February 1, 2016

Goochland Powhatan Community Services Board of Directors held its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Monday, February 1, 2016 at the Powhatan Offices.

Jane Bowles
Angela Cimmino
Eileen Ford
Vernon Garrett
John Grady
Susie Hackenberg
GaElla Matthews
Elizabeth Nelson Lyda
Lorrie Shevrin / Absent
Staff Attending
Susan Bergquist
Lateshia Brown
Carinne Kight
Allison Meyer


S. Bergquist welcomed all Board members and asked if an executive session to discuss matters of personnel could be added to the agenda. The Board agreed and Susan asked if there were any other additions to the agenda. There were no further additions and the meeting was brought to order.


ACTION: The motion to approve January meeting minutes was made by E. Ford, seconded by G. Matthews. Motion carried by all and January 2016 minutes were approved.

FY 2015 2nd Quarter Budget Report and Bank Account Balances

S. Bergquist reviewed the 2nd quarter budget report with the Board. She explained that roughly 49% of the budgeted amount for personnel had been used and about 40% of the budgeted amount for operations had been used as well. In addition, roughly 50% of the expected revenue has been recovered leaving the agency with a positive balance of $124,099.

It was noted that the reimbursement supervisor has been working diligently to bill 3rd party payers, particularly private insurance companies, and that has helped to increase the amount of fees collected.

Susan moved on and reviewed the balances in the Capital Fund, Auto Account, Cedar Woods Fundraising and Cedar Woods Housing Bank Accounts.

She reviewed that with the Capital Fund, as approved by the Board, the yearly payment was decreased from $50,000 to $20,000 following the refinance of the Taylor buildings and the elimination of the balloon payment. She then reviewed that the capital fund has a balance of $58468 with no expenditures since July 1 & $10,000 deposited.

Susan moved onto the Auto account, letting the Board know that the balance of the auto Account is $88,155 with $11,784 deposited since July 1 & no expenditures. She reminded the Board that essentially the goal of this account is to always have at least enough money to purchase 2 vehicles and that it is just a way of saving for vehicle replacement.

Cedar Woods Fundraising account was the next that was reviewed. Susan explained this account is for the monies each program raises to use for whatever activities or items the programs would like to have, i.e. new T.V., dinner outings, etc. She also explained that this account houses the emergency fund that is utilized when GPCS consumers have an emergency that they are unable to afford to pay for, i.e. travel money to attend family funeral, glasses that were broken, etc. She let the Board know that the current balance in this account is $4999.00.

The last account reviewed was Cedar Woods Housing funds. This account is used for repairs on the two houses GPCS owns. The current balance on this account is $8453.

ACTION: On motion of J. Grady seconded by S. Hackenberg, the Board unanimously accepted the FY2015 2nd quarter budget report and bank account balances as presented

FY 2016 Mid Year Performance Contract Report and Part C Expenditure Report

Susan reviewed the report and pointed out that if the numbers from both reports are added together they will equal to the budget numbers. She reviewed the categories and funds reported. She pointed out that she is working on the FY17 budget but that she is probably going to request level funding (equal to what was funded for FY 16). Currently she requests local funds from both Powhatan and Goochland counties that equal 17% of budget, while only 10% is required by the Performance Contract. She also then pointed out that in the Performance Contract it says that when the State gives a pay increase they will provide CSB’s with funds to implement that increase as well, however those funds are only in relation to the percentage of dollars the CSB receives from the state. Last year CSB’s had to report if they gave raises equal to the State increase or not. This year if CSB’s do not implement the raise they will not receive the money to do so. She then asked the Board if there were any questions regarding these reports and there were none.

ACTION: On motion of L. Shevrin seconded by A. Cimmino, the Board unanimously approved the FY2016 Mid Year Performance Contract report and the Part C expenditure report

Balance Payment for Cedar Woods Loan

Susan explained to the Board that the final balloon payment on the Flint Hill house is due March 1, 2016. She proposed that GPCS transfer the balloon payment amount from the Capital Fund to the Cedar Woods Residential account in order to make the payment. The balloon payment is about $22,000, which will pay off the house in total. In addition she proposed that GPCS continue to collect rent for the property even though there is no longer a mortgage payment, so that the monies can be put aside into the Cedar Woods account for repairs, upgrades, etc. that the house may need in the future. The current proposal is to collect for one year and then revisit the payback of the balloon payment to the Capital fund in January 2017.

