
一、【POMR 範本】Pneumonia, right middle lobe

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Fever (+)

Productive cough persisted, night cough improved

O: Vital sign:

BT:39.0℃ HR 102 /min RR 24 /min

Activity: fair

Appetite: improving

Throat: mild injected, no ulcers or vesicles

Heart: regular heart beat, no tachycardia

Chest: no tachypnea, no retraction sign

breath sounds: rales over right lung

airentry : slightlydecreased over right side

Abdomen: soft, no pain or tenderness, normoactive bowel sound

Skin: no skin rash noted

Lab: Mycoplasma pneumonaie Ab: pending

Problem#1: Pneumonia, right middle lobe

A: Pneumonia, active

→ Fever with body temperature around 39-39.5 degrees,

rales with poorair entry over right lung filed,

no retraction sign or tachypnea

P: 1.Chest x-ray will be followed up this morning

2.Antibiotics with Ilosone will be added if the Mycoplasma pneumonaie Ab is elevated

3.Keep antibiotic with Augmentin ( Day 3)

4.Keep current symptomatic treatment with robitussin, fluimucil,nasco berotec, alusa

5.Encourage CPT with bisolvon and bricanyl inhalation and .therapy

6.Explain possible complication of pneumonia and enhance the importance of chest

physiotherapy to the Family.

二、【POMR 範本】#1.Acute gastroenteritis with dehydration

#2. Diaper dermatitis

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Fever (+)

Diarrhea with mucoid & blood-tinged stool 8 times

Poor oral intake, intermittent abdominal pain

Rednness over diaper area

O: Vital sign:

BT:38.0℃ HR 102 /min RR 24 /min

Activity: fair

Appetite: decreased

Throat: dry mucosa

Heart: regular heart beat, no tachycardia

Abdomen: distension, no tenderness or rebound pain,

bowel sound: hyperactive

Skin:erythmea and erosion over perianal region

Problem #1: Acute gastroenteritis with dehydration

A: Acute gastroenteritis with dehydration ,active

→ Fever with body temperature around 38 degrees persisted but degrees &

frequency reduced, Still diarrhea but no peritoneal sign occurred.

Dry mucosa but fair urine output were noted.

P: 1.Wait for the result of blood culture and stool culture

2.Closeobservation for possible sign of peritonitis and dehydration

3.Intravenous fluid supply for dehydration

4.Keep Antibiotics therapy with Ampicillin and Gentamycin ( Day 2)

5.Keep symptomatic treatment: Kaopectin, Bismuth, Vioment and Gascon

6.Light dietWash hands well after each diaper change

Problem#2: Diaper dermatitis

A: Diaper dermatitis, under the treatment ( improving)

P: 1.Continue Epiderm ointment usage.

2.Frequently change diaper and clean it gently and thoroughly with soap and water

三、【POMR 範本】Acute purulent tonsillitis

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Still frequent spiking fever up to 39oC recent 2 days ( 5th day of illness)

Sore throat persisted,

Mild non-productive cough

Increase oral intake after mandol used

O:Vital sign : T/P/R/:38.1 / 108 / 23


Activity : fair

Mouth: mild dry

Throat : injected, grade III swollen tonsils with diffuse pus coating,

no ulcers or vesicles

Neck: palpable lymph node ( bilateral)

Chest : regular heart beat without obvious heart murmur

breathing sound:coarse, no rales, no wheezing

Abdomen : soft and flat, no palpable mass, no tenderness,normal bowel sounds

Skin: no rash

Problem #1: Acute purulent tonsillitis

A:Acute purulent tonsillitis, still spiking fever with decreaseoral intake due to sore throat

P:1.Check Adenovirus IgG & IgM and EB-VCA IgG & IgM

2.Wait for the result of throat culture

3.Do virus isolation of throat

4.Keep antibiotic withpenicillin G (Day2)

5.Keep symptomatic treatment with cofsoline, Endase

6.Add regular panadol for pain control

7.Encourage to gargle with warm salt water and eat soft cold foods, such as jelly or ice

cream and drink lots of water or other clear liquids

四、【POMR 範本】Urinary tract infection, suspect acute pyelonephritis

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: No fever , no dysuria or urgent urination

O: Vital sign:

BT:36.5℃ HR 80 /min RR 20 /min

Activity: fair

Appetite: fair

Abdomen: soft, no palpable mass, normoactive bowel sound

Back: knocking pain over right flank region

Lab: Urinalysis: Nitrite (+), Leukoesterase (+), WBC 50-60/HPF

Problem #1:Urinary tract infection, suspect acute pyelonephritis

A: Urinary tract infection, suspect right acute pyelonephritis, active

→ No fever but still right back knocking pain was noted

P: 1.Arrange renal echo for suspect acute pyelonephritis

2.Keep Antibiotics with Cefazolin and Gentamycin (day 2)

3.Keep intravenous hydration

4.Encourage to drinkplenty of water or clear liquids

5.Explain the possible complication of urinary tract infection to the Family

6.Education about the possible causes of UTI, such asholding urine for a

long time, not drinking enough water, poor toilet and hygiene habits.

五、【POMR 範本】Respiratory distress

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Tachypnea, intermittent

O: Vital sign: BT:37.2℃ HR 128 /min RR 48/min

Activity: fair; body weight: 3356 gm (↓ 56 gm)

Appetite:40 ml/meal/q4h with breast milk or 14% regular formula

Chest: regular heart beat with grade I-II/VI heart murmur

intercostal & subcostal retraction (+) . Tachypnea with intermittent retraction.

