Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued:19August 13: Revision No.:Original
D:\BMT\IRCG Boat Ops Manual\FDs\Section 4\S4 - C1 - Operating Procedures - Final Draft.doc
Section 4 Chapter 1
Introduction to Operating Procedures
Summary of Key Policy / Content:
CGB Operating Procedures are an integral part of the IRCG Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Operating procedures are categorised and colour coded as follows; Standard Operating Procedures; SAR Operating Procedures; Emergency Operating Procedures.
Operating procedures can only contribute to the safety of CGB operations if they are adhered to by all personnel during all CGB operations:
All personnel have a responsibility to manage their continued practise (exercise) so that they become, and remain, familiar with these operating procedures and can implement them effectively during the course of their duties.
The OIC and Boat Cox have a duty to support and monitor the training and skills development of all CGB personnel. Each individual is responsible for recording all CGB exercises and operations conducted in their CGB Operations Personal Log.
Continuity of operations is a critical safety tool which allows the IRCG to assure the safety of CGB operations throughout the Organisation:
All personnel are responsible for adhering to the duties, responsibilities or authorities assigned throughout operating procedures.
The layout and content of operating procedures is described and an index of current procedures is contained within this chapter.
Table of Contents
Summary of Key Policy / Content:
(4) 1.1 Introduction
(4) 1.1.1 Individual Responsibilities
(4) 1.1.2 CGB Exercises & Operations
(4) 1.1.3 Safety & Risk Management
(4) 1.1.4 Accountability and Responsibility
(4) 1.1.5 Hierarchy of Safety
(4) 1.1.6 Control Measures
(4) 1.1.7 Safe Systems of Work
(4) 1.1.8 Adherence to Procedures / Alternative Methods of Operation
(4) 1.1.9 Planned Deviation from Procedure (Exercise):
(4) 1.1.10 Unplanned Deviation from Procedure (Response):
(4) 1.2 Layout, Content & Categorisation of Procedures
(4) 1.2.1 Layout & Content
(4) 1.2.2 Categorisation and Referencing of Procedures
(4) 1.3 Index of Current Operating Procedures
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Section 4 - Chapter 1 – Operating ProceduresGuard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued:19August 13: Revision No.:Original
D:\BMT\IRCG Boat Ops Manual\FDs\Section 4\S4 - C1 - Operating Procedures - Final Draft.doc
(4) 1.1 Introduction
CGB Operating Procedures are an integral part of the IRCG Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
The operatingprocedures contained within this chapter are categorised and colour coded as follows:
Standard Operating Procedures
SAR Operating Procedures
Emergency Operating Procedures
Within each category a procedure may relate to:
▪Generic CGB Operations
(Applicable to both RibsandD Class)
▪Rib Operations only
▪D Class Operations only
Procedures are labelled and indexed accordingly.
See(4) 1.3 Index of Current Proceduresfor a full index of current procedures.
(4) 1.1.1 Individual Responsibilities
Operating procedures can only contribute to the safety of CGB operations if they are adhered to by all personnel during all CGB operations, as such:
All personnel have a responsibility to manage their continued practise (exercise) so that they become, and remain, familiar with these operating procedures and can implement them effectively during the course of their duties.
All personnel are responsible for adhering to the duties, responsibilities or authorities assigned throughout these standard and emergency operating procedures.
(4) 1.1.2 CGB Exercises & Operations
All personnel appointed to the roles identified within the operating procedures have a responsibility to regularly drill (exercise) the operating procedures contained within this section in order to:
Remain familiar with the procedural job steps described
Be able to safely and effectively implement the procedural job steps as required by CGB operations
The OIC and Boat Cox have a duty to support and monitor the training and skills development of all CGB personnel.
Each individual is responsible for recording all CGB exercises and operations conducted in their CGB Operations Personal Log.
The OIC is responsible for monitoring CGB personnel attendance against the retention criteria as described within Section 1 – Chapter 2 – Appointment, Training, Qualification and Development.
(4) 1.1.3 Safety & Risk Management
The IRCG has risk assessed each CGB Operation for which there is an Operating Procedure contained within this Section.Each Operating Procedure:
Identifies the hazards and risks associated with the operation.
Describes the control measures (procedures) which must be implement to control the risks.
NB.Operating Procedures do not identify the generic control procedures listed in Section 3 –Chapter 1 - Safety and Risk Management.
(4) 1.1.4 Accountability and Responsibility
Unless otherwise stated, the designated Boat Cox is accountable for the safe management and implementation of operating procedures onboard the CGB:
Refer to Section 3 –Chapter 1 - Safety and Risk Management for further guidance.
The person in charge of the operation is responsible for the Dynamic Management of CGB operations and must continually utilise the risk & safety management skills described throughoutSection 3 –Chapter 1 - Safety and Risk Managementduring operations. Skills include:
Dynamic Risk Safety Management.
Situational Awareness Judgement.
Command, Control & Communication Processes.
Briefing and Debriefing.
All personnel have a responsibility to be alert to the hazards &risks identified throughout the Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual at all times.
All Personnel have a duty toremain familiar with the procedures required to control the risks as described throughout the operating procedures contained in this section.
All personnel are responsible for adhering to the duties, responsibilities or authorities assigned by procedure.
(4) 1.1.5 Hierarchy of Safety
Consideration mustbe given to the following hierarchy of safety when managing the risk(s) of CGB operations:
Priority 1Own Safety.
