103988: 82237 - STV Videos

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Duration: 04:05 minutes


Shell Technology Ventures

Fuel Creative Thinking. Catalyze Change.

It slides to left



Eric van de Meer voice over

“Shell came with a question like,'Could you make a pipe?'That was in 1998.

Airborne, at the time a small company,took on that engineering question,designed a concept.

And ultimately it led tothe invention, actually,of a technology to makea thermal plastic pipe…


Rear view of heads in a screen room, they are looking at a 3D simulated image of the interior structure of a large two tiered wheel -like structure, laying flat, a figure stands in front of screen talking them through the diagram

Close up view of a pair of hands on the screen against the wheel like structure

Above rear view of heads in a screen room, the figure in front of screen leading the discussion of the diagram is more clearly visible

Time lapse of clouds in blue sky, to the right is the wheel-like structure with the embossed words ‘Airborne Oil & Gas’ visible

Out of focus wide of piece of machinery with large wheel and smaller wheel, comes into focus, grass in foreground

Eric van de Meer and colleague, from rear, walk towards the wheel-like structures

From rear, man’s arm reaches out to touch 3D simulation

Standing figure to left in front of 3D simulation, zoom in

Right profile of technician wearing Airborne hard hat, backlit by bright light

Front of technician working, backlit by bright light

View through piece of yellow machinery of two technicians in hard hats working on pipe

Eric van de Meer in vision




…that has no metal at all in it.It's very light, it's very strong,

Eric van de Meer voice over

…therefore is a substantial changeto the environment…


Medium of pipe suspended from chains with technician’s hands holding a tool

Close up of end of pipe, camera focus changes to the chains hanging behind

Eric van de Meer in vision

…that the oil companies are used to.”

Rod MacGregor voice over

“GlassPoint is the leading providerof solar to the oil and gas industry.What not many people realise isthat the industry…


Cylinder with GlassPoint logo against a blue sky, steam is being emitted

With cylinder in background, a group of workers in blue overalls and hard hats walk towards camera

Rear of the group as they stand in a circle

Internal view of the mirror trough inside glasshouse, pan left

External view of roof of glasshouse

Rod MacGregor in vision




…of creating energy itself consumes a huge amount of energy.”

Rod MacGregor voice over

“And GlassPoint is substitutingthe burning of hydrocarbonsfor solar powerin many of the key processes…


Tracking shotat ground level of glass panes and mirror troughs

Yellow warning sign (exclamation mark inside triangle, Arabic writing, DANGER high pressure steam, hot pipes) in front of wall, above which steam rises

Internal view through glasshouse, blue sky above, pan up

Rod MacGregor in vision

…that happen in oilfields today.”

Emily Reichert voice over

“Greentown Labs…


Greentown Labs logo on brick exterior of building, zoom in

Close up of some green leaves

Close up of three suspended circular discs, the front one has ‘Pat Pend’ at its centre

Emily Reichert in vision




… is the largestclean technology incubatorin the country.”

Emily Reichert voice over

“We started with four companiesbuilding clean technology products.Over the course of four and a half years…


Rear of Emily walking through office

She turns into the workshop area

Close up of green leaves and white flower

Out of focus close up of three coloured nozzles (blue, white and yellow), they come into focus

Seedlings in a plant incubator with row of labels at far end

A ladybird crawls over a stem and onto a leaf

Emily Reichert in vision

…40 companies.”

Scott Pearson voice over

“Aquion has developeda new battery chemistrydesigned specifically forstationary energy storage.

It's designed to havehigh performance, low costs,ultimate safety and sustainability.

It allows…


Close up of grey overall with Aquion Energy logo patch

Overview of Aquion battery development area with cathode component in foreground

Cathode label on metal panel, pan right

Anode label on metal panel with lighting above, pan left

Close up of dark liquid being poured from a scoop

Close up of light-coloured liquid moving through transparent tubing

Machine components moving

Conveyor belt type component moving

Conveyor belt type component moving towards 4 x orange plug cable ends

Machine arm moving back and forth

Stapler type component in action

Scott Pearson in vision




…further renewables penetrationinto developing marketsthat don't have energy today.

Scott Pearson voice over

So you'll see places in Africaand the parts of the worldthat don't have energy today…


Green and blue plastic wiring

Assembly line

Moving machine part, worker walks past in background

Scott Pearson in vision

…and it's very easy to get…

Scott Pearson voice over

…cheap,affordable, renewable, clean energyto those parts of the world.”


Close up of top of battery as it moves along the production line

Side view of batteries as they move along production line


Sound of Shell, piano

Geert van de Wouw voice over

“There's fundamentally two types of investments that we do. We have investments in the oil and gas domain.”


Moving total in large numbers at bottom of screen



[changes to]

S +T+V = STVie


Geert van de Wouw vision




“The second area of investments ismore in the future energy domain…

Geert van de Wouw voice over

…because we realise that there'sa lot of exciting innovationoutside Shellthat we want to tap into.”


Internal view of sunlit large sculpture

Over shoulder view of 3D screen with five fingers touching it

Emily Reichert voice over

“STVie support cameat the point whenwe were in a stageof very, very fast growthand needing to raise…


GREENTOWN LABS signage, pan left

Fish swimming in green tank

Man working at desk, camera changes focus to the designs pinned on a board in the foreground

A hand picks up a handful of pellets from a tray

Close up as the hand opens and to show the pellets, a few gentle out back into the tray

Emily Reichert in vision

…$1.5 milliondollars in about four months.”

