TOPIC GRID – KS1 - 2014-2015
YEAR 1 / YEAR 2Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term / Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term
(HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY) / Whatever the weather / Up, Up and Away (Journeys) / New York,
New York
(compare with Sheffield) / Captain Cook / Amazing Creatures / Fighting Fit
(Florence Nightingale)
Robin Hood
(Castles) / Up, up and Away
(From the Wright Brothers to Neil Armstrong and beyond!) / Fantastic Festivals / Fire / Global Gardens / Super Scotland
SCIENCE / Autumn and Winter / Winter and spring / Spring and Summer / Materials: Good Choices / Plants and animals / Health
Materials / Animals including humans / Plants / Electricity / Plants and animals - variation / Forces
ART and DESIGN / Painting / Clay / Paper Sculpture / Clay Sculpture
Eg. Aboriginal Fish / Textiles
Eg. Puppets / Drawing
Eg. Portraits
Collage / Printing / Line and tone / Collage
Eg. Fire of London / Painting - Plants / Printmaking – E.g. Tartan, thistle, Famous artists – C.R. Mackintosh
DESIGN and TECHNOLOGY / ______/ Hot air balloons / ______/ Puppets
Eg. Amazing creatures
Castles / Cooking – link to enterprise / ______/ Vehicles
Eg. Fire Engines / Cooking – Scottish recipes (shortbread)
COMPUTING / Pictograms / Instructions and making things happen / Grouping and sorting / Routes / Branching Databases / Algorithms
Working with text / Algorithms / Sounds and pictures / Exploring simulations / Writing for a purpose
(enterprise link) / Animation
PE – GAMES / _____ / Throwing and catching / Striking and fielding / ______/ Ball Skills Unit 1: Throwing and catching / Ball Skills Unit 3: dribbling, kicking and hitting
______/ Kicking and dribbling / Badminton / ______/ Ball Skills Unit 2: Making games / Ball Skills Unit 4: Group Games
PE – DANCE/GYM / Dance – streamers and conkers
Gym – flight, bounce and land. / Gym – points and patches / Athletics / Gym Basic shapes
Dance Captain Cook / Gym Unit J: Spinning and turning/twisting / Athletics/sports day
Gym – shapes
Dance – for Christmas play / Dance – rainbow fish , going on a bear hunt / Outdoor and adventurous activities / Gym Unit I: Pathways
Dance Fire / Outdoor Adventurous Activities / Badminton
Scottish dances
RE / A: Celebrations and festivals: Christians and Muslims
Christmas Nativity / B: Myself: How do we show we care for others? Why does it matter? / D: Symbols: In what ways are churches/mosques important? / F: What does it mean to belong? (Islam) / G. How and why do people pray? / E: Leaders
Christmas: Why is Jesus called the light of the World?
Christmas Nativity / C: Stories of Jesus
MUSIC / Exploring sounds
Songs about the Weather / Exploring pulse and rhythm / Exploring instruments and symbols
Rat Pack
1940s -60s / Duration
Captain Cook songs
Folk Music - Sea shanties
Mozart / Pitch
Amazing Creatures / Timbre, tempo and dynamics
People songs
Exploring duration / Exploring Pitch / Exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics
Traditional music of the British Isles – Folk Music / Pulse and rhythm
Fire songs
Christmas songs / Instruments and symbols
Plant songs / Exploring sounds
Scottish musicians, songs and poems
Curriculum Specific Educational Visits (Ideas) / Robin Wood
Visit to St Patrick’s / Abbeydale Industrial Museum – Florence Nightingale
Castle Visit / Visit to Wadsley Church