June 1, 2017

Dear Chapter Director, President or Region 6 Member

This is your opportunity to participate in the selection of nominees for appointment/election to the regional management team. Nominees will be selected to fill the following positions for the two-year term beginning May 1, 2018 and ending April 30, 2020:

Communications Coordinator Membership Coordinator

Education Coordinator Team Coordinator

Return completed applications to the nominating committee chair, who will request confidential appraisal from the people listed as references by the applicants.

The regional nominating committee will carefully consider all the nominee applications and appraisals.

The regional management team will review the applications and appraisals in order to appoint the Communications Coordinator, Membership Coordinator and Team Coordinator, and to make recommendations to the Education Direction Committee for the international appointee, Education Coordinator, to the regional management team.

Are you or do you have members in your chapter who have all, or most, of the qualifications listed below, and are interested in serving on the regional management team or as a committee member or appointee? If so, please encourage them to complete and submit the attached application.

The IDEAL potential nominee should work well on her own and as a team member to define and pursue goals, and to carry out the aims the region and Sweet Adelines International. Her qualifications should include the following:

·  Positive, objective attitude

·  Good listening skills

·  Critical and analytical thinking as well as imaginative and creative thinking

·  Effective verbal and written communications skills

·  Knowledge and ability to use available resources

·  Ability to adapt easily to different environments

·  Ability to relate to a variety of personality types

·  Training and experience in a field which could be of value to the regional management team

·  Experience in Sweet Adelines International as a chapter, regional or international officer, committee chair or member


Rosemary Komadowski Linda Rubis


Co-Chair, Nominating Committee Co-Chair, Nominating Committee

Northern Lights Region 6 Northern Lights Region 6