Freedom of Information (FOI) / Garden House
New Scapa Road
Orkney KW15 1BQ

J Taylor
/ Date: 07/01/2016
Tel: 01856 888 220
Fax: 01856 888 211

Dear J. Taylor,

RE: Freedom of Information Request 201516/ 351 - Temporary staffing processes

Your Query / Date of Request / December 2015
I am researching temporary staffing processes within the NHS.
Please provide the following information:
1)Do you have a master vendor (MV) arrangement in place for the supply of medical locums? If so please state the name of theprovider used (Medacs, Holt, A&E Agency etc.)
2)Please state the utilisation rate that has been achieved throughthe master vendor in the last 12 months. This is the total value of locum spend supplied by the master vendor itself in the last 12months as a percentage of total locum spend in the same period.
3)Does the trust use a direct engagement model to engage locumstaff? If so please state the name of the company used (LiaisonPwC, 247 Time, Brookson, HB Retinue, Medacs etc.)?
4)Do you run a weekly payroll for medical bank?
5)Does the trust use rostering software (Allocate, Smart etc.)? If so please state the name of the company used, and the total amount that the trust has spent on rostering in 2014/15.
Please provide all subsequent information split by the followingstaffing categories. Please include all spend outside of thespecified categories as “other”.
Nursing & HCA’s
Medical & Dental
6)Pease state the trusts expenditure on agency staff in 2014/15split by the above staff categories.
7)Please state the total spent on internal bank staff in 2014/15,split by the above staff categories. This is the total paid to workers completing shifts via the trust bank, excluding any coststo 3rd parties. Please do not include any spend on outsourced bankstaff.
8)Please state the total number of staff signed up to the trust’sinternal bank, split by the above categories.
9)Of the above figure, please state the total number of staffsigned up to the bank who also work as substantive staff at thetrust. I.e. Staff that hold substantive contracts but have alsocompleted shifts via the internal bank.
10)Does the trust outsource the supply of any bank staff to third parties such as NHS Professionals, Bank Partners, etc.? If soplease specify the name of the company used and the staffing categories supplied by the 3rd party.
11)Does the trust use any third party tech solutions to manage internal bank staff (de Poel, HB Retinue, Liaison, Holt, 247 Time etc.)? If so please specify the name of the company used and the staffing categories managed through the tech solution.
12)Do you use any suppliers or systems to manage the release ofvacancies to agencies and bank workers? If so please state the nameof the company used and the staffing categories managed. If you use different suppliers/systems for different staffing categories, please specify.
  1. NHS Orkney does not have a master vendor arrangement in place for the supply of medical locums.
  1. N/A.
  1. NHS Orkney does not use a direct engagement model to engage locum staff.
  1. NHS Orkney does not run a weekly payroll for locum staff.
  1. NHS Orkney does not use any rostering software at present.
  1. and 7. NHS Orkney has published the 2014/15 spend on agency locum, locum staff on the payroll and bank staff. Please follow the link below:

  1. and 9. Please see below:
Number of bank contracts / Number of staff also with a substantive contract
Nursing & HCA’s / 93 / 49
Medical & Dental / 61 / 2
AHP’s / 6 / 1
Other / 49 / 10
  1. NHS Orkney does not outsource the supply of bank staff to third parties.
  1. NHS Orkney does not use any third parties to manage internal bank staff.
  1. NHS Orkney does not use any suppliers or systems to manage the release of vacancies to agencies and bank workers.

I hope this helps with your request.

NHS Orkney is a small remote and rural health board within Scotland. All responses to Freedom of Information requests are collated in accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Under section 20 (1) of the Act, if you are dissatisfied with the way NHS Orkney has dealt with your request, you have a right to ask for a review of our actions and decisions in relation to your request, and you have a right to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner.

A request for review should be made within 40 working days of receipt of this letter and NHS Orkney will reply within 20 working days of receipt. Review requests should be sent in writing to Dr Louise Wilson, Director of Public Health, NHS Orkney, Garden House, New Scapa Road, Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1BQ or by e-mail via .

Requests for appeal should be made in writing to: Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9DS. Telephone: 01334 464610, Fax: 01334 464611,e.mail: .

FOI responses (subject to the removal of personal information) are published on NHS Orkney’s website at:

Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Officer

NHS Orkney

Orkney NHS Board Headquarters:

Garden House, New Scapa Road,

Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1BQ

Chair: Ian Kinniburgh

Chief Executive: Cathie Cowan

Caring for the people of OrkneyOrkney NHS Board is the common name of Orkney Health Board