Priority 2Safety of CGB personnel.
Priority 3 Safety of the CGB.
Priority 4Safety of others in attendance/ members of the public.
Priority 5Safety of casualties (persons).
Priority 6 Safety of the casualty craft.
(4) 1.1.6 Control Measures
Control measures must be used to reduce or eliminate risks so far as reasonably practicable.
(4) 1.1.7 Safe Systems of Work
It is the responsibility of the person in charge of an operation to use dynamic risk assessment to evaluate the suitability of implementing the standard procedures contained within this section.
If deviation is required refer to (3) 1.10 Deviation from Standard Procedure.
(4) 1.1.8 Adherence to Procedures / Alternative Methods of Operation
There are many alternative methods of operation, some of which may achieve the same level of safe CGB operation:
Continuity of operations is a critical safety tool which allows the IRCG to assure the safety of CGB operations throughout the Organisation.
(4) 1.1.9 Planned Deviation from Procedure (Exercise):
A Change Request Form must be submitted to the VS&T branch as described in Chapter 1 - Section 5 – Information Managementprior to conducting planned deviations from the standard procedures described throughout the Boat Operations Manual.
The person in charge of an operation is responsible for obtaining permission from the VS&T branch.
(4) 1.1.10 Unplanned Deviation from Procedure (Response):
Where immediate deviation is required as part of the dynamic risk assessment process, the designated person in charge must report the deviation in accordance with Chapter 3 - Section 1 - Safety and Risk Management.
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Section 4 - Chapter 1 – Operating ProceduresGuard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued:19August 13: Revision No.:Original
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(4) 1.2 Layout, Content& Categorisation of Procedures
(4) 1.2.1 Layout & Content
Operating Procedures are structured in sections. Each procedure contains some or all of the following sections:
Table of contents:Indexing the sections & topics in the chapter. / Procedural Scope & Restrictions:
This sections sets out the anticipated extent of the operation and identifies any organisational restrictions.
This section is core to ensuring that both CGB operations and exercises are conducted in safe conditions.
NB. Either equipment or procedure may not be appropriate to operations beyond the stated limits. / Supporting Equipment & Referenced Procedures:
Aids Boat Cox in planning and constructing CGB exercises.
For example if the Towing SOP also references Seamanship then it would be effective to include the content of both SOPs in the training exercise. / Hazard Identification and Risk Control:
Identifies hazards, risk and control measures specific to the procedure:
NB.Operating Procedures do not identify the generic control procedures listed in Section 3 – Chapter 1 - Safety & Risk Management
Variables Effecting the Operation
Details the probable variables which must be considered during the Dynamic Management of the operation by the person in charge. This can aid in the development of risk and safety management and provide ideas as to likely scenarios when putting together training exercises.
Approved procedural alternatives (where applicable).
Operational Planning Aids:
Quick reference sheets which summarise:
▪ Methods of operation.
▪ Job roles and responsibilities (referencing the safe working practises for which the designated person is responsible).
▪ Overview of operational job steps (containing planning and briefing aids and referencing the safe working practises required to perform the job step).
NB.Only to be used once familiar with the operational job steps and job tasks as described in the proceeding Detailed Description of Safe Working Practises . / Detailed Description of Safe Working Practises:
These topics described in detail the:
▪ Safety measures: Depicted by
▪ Operational job steps and job tasks: Depicted by or ▪
(4) 1.2.2 Categorisation and Referencing of Procedures
Every page of each procedure contains a header which identifies:
▪The type of procedure (colour coded for either Standard / SAR / Emergency)
▪The operation
▪A unique reference
▪Document control information
An example header is depicted below:
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Section 4 - Chapter 1 – Operating ProceduresGuard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued:19August 13: Revision No.:Original
D:\BMT\IRCG Boat Ops Manual\FDs\Section 4\S4 - C1 - Operating Procedures - Final Draft.doc
(4) 1.3 Index of Current Operating Procedures
SHEET 1 of 1
Standard Operating ProceduresProcedure Title / Reference / Current Edition Date
Pre-launch preparation (Generic) / SOP G-01
Launch and recovery (Generic) / SOP G-02
Essential safety procedures afloat (Generic) / SOP G-03
Seamanship / working with ropes (Generic) / SOP G-04
Anchoring (Generic) / SOP G-05
Adverse weather conditions (Generic) / SOP G-06
Towing (Rib Only) / SOP R-01
Towing (D Only) / SOP D-01
Beach landing (D Only) / SOP D-02
SAR Operating Procedures
Procedure Title / Reference / Current Edition Date
Transferring between craft(Generic) / SAR-01
Search techniques(Generic) / SAR-02
Lee shore recovery(Generic) / SAR-03
Casualty recovery, care & evacuation(Generic) / SAR-04
Helicopter operations(Generic) / SAR-05
Emergency Operating Procedures
Procedure Title / Reference / Current Edition Date
Signalling distress (Generic) / EOP G-01
Emergencies onboard the CGB (Generic) / EOP G-02
Abandonment sea survival (Generic) / EOP G-03
Man Overboard(D Only) / EOP D-01
Capsize (D Only) / EOP D-02
Propulsion failure / CGB adrift(D Only) / EOP D-03
Man Overboard(Rib Only) / EOP R-01
Capsize(Rib Only) / EOP R-02
Propulsion failure / CGB adrift(Rib Only) / EOP R-03
Steering failure(Rib Only) / EOP R-04
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