ACTION: On motion of J. Grady seconded by E. Ford, the Board unanimously accepted the proposed pay off of the Cedar Woods loan.

Virginia Department of Rail and Transportation Grant

Lateshia Brown presented the Board with the Department of Rail and Public Transportation grant opportunity. She explained that GPCS was applying for the grant, which was presented at the regional ID directors meeting. In applying for the grant GPCS is requesting funding for 3 new vehicles, one 9 passenger van and two 5 passenger minivans. Per the grant the funding is 80% for each vehicle with a 20% match from GPCS. The application will be turned in tomorrow and the Board will be kept up to date with any information regarding it’s approval.

ACTION: On motion of A. Cimmino seconded by L. Shevrin, the Board unanimously accepted the proposed Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation Grant Application.

Personnel Policy Updates

Susan explained to the Board that there were four policies to review, Weapons Policy, Sick Leave Policy, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) policy and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy. She then went on to explain recently it was pointed out that the GPCS weapons policy required an update. Specifically the update needed to identify that work area is defined as the environment in which staff are working with consumers, even if that environment is off site. The policy states that weapons are not permitted in GPCS work areas and with work area unspecified there was a staff requesting to carry his weapon when out in the community with a consumer.
Carinne Kight then explained that the sick leave policy currently has “other person of importance residing in the household” as a person staff are eligible to take sick leave for. This was originally put in place to cover those in same sex relationships who were unable to get married. Since this is no longer the case that wording will be revised to state “other relative residing in the household”. Carinne further explained that the agency policy identified FMLA as available to any staff working 1000 hours or more in the previous 12 months, which is incorrect. FMLA stipulates the employee must work 1250 hours in the 12 months preceding the FMLA request. The policy will be updated to reflect the Federal guidelines. Finally, Carinne explained that currently GPCS does not have a FOIA policy. She contacted Powhatan County & they graciously provided her with their FOIA policy. It has been reflected to incorporate GPCS relevant information and will be added to the Personnel Policy Appendices


ACTION: On motion of G. Matthews seconded by A. Cimmino, the Board unanimously accepted the proposed Personnel Policy updates and additions.

Local, Regional, State and Federal Updates

Susan informed the Board that the General Assembly is in session. If any Board members want to see the status of bills that the VACSB is supporting they can access that at

The House and Senate have submitted proposals to open up Case Management to private providers. It’s something that has come up periodically in the past and is being closely watched by the CSB’s.


The VRS actuarial rate officially came in writing to Susan this week. The rate has dropped significantly from 6.25% to .75%. This saves about $125,000 a year and is a biennial rate. Susan pointed out that at the end of the two years VRS could just as easily raise the rate higher than 6.25% which would result in an increased cost. Since this is the case she is not planning on using the entire savings and instead thinks it will be a good idea to bank most of it in the instance that happens. She and the management team are going to see if there are some capital fund projects that could be achieved with some of the savings though. When those are more clear she will bring a proposal to the board.

The Substance Abuse Clinician, part time, is still being advertised.

The Mental Health Skill Building Supervisor position is being advertised.

Executive Session

At 5:31 p.m., E. Ford moved that the Board convene in a closed session pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.1-344 A (4) for the protection of the privacy of individuals in personal matters not related to public business. A. Cimmino seconded this motion and the Board unanimously approved it.

Reconvened in Regular Session

Whereas the Goochland Powhatan Community Services Board of Directors convened in a closed session on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and Whereas § 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this Board that such closed session was conducted in conformity with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Now therefore, be it resolved that the Goochland Powhatan Community Services Board of Directors certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Freedom of Information Act, and only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered by the Board.

ACTION: Motion made by A. Cimmino to certify conformity of closed meeting and to reconvene regular session, seconded by S. Hackenburg. All members affirmed this by show of hands

ACTION: Motion made by A. Cimmino that the Board response to the personnel issue discussed in closed session certify that the yearend definition for 2015 bonuses was January 1, 2016, seconded by L. Shevrin. 5 members approved this motion, 1 abstained and 1 opposed.

ACTION: There being no further business, regular meeting was adjourned at 6:01 p.m.


Lorrie Shevrin, Secretary Date
