Preparation of Papers in Two-Column format for Bulletin of ICMEM2010
Name Surname
Department of Manufacturing Management,
Technical University of Košice with aseat in Prešov, Slovak Republic.
E-mail: , Tel.: +4215177000000, Fax.:
Name surname
Department of Manufacturing Management,
Technical University of Košice with aseat in Prešov, Slovak Republic.
E-mail: , Tel.: +4215177000000, Fax.:
Abstract: The paper deals with preparation of papers in two – column format for issue in bulletin of Manufacturing engineering & management 2010of Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with a seat in Prešov.Paper must be typed according to this description that specifies which font faces and sizes to be used, page layout and how to sort figures, tables, and references. The abstract gives the reader an overall view of the contents of the full paper. It has a maximum length of 50-100 words and must not contain any figures, graphics or tables. The content of the paper should be in two columns. A list of keywords should be included at the end of the abstract. Four to six keywords representative of the work should be stated at the end of abstract, on a separate line, as shown below. (max. 9 lines)
Keywords: layout, paper, (four to six keywords)
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: SURNAME, N., SURNAME, N. Title of the article. In. Bulletin ofManufacturing engineering & management 2010 Vol. 1. pp. 2010. ISSN XXXX-XXXX.
Start the paper with introduction of the subject of the paper. It should have an up-to-date literature review and comparison with previous works to highlight contribution. The paper must be brief as possible.
Camera Ready Paper Format Details:
-Paper Size: Maximum four (4) A4 (210 x 297 mm) pages, including figures, tables, references, appendices etc. The file size should not exceed 5 MBytes.
-File Format: MS Word „doc“ file.
-Do NOT apply any security settings to file.
-For text formatting, font sizes, font types and other specifications use the "Template of Manuscript" [dot].
-Save your manucript as follows:
Surname of the first author_first two words from the title.
Layout of manuscript
The paper body may consist of several headings, subheadings, figures, equations, tables etc. This sample manuscript layout is prepared as per the specifications for font types, font styles and font sizes, formatting of title, authors’ information, abstract, headings, numbering of sections, equations, figures, table etc. The paper should not exceed 4 pages, including diagrams, photos etc. The text of the paper should be printed on sheets format A4 DIN/ISO A4 (210x297mm) in two columns.The title of the paper should give clear idea about the work that is present in the paper. It should not be too long.
Author(s) information
For each author give name in order: first-last, in first line; details of affiliation in second line; and email in last line. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*).
The tables must be numbered consecutively starting from 1 and should have a caption, e.g. Table 1: Example of the table. The caption should come on the top of the table and table should be center aligned. There should be one blank line above the table caption. Tables should be referred as: Table 1 gives the suggested formatting of the text.
Tab.1Example of the table.
Independent variables / Factor levelVar. / Terminology and dimension / -1 / +1
x1 / J/T abbreviation [mm] / 0.2/1 / 0.14/1.2
х2 / Abrasive mass flow rate [g.min-1] / 200 / 400
х3 / Pressure [МPа] / 300 / 350
х4 / Traverse rate [mm.min-1] / 100 / 200
x5 / Traverse direction [°] / 180° / 360°
x6 / Depth [mm] / 1 / 9
Sharp images with good contrast and resolution (300 dpi) are essential for quality reproduction. Figures, graphs, photographs, diagrams etc. fall in this category and should be labelled as figures.
Fig. 1 Caption for the figure.
Figures should be serially numbered starting from 1 and each figure must be given a caption as shown for figure below. Figures should be referred to as Fig. 1 However, if a sentence begins with the reference to a figure, then it must start as “Figure 1 gives …”. The figure caption should be followed by one blank line.
Abbreviations and acronyms
Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even if they have been defined in the abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, ac, dc, and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable.
Equations must be typed exactly as they should appear in print. Style for letter symbols should be as follows: numbers and constants – regular, variables – italic, matrices and vectors – bold & italic. Equation (1) below is an example.
The equations must be serially numbered starting from 1 with the equation number put after the equation as (1) and right aligned in the column. Use the equation number in parenthesis to refer an equation like Eq. (1).
referencing others works
Where a publication is referred to in the text, enclose the authors' names and the year of publication within the brackets, see (Surname et al., 1996). For one author, use author’s surname and the year (Surname, 1999). For two authors, give both names and the year (Surname and Surname, 1962). For three or more authors, use the first author, plus et al., and the year (Surname et al., 2004). If giving a list of references, separate them using semi-colons (Surname et al., 1999; Surname, 2004).
List of references arranged alphabetically according to first author, subsequent lines indented. Do not number references. Publications by the same author(s) should be listed in order of year of publication. Please note that all references listed here must be directly cited in the body of the text.
In this section author(s) can acknowledge organizations or individuals that have made distinct contributions.
If you need any further assistance regarding submission, send e-mail to , with subject as „Camera Ready Paper Upload Help“
[1]Sharma, N.N., and Mittal, R.K., 2005, Brownian Motion of Nanoparticle Considering Non-rigidity of Matter: A Systems Modeling Approach, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, 4(2), pp.180-186.
[2]Mittal, R. K., Sharma, N.N. and Rout, B.K., 2005, “Robot Manipulator Design Optimization,” Technical Report No. CRIS-12, CRIS, BITS Pilani, India, 20 pages.
[3]Bumbálek, B., Obvody, V., Ošťádal, B.: Surface roughness. Praha, SNTL 1989. (in Czech)
[4]Brezina, I.: Surface roughness. Fine mechanics and optics, No. 7, 1991. (in Czech)
[5]Pernikář. J., Tykal, M., Vačkář, J.: Metrology and quality. Brno, CERM 2001. (in Czech)
[6]Vašek, J., Martinec, P., Foldyna, J., Sitek, L., Ščučka, J. Abrasives for AWJ cutting. Academy of Sciences, Ostrava, 2002.
[7]Sigmund, M., Brychta, J., Čep, R. Quality control at high speed machining. Technological Engineering, 2005, roč. II., č. 1, pp. 20 – 21.