Online Banking for Business Secure FTP SSH Client Questionnaire
Secure FTP SSH Client Questionnaire
SECTION I: Basic information about your company
Company Name:Company Business Contact Name:
Company Business Contact Phone:
Company Business Contact Fax:
Company Business Contact Email:
Company Address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Online Banking for Business Customer ID (if known)
Other Customer Contacts
Technical Contact Name:
Technical Contact Phone:
Technical Contact Fax:
Technical Contact Email:
Desired Production Date:
Please list services to which you want to enable file exchange (e.g. EDI, BAI, DEFT, etc.)
Section II: GXS mailbox information:
1. Do you have an existing mailbox on the GXS Interchange Service platform and would you like to use it? / YES, enter mailbox ID
NO, proceed to the next question
2. Would you like the same files/reports delivered and shared with multiple mailboxes (i.e. users), e.g., multiple divisions within your company that require separate access? Additional fees apply. / ------NoYes If NO, proceed to Section III.
3. Please provide your GXS mailbox Ids (if they exist) for multiple mailbox delivery. If no mailboxes are currently set up, indicate the number of required mailboxes. / - Use this field to fill in other mailbox Ids (if you answered Yes in question 1).
4. Would you like all files and reports delivered (shared) to multiple mailboxes or only to specific ones (e.g., specific EFT reports, EDI files, etc)? / ------AllOnly Specific productIf only Specific product option selected, fill in the following:
Enter product(s)
Section III – Secure FTP (SSH) information
Please provide the Secure FTP (SSH) software you want to use with this service. / SoftwareVersion
Important: Refer to Appendix C in the Secure FTP SSH User Guide to review the list of certified software for this service.
How would you like to setup SSH authentication? / UserID / Password
UserID / Public key authentication
Indicate file encoding (See Appendix Bin the User Guide for encoding description) / Inbound file to BMO
Outbound files from BMO
W (WINDOWS) - CR (Carriage Return) and Line Feed (LF). This means that the record terminators within the application files on the windows platform are CRLF.
A (ASCII) - The default delimiter on Unix platform is Line Feed (LF). This means that the record terminators within the application files on the Unix platform are LF
E (EBCDIC) - Mainframe format
Indicate if you require PGP and / or file compression (WinZip)?
NOTE: These are optional features and they are not required to exchange files with the Bank / PGP file encryption
WinZip file compression (not recommended for files less than 20 Mb).
Additional Notes:
September 2011 v1.0