53 Relocation Final Design / Final design plans for roadway and bridges on the Hwy 53 relocation project. Work items will include road and bridge plans, geotechnical/MDR, drainage, SWPPP, design memo and traffic including ITS. / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / Hwy 53 Relocation Independent Cost Estimate / Selected consultant will provide Independent Cost Estimates (ICE) for State in the CMGC process.
An RFP is Anticipated / / 01/29/2014
District 1 / Hwy 53 Relocation Construction Manager/General Contractor / Selected consultant will serve as the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMCG) for the Highway 53 relocation project / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / TH 1 Environmental Assessment / Selected consultant will complete an environmental assessment along Trunk Highway 1 in Lake County / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / TH 38 Environmental Assessment / Selected consultant will complete an environmental assessment along Trunk Highway 38, from Pughole Lake to Marcell / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / TH 169 Intersection Control Evaluation Report and Possible Roundabout Design / Selected consultant will complete an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) report, and possible roundabout design, along TH 169, at Junction 37 in Hibbing / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / TH 53/194 Design Plan for Mill and Overlay, Drainage and ADA / Selected consultant will complete a Design Plan for mill and overlay, drainage and American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) for Trunk Highway’s 53 and 194 in Duluth / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / TH 27 and TH 73 Design Plan for Resurfacing, ADA and Signal / Selected consultant will complete a Design Plan for resurfacing, American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and signal for Trunk Highway’s 27 and TH 73 in Moose Lake. / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / TH 65 Final Design for Mill and Overlay and ADA / Selected consultant will complete a Final design for mill and overlay and American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) for Trunk Highway 65, from Sandy River to Trunk Highway 169in Nashwauk. / / 09/16/2014
District 1 / TH 169 Scoping Study for Possible Roadway Relocation / Selected consultant will complete a scoping study for possible roadway relocation along Trunk Highway 169, from Hibbing to Chisholm. / / 09/16/2014
District 3 / I-94 Design Build Construction Oversight / SP 2780-66: Provide Construction oversight for Design Build, Corridors of Commerce, Project on I-94 between Rogers and St. Michael. Major work includes an additional concrete lane in each direction, noise wall, and bridge widening.
Method of selection is yet to be determined. / / 01/28/2014
District 3 / I-94 Design Build Design Oversight / SP 2780-66: Provide Design oversight for Design Build, Corridors of Commerce, Project on I-94 between Rogers and St. Michael. Major work includes an additional concrete lane in each direction, noise wall, and bridge widening.
Method of selection is yet to be determined. / / 01/28/2014
District 6 / Red Wing TH 63 Bridge Project Constructability Review / This project will involve the replacement of the Mississippi River bridge in Red Wing along with two new approach bridges and highway realignment on the Minnesota and Wisconsin approach roadways. The bridge over the Mississippi River will be a new steel box girder with two lanes and a multiuse trail. This project is in the preliminary design phase and construction is scheduled to begin in 2018. Contractors are invited to participate in individual constructability reviews for MnDOT and WisDOT to get input on construction details, staging, project risks, and ways to mitigate them. More information about the constructability reviews and details of the project can be found at the following website:
/ / 08/20/2014
District 7 / 2015 /
  1. TH 90, SP 3280-120, Mill & Overlay
  2. TH 71, SP 3205-29, Replace Bridge 6741
  3. TH 90, SP 3280-XXX, Un-bonded Overlay
/ / 02/14/2014
District 7 / 2016 /
  1. TH 4, SP 8302-38, Major Construction – St. James
  2. TH 169, SP 5211-59, Grade & Surface
/ / 02/14/2014
District 7 / 2017 /
  1. TH 90, SP 3280-122, Mill & Overlay
  2. TH 90, SP 3280-121, Mill & Overlay
  3. TH 22, SP 0704-100 & 0704-101, Un-bonded Overlay, Replace Bridge 6497
  4. TH 60, SP 1703-69, West Gap
/ / 02/14/2014
District 7 / 2018 /
  1. TH 14, SP 0804-81, Bridge 9200, 9294 & Related Road Work – Preliminary & Final Design
  2. TH 90, SP 5380-137, Mill & Overlay
/ / 02/14/2014
District 7 / Right of Way Work / SP 5211-59, TH 169 from Mankato to St. Peter – Direct Purchase
SP 3205-29, TH 71 in Jackson – Field Title & Appraisals
SP 3205-29, TH 71 in Jackson – Direct Purchase & Possibly Relocation
SP 5211-59, TH 169 from Mankato to St. Peter – Field Title & Appraisals
SP 5203-106, TH 14, Nicollet Bypass – Field Title, Appraisal, Direct Purchase & Relocation
FALL of 2013 / / 09/27/2013
District 7 / Materials / Soils / SP 5203-103, TH 14, Nicollet Bypass (from Nicollet to North Mankato). Subsurface investigation, design recommendations letter (MDR), approximately 6.3 miles of new two-lane.
