JANUARY 17, 2011
Members Present: Alderpersons Kassis, Cahak, and Turnbull (arriving at 6:01 pm), Julie Warax and Denise Wendt
Members Absent: Sam Hardin and Heather McCann
Others Present: Sarah Young, Park, Recreation and Cemetery Supervisor, Alderperson Bauknecht, Joe Jopek, and Erica Berg, Public Works Office Assistant
This meeting of the Parks, Cemeteries, and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairperson Kassis on the above date at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Erica Berg, Public Works Office Assistant, recorded the minutes thereof.
1. Approval of Minutes from December 20, 2010 Meeting
Wendt moved, Cahak seconded, to approve the December 20, 2010 minutes as previously distributed. Carried 5-0, Absent 2.
2. Approval of Most Advantageous Bid for Timber Sales at the Old Landfill Site and Elmwood Cemetery
Alderperson Cahak moved, Denise Wendt seconded, to accept the bid of $34,909.70 from Graap Logging for the Old Landfill site and $50,009.50 from T&T Quality Cutting, LLC for the Elmwood Cemetery site.
Joe Jopek, a representative from the Ice Age Trail, explained that he has been reviewing the minutes of this committee and saw that Pete Solin, Department of Natural Resources, came to discuss plans at the old landfill site. Mr. Jopek advised the Ice Age Trail is at a point in its quarterly plan to make a formal proposal to the City about the possibility of having the Ice Age Trail run through this area. He wondered if Mr. Solin’s plans for the area will affect the Ice Age Trail’s plans. He was mostly concerned about clear cutting.
Alderperson Kassis explained that a portion of the pines in this area will be clear cut, but not a lot have been marked.
Alderperson Turnbull inquired about this as she was under the impression that there would not be any clear cutting at either of the sites.
Alderperson Kassis explained that at the Elmwood Cemetery site, there is a lot of aspen and clear cutting is the best way to manage this species because cutting away the larger trees will allow the smaller trees to regenerate. There is also an area that has mostly overgrown pine that will be managed in the same way. At the landfill site, it is mostly hardwood that will be selectively logged and marked. Sarah Young, Park, Recreation, and Cemetery Supervisor, mentioned that this site can be better managed in the future after selective logging has taken place.
Alderperson Kassis noted that Mr. Solin will draw up a plan for the City to keep these areas managed. He said that Mr. Jopek should bring his plans to Mr. Solin so that they can be included in the overall plan.
Mr. Jopek wanted to bring the Ice Age Trail plans to the attention of the committee so that they were aware of what the Ice Age Trail is planning.
Mr. Jopek further advised that the Ice Age Trail is looking at some sort of camping facility in this area. He said that they are considering utilizing the pit privy and facilities at the gun and bow range, but if the City is interested in placing a primitive campsite at this location, the Ice Age Trail plans could be developed in that direction. Ms. Young said that she is working on extending the City’s current campground, but she may consider this in the future.
Alderperson Kassis explained that the Park, Cemetery, and Recreation Commission have developed a long-range plan and Ms. Young added that the Ice Age Trail spur is a part of that plan. She added that she will be having park planning meetings in the month of February and the public is welcomed to attend.
Mr. Jopek said that a few years ago, the City was looking at a location about 6-7 miles to the north as a link to the trail, but he feels that the landfill site, which is only 2-3 miles to the south, would be a better connecting point. Ms. Young said that she agrees. Mr. Jopek said that the Ice Age Trail could connect to the City trail and the City trail could be certified as a part of the Ice Age Trail.
Mr. Jopek reiterated that he likes the landfill site as a scenic corridor, rather than having to walk through a potato field or along the highway. Alderperson Kassis noted that logging in this area will make it look different for awhile, but should not affect the overall plans of the Ice Age Trail.
Mr. Jopek would like to make a road-to-road connection from Highway 45 to Hillside Road. Denise Wendt asked if he has spoken with the Adamskis, who own the wayside off of Highway 45. Mr. Jopek said that he has, but he has spoken with another property owner who is interested in having the trail run through his land and this would be a connection to Highway 45 farther to the north than the wayside. He also mentioned that there is a subdivision to the east of the wayside that may cause problems.
Alderperson Kassis said that Mr. Jopek should bring his plans back to the committee once they have been formalized and the Park, Cemetery, and Recreation Commission will be willing to work with him to enhance the trail.
Alderperson Turnbull inquired if the trees will be marked so that the bidders will know which trees to cut. Ms. Young said that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has marked them. Alderperson Kassis explained that the DNR follows a plan of mature and troubled trees and there is a certain Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) that they follow to ensure the coverage of the land so that they do not cut down every tree. Some of the trees are left for wildlife management.
Ms. Young added that the harvest will also help to address the Buckthorn problem in these areas. Upon inquiry from Alderperson Turnbull, Ms. Young said that she is hoping that the loggers will remove some of the Buckthorn as it gets so thick that they cannot get in to log, but it will mostly be addressed after the fact. She added that she has contracted with a private contractor to put together a plan which will show where the invasive species are and how to remove them.
Ms. Young mentioned that the money earned at the landfill site will go back to the landfill account and the money earned at the cemetery site will be used for the cemetery and various park projects.
Upon inquiry from Alderperson Turnbull, Ms. Young said that the only difference between the bids is the price and they are all providing the same service. Alderperson Kassis added that the bid per ton is what makes the difference as the same amount of volume is being taken off.