Emily Reichert voice over

“Then other organisations also signed on. There's support there when we need it…


Greentown Labs worker looking through microscope

Close up of the worker’s hands soldering something with smoke rising

Emily Reichert listening to a colleague out of shot, the colleague’s gloved hand protrudes into the shot right pointing out something below

Emily Reichert in vision

…and there's a listening ear andthere's a willingness to adviseand provide very…

Emily Reichert voice over

…wise counsel.”


Sound of Shell, piano

Scott Pearson voice over

“I live in Boston and STVie has a location in Boston.”


Scott Pearson walking through spacious plant area

Scott Pearson walking alongside glass doors with blue panels

Scott Pearson in vision

“They thought they were a good fit,as well, for us.”


Moving machinery part in background, green metal uprights to left

Eric van de Meer voice over

“We work…

Eric van de Meer in vision

…very closely withShell Research.They were telling us thatthere was some interest from STVie.”

Eric van de Meer voice over

“So it wasn't a complete surprisebut they did call us and they did say,'Maybe we should have another conversation about how our cooperation could work.'”


Wide of two workers in production area working on long orange pipe beside large wheel-like structure

Two workers wearing hard hats working with the orange pipe which is now suspended

Close up of yellow pipe section moving towards metal part

Close up of yellow pipe suspended with worker looking at it

Background music



Slow spinning globe with red lines moving across continents to indicate location of STV’s portfolio companies



Since 2013, STV’s portfolio has grown to more than 16 companies, with deployed technology that spans the globe.

Gordon MacGregor voice over

“In a mass case…

Gordon MacGregor in vision

…more than 22%of the nation's gas is burnedon oilfields to power oil production.”

Gordon MacGregor in voice over

“GlassPoint can reduce that gasconsumption by up to 80%.”


External view of glasshouse with steam being emitted

Close up of blue machinery part in motion

Geert van de Wouw voice over

“You see that these companies are very good at developing these technologies…


Blue sky seen between through roof of glasshouse between mirror troughs, pan up

External wide from low down of glasshouse against blue sky with troughs visible

Moving pan shot of glasshouse against blue sky with mirror troughs visible

Geert van de Wouw in vision

…to a certain scale.”

Geert van de Wouw voice over

“And the technology is certainlyquite unique.

Where we can help as Shell andShell Technology Venturesis in the scale up.”


Close up of part attached to end of orange pipe

Out of focus close up of moving orange nozzle

Three people walking along pathway in green area with city buildings visible in background

Closer view of the three people

Close up of Shell Pecten logo engraved on glass revolving door, the door comes to a stop

Gordon MacGregor in vision

“The investment by Shell wasa game-changerfor GlassPoint's business model.”

Gordon MacGregor voice over

“It brought lots of benefits,and the main thing it brought us…


Group of workers in blue overalls standing in front of large cylinder structure with GlassPoint logo

Close up of three workers in blue overalls standing a circle smiling

Wide of two workers in blue overalls walking alongside greenhouse structure, blue sky in background

Gordon MacGregor in vision

…was access.”

Eric van der Meer voice over

“Because STVie's objective isto deploy technology,their incentive is really embedded within their…


Back of man walking along walkway

Overhead view of Eric van der Meer and another man inside the empty circle made by the real large wheel-like structure seen simulated on the screen room screen earlier

Close up right profile of the two men, in safety glasses

Back of their heads as they examine an aspect of the structure

Eric van der Meer in vision

…cultureto make us successful.”

Eric van der Meer voice over

“They know that it's difficult to work within…


Eric van der Meer reaches out his arm to point something out while talking

Eric van der Meer in vision

…the oil industry. They know of the hurdles and…

Eric van der Meer voice over

…the inertia.There's absolute alignmentthat for us to be successful, which is also their mission…


Out of focus left profile of Erik van der Meer, moves into focus

Left profile of Erik van der Meer viewing two computer screens,

Right profile of Erik van der Meer with colleague in background, focus shifts from Erik van der Meer to colleague

Eric van der Meer in vision

…they need to open those doors.”

Eric van der Meer voice over

“They need to bring people together.”


Eric van der Meer and colleague walking along walkway with part of circle structure in foreground, pan so that they are seen through the structure

Geert van de Wouw in vision

“You cannot have but a lot of respect…

Geert van de Wouw voice over

…for the entrepreneursthat we deal with.They deal with a lot of risk…


Woman entrepreneur gesticulates an idea

Bearded entrepreneur talks and gestures

Male entrepreneur in casual jacket presents idea

Geert van de Wouw on camera

…including personal risks…

Geert van de Wouw voice over

…to make their productscome to market.”


Machinery part rotates then slides horizontally away from camera

Scott Pearson voice over

“Shell and STVie take a long viewon this,and that's different than other companies.

Strategic investors are thinkingin the next less than five years.”


Scott Pearson, facing camera, talking to employee, back of head to camera, Scott nods

View of green piping running vertical with Scott Pearson and colleague in foreground and ceiling lights in background

Close up of Shell Pecten on white lab coat

Over shoulder view of technician wearing blue gloves handling fluid

Tracking shot passing a female lab technician at a lab desk reaching over work surface to touch computer screen, tracks right to male lab technician seated at workstation

Scott in vision

“STVie and Shell are thinkingin the next 30.”


Small pink flowers blowing in the breezewith STV building in background

Time lapse of clouds in blue sky with Shell Pecten logo on side of building on right


Shell Pecten


Background music ends

Shell outro sting
