
This form is for supervisor to fill in only.You are advised to fill in the project proposal in this template first and transfer it to the FYP website later. Note that, the session of the FYP website will be reset after 30 minutes if there is no navigation activity. * denote compulsory field.The FIST-FYP website is @ . Kindly, refer to the bottom note before you write the proposal.

Top of Form

Project Title *
Please be concise (Min. 15 and Max. 80 characters)
Description *
Please describe the essential components related to the selected student's programme. For instance, if you are proposing a web-based project for an ST student, there must be a security related component such as secure encryption (ST). Likewise if you are proposing a title for a DN student, you must include a DN related component such as secure socket layer. The component will be considered the contribution of the student in the project.
If your title is common to two or more programmes, then ensure there is at least one significant contribution eachstudent's programme.(Min. 200 and Max.2000 characters)
Objectives *
Please provide two to three brief objectives that are related to the student’s programmes.(Min. 100 and Max.1000 characters)
Project type * / Application-based / Research-based
Specific research area *
(e.g. Biometrics, TCP/IP programming, image processing, data mining, cryptography and etc.)(Min. 10 and Max.255 characters)
Skill set required *
(e.g. C/C++, C#.NET, ASP.NET, Linux OS, PHP, Java, Matlab, OpenGL, Silverlight, laboratory skills and etc.)(Min. 10 and Max.255 characters)
Expected deliverable *
(e.g. Working prototype with framework, online social networking system and software, feature extractor algorithm and matlab module, image processing algorithm with python module, etc.)(Min. 30 and Max.255 characters)
Project schedule
(List of steps or milestones to be accomplished by the student e.g.
1) Literature review (1 month)
2) System design (1 month)
3) Development & interim report (3 month)
4) Testing (1 month)
5) Deployment & final report (1 month))
(Max.500 characters)
Innovative component/ project potential
(e.g. novelty, new, enhancement, commercialisation, patent, publication, competition, exhibition, award and etc.)(255 characters)
This project suitable for programme *
Please ensure the project is suitable for the programme you select and ensure it is in-linewith the programme outcome. / Data Communications and Networking
Security Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Information Technology Management
Business Information System
Medical IT
This project most related to cluster/ SIG * / Security and Networking
Health Knowledge Management
Ambient Intelligence and Affective Computing
Bio-Knowledge Informatics
Supervisor name
Co supervisor name (if any)
Proposed by *
If the title is proposed by company, then please provide company detail such as Company supervisor, email, hp, company name & address / Supervisor / Company / Student

Note: All the proposals submitted will be reviewed by the FYP committee/ reviewers using double-blindprocess. Kindly ensure you consider the following questions to avoid rejection or major revision of your proposal.(it is preferable to answer “YES” for the questions).

  1. Is the FYP proposal relevant to the selected programme? (Very important)
  2. Is the project sufficient for Final Year Student level?
  3. Are the project‘s title and description clear and sound?
  4. Are the project‘s objectives significant and creditable?
  5. Will the student be able to complete the project within 6-8 months?
  6. Are the major skill-sets required covered in the programme courses?
  7. Is the student required to learn new concepts, knowledge or techniques to complete the project?


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