Upon inquiry from Alderperson Bauknecht, Ms. Young advised that the time limit for the project is March 1, 2012, because she wants to allow the companies to work as much of a winter season as possible to reduce damage to the roads. Upon inquiry from Alderperson Kassis, she said that these are not winter jobs, but the City has the discretion to ask them not to go on the roads for periods of time if they are wet.
The vote on the motion was then held. Carried 5-0, Absent 2.
3. Approval of Gate Purchase for the Elmwood Cemetery
Ms. Young said that right now, the cemetery does not have a gate and there is just a chain that runs across to keep people out if the road conditions are too soft. She also mentioned that she closes the cemetery on Halloween to deter vandalism. This is a budgeted item.
Turnbull moved, Wendt seconded, to approve the purchase of a gate for the Elmwood Cemetery. Carried 5-0, Absent 2.
4. Discussion of the Enforcement of Driving Motor Vehicles in Parks
Ms. Young noted this came up because of Music in the Park discussions for this summer and she wants to outline her expectations not only for Music in the Park, but for other community groups that use the park facilities. She said that this is first and foremost for public safety and secondly so that the parks can be maintained and looking nice for everyone while at the same time providing reasonable access for those wishing to utilize the park shelters. She explained that she would like to enforce her current policies with the committee’s blessing as this has been allowed more than it should and she feels that it is getting out of hand.
Alderperson Turnbull asked if there are issues with people driving in the parks, to which Ms. Young advised that the main issue is that there are people at various events that pull right into the park. She is concerned about City Park West because there is a large amount of trees and visual blind spots and there are kids running around and playing. Also, when the ground gets soft the park will get rutted up. She mentioned a lot has been invested in this park with the bandstand, the trees, and continuous seeding and reseeding.
Alderperson Turnbull said that she thinks putting up a sign would be good enough, to which Ms. Young said that there is currently a sign and a gate at the park, but people still jump the curb. Ms. Young would like to work with people as it is currently in the policy that if someone having a large event needs to unload a lot of equipment, they can pull into the park at designated entry points, but she is asking that they not park their vehicles in the park once they have unloaded. She would like them to pull back out of the park and park along the road. She said that there are events where there is a whole row of cars parked in the park and it gives the public the perception that it is ok to park there and it is not. She does not allow for regular facility reservations to do this and it is setting a bad precedent.
Alderperson Turnbull asked what people do if Ms. Young asks them to move their vehicles. Ms. Young said that they mostly obey, but there was an individual last year that drove right on through the park. She said that it is difficult to ask a whole row of cars to move when there is an event taking place, so she will try to communicate with them before the season begins to start off on a good note.
Denise Wendt asked if Ms. Young gives something to those who rent the facilities that states the policy. Ms. Young said that she gives people a trifold brochure that states the policies and she also highlights the important points to people verbally.
Alderperson Cahak asked why the police cannot be called down to ticket people right away and Ms. Young said that they can, but she would like to try communication first. She said that if she explains the reasons behind the policy, people might be more receptive. Alderperson Cahak thinks that Ms. Young should get the police involved because there are always going to be people who will not cooperate. Alderperson Bauknecht said that there should be a warning system, similar to the winter sidewalk program.
Alderperson Kassis thought that the main problem is that people drive up and unload their stuff but then forget to move their vehicles back out onto the street. He asked if people are jumping the curb and driving through the parks and Ms. Young said that they are. He said that if this is the case, people should be ticketed without any sort of warning because that is a problem and dropping stuff off is not.
Alderperson Turnbull said that the committee should be concerned with people pulling back out of the parks after unloading and not driving in the parks because that is already illegal. Alderperson Kassis added that he does not think that people are driving from one end of the park to the other to which Ms. Young replied that they are and this is a result of people seeing cars parked in the park and driving through the park during events.
Ms. Young said that this summer she is planning an early construction project that will create a bump-in on the east of City Park West and a nice, wide ramp area where handicap busses can pull in and drop people off. There will also be a paved path to the concrete pad at the bandstand. She will work with people on the shelter side of the park if they need to unload equipment, but other than that, there should be no cars in the park.
Alderperson Turnbull asked if there will be reserved parking for event staff and Ms. Young replied that that is one of the things she is going to try to work on this summer. If people other than event staff park in these spaces, Ms. Young will have law enforcement get involved and it will be the same for the bus on load/off load area.
Upon inquiry from Alderperson Cahak, Ms. Young advised there is an ordinance regarding parking in the parks.
5. Discussion and Possible Action to Purchase a Refrigerator from the Expendable Trust for the Peaceful Valley Warming House
Alderperson Turnbull asked who will be paying the electricity bill for the refrigerator, to which Ms. Young advised that the Park, Recreation and Cemetery Department will. Alderperson Turnbull then asked what will be in the refrigerator or if it will be empty. Ms. Young replied that it will depend on which event is going on and if it is empty, it will be unplugged. Plugging it in will be a part of the prepping process that the parks staff does for events, similar to the Lake Park Concession Stand.
Alderperson Cahak asked how much it will cost, to which Ms. Young advised she has been looking at prices and hopes that it will not cost more than $400.00. Alderperson Cahak asked where the money will come from, to which Ms. Young advised the expendable trust fund, which is money that was raised through pie and ice cream sales.
Julie Warax asked where the refrigerator will be placed and Ms. Young responded that there are options because there is not anything in the warming house at the moment. Ms. Warax mentioned that the manager at Menards could put Ms. Young on a call list for items that are returned with dents or scratches on one side and Ms. Young could possibly get a good deal this way. Ms. Warax said that her sister-in-law is the manager and Ms. Warax will have her call Ms. Young if anything comes through.