VOD Special: Build a strong foundation for improved health and vitality in just minutes a day! Master Sha reveals the secret to increased energy, stamina, vitality and immunity in this special video presentation for Self-Healing the Lower Dan Tian. Learn more about how nourishing this key energy center daily can result in tremendous changes in your life – all positive! Learn more:

Self-Healing for Lower Dan Tian VOD. Many people are seeking a way to have more energy and vitality, including special diets, exercises, energy work, nutrition and more. This video reveals how a simple Tao healing practice can heal and strengthen your Lower Dan Tian (an energy center in the lower abdomen), restoring your energy, stamina, vitality and immunity and more. Receive permanent high frequency transmissions from Master Sha to help facilitate your progress. Register here:

Increase your energy and stamina with this VOD special! Life is a lot easier when we have an abundance of energy and vitality. The key lies in having a strong Lower Dan Tian Energy Center. Everyone can learn to nourish and build this energy center with Tao healing practices that are simple, effective and fun. Master Sha will teach you and give you Divine blessings in this special video: Self-Healing for Lower Dan Tian, at:

Lower Dan Tian VOD. Those who suffer from conditions of fatigue and or immunity related health concerns can benefit greatly from this video that teaches how to increase Lower Dan Tian power. Located in the lower abdomen, this key energy center is responsible for our energy, vitality and immunity. Learn to increase the power of this energy center with simple self-healing techniques and Divine treasures from Master Sha.

Lower Dan Tian VOD. When one’s Lower Dan Tian Energy Center (located in the lower abdomen) is strong, one is centered and grounded, with good energy, stamina, vitality and immunity. When it is weak, one may be fatigued, prone to illness or chronic conditions, and be easily thrown off balance by thoughts and emotions. In this video Master Sha teaches everyone how to heal and rejuvenate this important energy center and gives permanent blessings to help us maintain its power.


Self-Healing for Snow Mountain (Kundalini) VOD: Receive healing and empowerments to help activate and build your Kundalini Energy Center so you can experience increased vitality, awareness and longevity. Learn simple techniques and receive powerful blessings to improve the quality and power of your kundalini energy center. A long healthy life depends on it!

Want to live a longer, higher quality life? Safely increase your Kundalini power with this VOD special! Taoism, Buddhism and many other spiritual traditions realized the value of this key energy center for longevity and much more. Master Sha delivers key wisdom, practices and blessings that enable us to build a strong Kundalini center with simple practices and Divine blessings!

Snow Mountain/Kundalini VOD. The Kundalini Energy Center is responsible for nourishing the kidneys, spinal column, brain and Third Eye. When Kundalini is strong, people feel grounded, energetic and clear headed. When Kundalini is weak, the kidneys may be weak, the brain may be dull or foggy and Third Eye vision is very unlikely. The good news is anyone can empower their Kundalini and keep it strong with Tao Healing techniques. Learn how and receive special blessings, too!

Self-Healing for Snow Mountain (Kundalini) – The Kundalini Energy Center is the key to a long, quality life. It connects with the energy of your parents and your ancestors, holding the essence of their energy. To heal and develop this area is vital for your health and vitality. Learn how, with simple, practical techniques and Divine transmissions given by Master Sha in this video.


VOD for Self-Healing Message Center (Heart Chakra). The Message Center is a vital energy center for our physical and spiritual journey. It is the seat of soul enlightenment and the key center for developing the greatest qualities for healing, such as love, forgiveness and compassion and much more. In this video, you will learn how to effectively open this energy center for all kinds of life changing benefits and receive Tao treasures from Master Sha to help.

VOD for Self-Healing Message Center (Heart Chakra) with Master Sha – The Message Center is the key center for healing and life transformation. It houses our karma, our soul communication potential, our emotions and much more. The key for healing and expanding our love and other important qualities is to open the message center further and further. This video by Master Sha teaches viewers more about this most important center, including how to transform blockages and heal/open the Message Center with simple, practical techniques and Tao healing treasures transmitted by Master Sha.

Self-Healing for Message Center: We know love is the key to healing and transformation. The question is how much love can we currently give, receive and embody? The answer depends on how open our Message Center is. That’s right. The key to loving is to heal blockages in the Message Center. Learn more about the Message Center and how you can expand and open it to experience greater love, expansion, awareness and healing on all levels.

Self-Healing for Message Center (Heart Chakra): The Message Center is one of the most important energy centers for a human being. It is the healing center and connecting point in the human being between Heaven and Mother Earth. The more open our Message Center is, the more adept we are with all kinds of life challenges, meeting them with greater love, forgiveness and compassion, clarity, balance and guidance from our soul and Heaven. Master Sha teaches self-healing for the Message Center in this important video that is truly a gift for your life. Register here:

Self-Healing for Message Center (Heart Chakra) – Learn how to heal and open your Heart Chakra to experience greater levels of Divine qualities in your life. Expand your consciousness and embody more of your soul potential by removing the blockages stored in this very important center. In this video, Master Sha shows you simple, effective healing techniques and delivers Divine treasures that you can invoke for transforming and opening your Message Center. Register here:


VOD - Self-Healing for Third Eye with Master Sha: Many would like to open their Third Eye channel to see beautiful images in the soul world and receive important information for their lives. The key is to learn special practices that 1) build a strong foundation and 2) help open the third eye. This video shares knowledge, wisdom and practical techniques for safely opening the third eye and Master Sha gives powerful blessings to help us along.

VOD - Self-Healing for Third Eye with Master Sha: To receive Heavenly messages through Third Eye images is an honor and privilege. We are better able to help ourselves and others when we have clear Third Eye abilities, because we are able to glean more wisdom from the soul world. In this video Master Sha teaches viewers how to safely open their Third Eye channel and he facilitates that process for viewers with blessings and permanent treasures. Watch often for more practice!

Self-Healing for Third Eye with Master Sha – In this video Master Sha shares key knowledge and wisdom about the Third Eye Energy Center and how it can be developed to help you in your spiritual and physical life. Learn practical techniques and receive high frequency transmissions to assist you in healing and developing your Third Eye.


Self-Healing for Zu Qiao with Master Sha VOD: Many people may not realize that the cherry sized center between the brows just inside the skull is the Zu Qiao Energy Center – the center for developing good Mind Power. It can be developed to increase one’s effective use of mind, for greater clarity, expansion and focus. In this video, Master Sha teaches us about the importance of this center and how to develop it so we can reap the benefits.

Self-Healing for Zu Qiao with Master Sha VOD – Increase the power of your brain by developing your Qiao Energy Center. We each have about 15 billion brain cells, with about 85% or more remaining dormant – unused. Master Sha calls these “potential cells.” One of the major tasks of our time is to develop the potential cells of the brain. Learn how to develop this energy center and support your brain power with Tao Healing techniques and blessings.

Self-Healing for Zu Qiao with Master Sha: Many of us would enjoy having a better functioning brain, one that has an easy time processing and connecting the dots, or taking information to a higher level! Learn from Master Sha about this key energy center in the center of the forehead, between the brows, that can be developed with Tao healing techniques and treasures in order to increase your brain function and power.