Abdomen: soft, mild distension, normoactive bowel sound; Skin: icteric

Lab: capillary gas: PH[7.352],PCO2[44.6],PO2[45.0],O2 Satu.[78.7],HCO3[24.2],

ABG-Base Excess[-1.6]; Urine GBS Ag : pending

Problem #1: Respiratory distress:

A:Respiratory distress , suspect transient tachypnea, suspect pneumonitis, improving

P: 1.Wait for the result of urine GBS Ag

2.Keep Antibiotics with Ampicillin and Gentamycin (day 3)

3.Increase fluid amount for 3 dayof life

4.Chest physiotherapy

5.Explain the possible causes of neonatal respiratory distress to the Family

Problem #2: Heart murmur, cause to be determined

A: Heart murmur, active

-> Grade I-II/VI over LSB and tachypnea were noted

P: 1.Arrange echocardiogram

2.Record intake and output.Close monitoring the sign of possible heart failure

Problem #3: Neonatal jaundice

A: Neonatal jaundice, suspect hyperbilirubinemia, active

P: 1.Check capillary bilirubin this morning

2.Workup for hyperbilirubinemia including bil D/T, G-6PD, Coomb's test (D/I),

Reticulocyte count, RBC morphology, U/A, U/C (prn)

3.Phototherapy will be started if the capillary bilirubin is more than 15 mg/dL.

4.Inform family about neonatal jaundice and how to check baby forjaundice.

5.F/u clinical response after phototherapy
六、【POMR 範本】Croup

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Still frequent barking cough when not in mist tent

Poor oral intake yesterday

O:Vital sign : T/P/R/:37.1 / 108 / 23


Activity : fair

Throat : injected, no swollen tonsils, no ulcers or vesicles

Neck: no palpable lymph node

Chest : regular heart beat without obvious heart murmur

breathing sound: coarse, slight rales, no wheezing

barking cough, slight suprasternal retraction

Abdomen : soft and flat, no palpable mass, no tenderness, normal bowel sounds

Skin: no rash

Problem #1: Croup

A:Croup with decrease oral intake and still frequent barking cough

P:1.Continue IV hydration and solumedrol treatment

2.Continue O2 tent with cool humidification

3.Encourage mother to give child more liquids.

4.Close monitoring of the clinical condition, if deteriorates give epinephrine inhalation and

consider transfer to PICU.

5.Explain his unstable condition to the family

七、【POMR 範本】UTI

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Fever last night, still mild dysuria

O: Vital sign:

BT:37.2℃ HR 92 t/min RR 20 t/min

Activity: fair


Chest: clear breathing sounds

Abdomen: soft non-distended, normal bowel sounds

Bilateral flank region: no knocking pain

Problem #1:UTI

A: UTI, still febrile

P: 1.Continue Cefazolin and Gentamycin treatment (day 2)

2.Perform renal echo to r/o congenital renal anomaly

3.Close monitoring for the symptoms of acute pyelonephritis

4.Continue IV hydration

5.Instruct the parents and patient about the importance of proper hygiene

八、【POMR 範本】Enterovirus infection

( H-F-M disease or Herpnagina with dehydration)

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Fever, sore throat, poor feeding, changed wet diaper 4 times yesterday

O: Vital sign:

BT:37.2℃ HR 100 /min RR 24 /min

Activity: fair

Appetite: reduced by ½ the usual amount

body weight: 12 Kg ( no change)

Chest: regular heart beat

symmetric expansion, clear breath sound

Abdomen: soft, mild distension, normoactive bowel sound

Skin: no rash or vesicles

Problem#1: Herpangia with mild dehydration

A: Herpangia with dehydration, active

→ fever, still poor oral intake with normal urine output

P: 1.Increase Intravenous fluid amount for dehydration

2.Keep symptomatic therapy with voren for pain

3.Keep apply Mandol for oral ulcers

4.Closely monitor for the sign of possible complication of enterovirus infection

And for dehydration

5.Encourage to take cold foods, such as ice cream, ice milk or jelly...

6.Explain the course of enterovirus infection

7.Wash hands thoroughly before eating, after going to the toilet orhandling diaper.

8.Inform the family to avoid sharing of food to prevent spread of disease.

九、【POMR 範本】Young infant fever

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: No fever

O: Vital sign:

BT:37.2℃ HR 100 /min RR 28 /min

Activity: fair

Appetite: Feeding amount 120 ml/q4h with breat milk or 14% regular formula

Neck: supple

Anterior fontanelle: flat

Chest: regular heart beat, symmetric expansion, clear breath sound

Abdomen: soft, mild distension, normoactive bowel sound

Skin: no rash or vesicles

Lab: Blood culture & urine culture: pending

Problem #1: Young infant fever

A: Young infant fever, improved

→ Nofever and good activity and appetite were noted

P: 1.Wait for the result of blood culture and urine culture

2.Keep antibiotic treatment with Ampicillin and Gentamycin (day 3)

3.Close monitoring for the sign of sepsis and observe the body temperature

4.Explain the possible causes of young infant fever to the family members.

5.Educate the family about correct concept of fever.

十、【POMR 範本】Preorbital cellulitis

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: No fever, swelling and redness of the right upper and lower eyelid

yellowish discharge over right eye

O: Vital sign:

BT:37.2℃ HR 92 /min RR 20 /min

Activity: fair


Eyes: normal vision(OU), EOM intact

conjunctiva:hyperemia (OD),

pus-like discharge (+)

Skin: erythema, tenderness, swelling over the right eye

Problem #1: Preorbital cellulitis

A: Periorbital cellulitis, OD, active

→ No fever but the inflammation surrounding the eye (OD)persisted.

P: 1.Take cultures of the discharge from the eye

2.Consultation with the ophthalmologist

3.Keep antibiotic treatment with Augmentin (day 2)

4.Continue Gentamycin eye drop use

5.Close monitoring for the symptoms of orbital infection

6.Explain the possible complication of periorbital cellulitis

7.Instruct the parents and patient about proper hygiene