August 16, 2010
What’s New?
What’s New? is a weekly electronic newsletter produced and distributed free of charge to the members and constituents of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For a complete listing of ANSI news and events, please visit our website, ANSI Online.
A summary of this issue’s top stories…
ANSI Recognized by OSHA as an Approved Accrediting Body for Crane Operator Certification Programs
The Institute has been recognized as an approved accreditor of crane operator certification programs by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor.
ANSI Accredits First Certification Body under Superior Energy Performance Pilot Accreditation Program
The American National Standards Institute today announced that KEMA Registered Quality is the first certification body to be accredited under the Institute’s pilot program for Superior Energy Performance.
ANSI Partners with ACR for Greenhouse Gas Accreditation Program
As part of its continuing commitment to enhance the accreditation program for greenhouse gas validation and/or verification bodies, ANSI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Carbon Registry.
Standards for Accessibility Exhibition on Capitol Hill Planned for U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day
On behalf of the U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day Planning Committee, ANSI is pleased to announce the Standards for Accessibility exhibition on Capitol Hill, to be held on September 24, 2010.
ANSI September Caucus to Feature Hilary Cain of House Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation
ANSI has announced that the monthly ANSI Caucus Luncheon has resumed after the summer break. The next session will be held on Friday, September 10, 2010, and will feature guest speaker Hilary Cain, staff director of the U.S. House of Representatives Science and Technology Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation.
ANSI Convenes Fourth U.S.-India SCCP Workshop on Biometrics
The Institute, in cooperation with the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Bureau of Indian Standards, convened the fourth in a series of workshops held under the U.S.-India Standards and Conformance Cooperation Program. The workshop focused on biometrics technology, the relevant international standards, and their application in support of national priorities in the U.S. and India.
Standards Guide Space Projects Based on Lessons Learned in the Final Frontier
A new standard has been developed by the International Organization for Standardization to distill principles and guidelines learned from space projects, assisting space systems manufacturers and operators in improving the quality of products and the efficiency of their work.
People on the Move
People on the Move spotlights trailblazers in standardization, highlighting their latest achievements, advancements, and contributions to the standards community. In this issue: Peter A. Pagano and Megan Lehtonen.
ANSI actively participates in a number of social media websites, making pertinent information about events and initiatives readily accessible and providing a place of discussion for the U.S. standardization community.
Check us out on …
Federal Register notices of potential interest …
Standards and Trade Related Notices fromthe U.S. Federal Register, August 7, 2010 – August 13, 2010
National Cooperative Research and Production Act Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, April 6, 2009 – June 7, 2010
Take advantage of more great information…
Standards Action – August 13, 2010
The latest issues of ANSI’s key public review vehicle.
2008-2009 Annual Report
This year's annual report, A Pattern of Success, describes how ANSI and its Federation of members have continued a pattern of success, strength, and accomplishment that is more than ninety years strong, fortifying the U.S. marketplace position in the global economy through standards-based solutions to national and global priorities.
Check out our otherpublicationsanddocuments of interest.
Please check the Events Section of ANSI Online regularly for updated and new event information.
World Standards Week
September 20–24, 2010
Arlington, VA
U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day 2010
September 23, 2010
Washington, DC
Please check the Education and Trainingpage of ANSI Online regularly for listings of upcoming courses., the premier online source for standards and conformity assessment education, for easy-to-use educational tools that address the full range of standards activities. All of the courses and resources are free and provided by ANSI as a public service.
New on Standardization Case Studies
From radiation detection to quality drinking water, a wide variety of topics are addressed by these case studies, where standardization – either the concept or actual practice – helped in the resolution of real-world problems.Instructors can use these case studies as a vehicle to stimulate class discussion of standardization in their discipline, along with the economic and/or operational consequences of addressing or not addressing the issues or needs.
As a service to our members and constituents in the U.S. standards and conformity assessment community, ANSI provides an online network connecting the most progressive companies with the most qualified career-minded individuals.
Openings are frequently available in ANSI’sNew York and Washington, DC, offices. For more information or to submit your qualifications, visit the Career Opportunities Section of ANSI Online.
Buying standards? Check out the eStandards Store (eSS)…
Manage access to the standards you need most with a customized site license.
Learn more about this issue’s featured package:
ANSI/AAMI HE74 HE75 Human Factor Set
Discounted 11% off of the individual list price, this package addresses a broad range of human factors engineering (HFE) topics in a structured format. The material emphasizes adoption of a user-centered focus throughout the product design and development process, with the goal of making medical devices easier to use and less prone to use error.
For information about the inventory of thousands of documents available from the eStandards Store (eSS),please visit or contact ANSI Customer Service (212.642.4980, ).
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