Minutes of Previous meeting Report forSeptember 2013
Annual General Meeting MinutesFMI – Capital Chapter
For Meeting held on
DATE Sept 26th, 2013
Members Attendees:
Christopher Bucar, Heather Buchan, Ken Campbell, Nicole Campeau, Pierre Chenier, Manon Demers, Daniel Dube, Carmen Dupere, Jonathan Hood, Kristina Kanjilal, Ken Kocia, Sylvain Lapierre, Anik Lapointe, Christian Lohyer, Dan Maloley, Ross Miller, Janet Mrenica, Gail Pierre-Jerome, Allan Richards, Gail Somers, Shawn Sutton, Maria Wisniowski, Amy Zhang.
Non Members Attendees:
Gudrun Ahsmann, Saad Anwer, Joanne Ayoub, Patricia Bergin, Anne Biron, Mario Dube, Zeeshan habib, Elena harding, Sagar Kulkarni, Yves Lariviere, Mary Lim, Etienne Nzolang Fondjo, Issa Nzoyihera, Sherry Sharpe, Hasana Tai.
Keynote Speaker – Filipe Disis – Introduced by Heather Buchan, President, FMI Capital Chapter
Meeting Called to order at 4:15 PM by Heather Buchan, President, FMI Capital Chapter
Confirmation of Quorum – Gail Somers, Secretary confirmed criteria met. List of attendees recorded.
President Report:Heather addressed the attendees and indicated that she didn’t have a report but preferred to take this time to thank the Board and the Program committee volunteers for their contribution and hard work to help make this a successful year. Heather called each member of the Board of Director for the FMI CC by name to come forward to accept a thank you gift as a token of FMI CC’s appreciation for their time and hard work while serving FMI CC. Heather then proceeded to introduce Sylvie Seguin, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of the Comptroller General and Chair of PD week to discuss PD Week.
Sylvie Seguin, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of the Comptroller General and Chair of FMI PD Week gave a brief overview of the plans for Professional Development Week (PDWeek) on November 27th, 2013.
Treasurer’s Report:Sylvain Lapierre, Finance Advisor, Shared Services Canada and Treasurer, FMI CC tabled the FMICC’s 2012-2013 year-end Financial Statements. See attached report.
Motion: 2013-09-26-01 Motion for the Financial Statements for 2012-13 be approved as presented
Motioned By: Heather Buchan
Seconded By: Nicole Campeau
Janet Mrenica, Vice Present, FMI CC – Filing for federal not-for-profit incorporation – Janet provided a review of the work she has done on behalf of FMI CC with respect to FMI CC formally applying to become a federal not-for-profit corporation and align the classes of members within the bylaws to those of FMI National. To provide adequate notification to the FMI Capital Chapter members a Special Member’s meeting will be held October 24th for members to vote on the filing for federal not-for-profit incorporation and the amendment to the FMI Capital Chapter bylaws, as noted. An information package with the background and motions to be presented will be sent via email to FMI CC members.
Heather Buchan, President and Janet Mrenica, Vice Presidentattended the podium and advised the members that they will now conduct the business of Resolutions that are required and that only members of FMI Capital Chapter are allowed to vote.
The first item is the Minutes of September 25th, 2012.
Motion: 2013-09-26-02 I Heather Buchan move that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of September 25, 2012, be approved as tabled.
Motioned By: Heather Buchan
Seconded By: Manon Demers
Motion: 2013-09-26-03 I, Janet Mrenica move that the services of Michael Northcote, CA, be retained to review the FMI Capital Chapters 2013-2014 Financial Statements
Motioned By: Janet Mrenica
Seconded By: Nicole Campeau
Approval of Membership Fees
Motion: 2013-09-26-04 I Janet Mrenica, move that the Membership fees of $36.75, which incluse HST remain status quo for the 2013-2014 membership year.
Motioned By: Janet Mrenica
Seconded By: Nicole Campeau
Janet introduced Ken Kocia, Past President and Chair of the FMI CC Nominating Committee
Notice of Nominations of 2013-2014 Directors and Ofifcers
Ken read the list of nominees for the FMI Capital Chapter Board of Directors as follows:
Officers Name
President Heather Buchan
Vice President Janet Mrenica
Past President Ken Kocia
Treasurer Sylvain Lapierre
Secretary Gail Somers
Director of Marketing Janet Weichel McKenzie
Liaison/Social Chair Gail Pierre-Jerome
IT Director Christian Lohyer
Program Co Chair Ken Kocia
Program Co Chair Pierre Chenier
Director Hasana Tai
Director Kristina Kanjilal
Director Christopher Bucar
Director Carmen Dupere
Director Sarah Pike
Ken advised the members that a vote will be held on October 24th 2013, at the Special Members Meeting to appoint the Board.
Heather Buchan, Janet Mrenica and Yves Lariviere, Liaison Chair, presented gifts and recognition certificates to Liaison Officers. Door prizes were drawn for attendees- won by Manon Demers, Ginnette Ng, Sherry Sharpe, Amy Zhang and Etienne Nzolang Fondjo. Heather Buchan presented Gail Pierre Jerome with gift for being photographer. Janet McKenzie presented Tammy Williams with a bottle of wine in appreciation for her great work in putting the AGM together.
Heather Buchan and Janet Mrenica thanked the Program Committee and Lead for all their hard work and dedication to FMI Capital Chapter.
Motion that the meeting be adjourned.
Motioned By: Ken Kocia
Seconded By: Yves Larivere
The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.