FALL of 2013 / / 09/27/2013
District 7 / Hydraulics / SP 5203-106, TH 14, Four Lane Expansion TILE INVESTIGATION
SP 5203-106, TH 14, Wetlands Delineation for TH 14 Four Lane Expansion
FALL of 2013 / / 09/27/2013
District 7 / Hydraulics / SP 1703-70, TH 60, Middle Gap – TH 60 Four Lane Expansion
SP 1703-69, TH 60, West Gap – TH 60 Four Lane Expansion
SP 5211-59, TH 169, Flood Mitigation EDA Grant, Mankato to St. Peter
SP 2280-134, TH 90, Blue Earth RA Parking Lots
SP 8827-224, TH 22/99, Culvert Rehabilitation on TH 22, Drainage and Slope Repair on TH 99
SP 8827-225, TH 71, Bridge and Grading, including Storm Sewer
SP 3205-29, TH 13, 6.1 Miles South of Waseca to 3.8 Miles North of New Richland, Rehabilitation of Bridges 81001 & 81002 and Guardrail
SP 8101-55, TH 22, From 0.3 Miles North of TH 30 to 0.3 Miles North of Jct CR 90, Unbonded Overlay
SP 0704-100, TH 22, From 0.5 Miles South of CSAH 10 to 0.8 Miles North of CSAH 15, Replacement of Bridges 5959 & 6497
SP 0704-101, TH 59, South of the Jct of TH 60, Replacement of Bridge 8530 & Replacement of Culverts 395261 & 395394
CS 5905, TH 75, Topeka Shiner Monitoring at Bridge 59X09
SP 4012-36, TH 22, Flood Mitigation
2013-2015 / / 09/27/2013
District 7 / Design / SP 5211-61, TH 169, Final Design Plan – Preservation between Mankato and St. Peter
SP 4012-36, TH 22, Flood Mitigation – Final Design Plan
SP 8827-224, TH 22/99, Culvert Rehabilitation on TH 22, Drainage and Slope Repair on TH 99 – Final Design Plan
SP 2280-134, TH 90, Blue Earth RA Parking Lots – Final Design Plan
SP 8827-225, TH 71, Bridge and Grading, including Storm Sewer – Final Deign Plan
SP 8101-55, TH 22, From 0.3 Miles North of TH 30 to 0.3 Miles North of Jct CR 90, Unbonded Overlay – Final Design Plan
2013-2015 / / 09/27/2013
District 8 / Detailed Design
(of projects to be determined) / The District will need assistance with detailed design of one or more highway improvements projects. The assistance will be needed on a project, or projects, that will be determined at a later date
Procurement Process: Pre-Qualification Program, Letter of Interest process
Time: Later Winter Selection, for Spring Contract Execution / / 11/12/13
District 8 / Construction Inspection & Contract Administration Assistance
(on a projects to be determined) / The District will need qualified staff, up to 4 individuals, to assist with general construction inspection and contract administration duties on various highway improvement projects, scheduled for construction during the summer of 2014. The type of qualifications needed, and the assignment to which project, or projects, will be determined at a later date.Procurement Process: Pre-Qualification Program, Direct Selects Time: Late Winter Selection, for Early Spring Contract Execution / / 11/12/13
Freight & Commercial Vehicle / Weigh Scale Mechanism Assessment Project / Evaluate condition and capabilities of existing scale mechanisms at weigh station sites /
Human Resources / Talent Management / Employee assessments, 360 reviews, performance development and related / / 12/19/11
Land Management / Oblique Mapping Corrections / Along North Shore to correct aerial mapping /
Policy Analysis, Research & Innovation / Understanding how to value sustainability / This project will look at long term costs and benefits of sustainability in MnDOT purchases and practices for contracting so that investments reflect the true value and costs of the investment /
Metro (Value Engineering) / Value Engineering Studies / Value Engineering Studies - SPA 1906-45; SP 2771-37 (TH 610)
** Individual Projects – Pre-qualification Direct Select /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Design) / TH 13 SP 1902-55, 53 / TH 13; I-35E Roadway Reconstruction, Storm Sewer, Curb & Cutter, Ponding, Basin Resurfacing
** Pre-Qualification LOI or RFP /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Design) / I-694 SP 6285-149 / I-694; East Bound Ramp to SB I-35E Little Canada Shoulder Settlement Repair and Slope Stability
** Pre-Qualification Direct Select /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Design) / TH 36 SP 8214-114 / Advanced Construction Technology Transfer (ACTT) Workshop – St. Croix River Crossing Bridge project
**Pre-Qualification Direct Select /

/ 03/04/2013
Metro Traffic Engineering / West Metro Signal Optimization (NSRC) / 83 Metro-wide Non-Express State Highways Intersections
**Method of Selection TBD /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Environmental) / TH 52 SP 1906-55 / Drilling Investigation and Oversight - On TH 52 East and West Side of Highway from TH. 50 to CSAH 47 - Frontage Road Construction - also Construction of TH 52 Ramps and Loops to CSAH 47
**Pre-Qualification Letter of Interest /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Environmental) / I-494 SP 2785-330C / Phase I Drilling Investigation for 13 Bridges on I-494 from I-394 to I-94
**Pre-Qualification Letter of Interest /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Environmental) / TH 3 SP 1908-74 / TH 3; Roundabout - Phase I Drilling Investigation
**Pre-Qualification Letter of Interest /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Environmental) / TH 36 SP 6212-148 / TH 36; Lexington Bridge - Phase I Drilling Investigation
**Pre-Qualification LOI/RFP /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Right of Way) / TH 36 SP 8214-114 / Original Appraisals – St. Croix River Crossing project
**Pre-Qualification Direct Select /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Water Resources) / TH 3 SP 1920-41 / Storm Sewer Inspection/Inventory
** Pre-Qualification Direct Select /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Water Resources) / TH 5 SP 6201-86 / Storm Sewer Inspection/Inventory
**Pre-Qualification Letter of Interest /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Water Resources) / TH 110 SP 1908-84 / Storm Sewer Inspection/Inventory
**Pre-Qualification Letter of Interest /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Water Resources) / I-694 SP 6285-143 / Storm Sewer Inspection/Inventory
**Pre-Qualification Direct Select /
/ 03/04/2013
Metro (Program Management) / Planning & Corridor Studies
(NSRC) / Various Planning & Corridor Studies (2-3 each fiscal year through 2015)
**Method of Selection TBD /
/ 03/04/2013