What Does the Church Offer Me?


-House to House Series of Lessons – This issue’s primary article – our question at hand.

-Other articles of course, various topics, little Bible quiz, access to resources

-With our question at hand, we might be tempted to be somewhat critical. We might make a

statement similar to that of JFK (“Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do

for your country.”) - Don’t ask what the church has to offer to you but what you have to offer to

the church.

-Yet, there is nothing wrong with the question. It doesn’t have to be viewed in the idea of

selfishness. In reality, it is a good question, an important question.

-Would any of us be here if the church didn’t have anything to offer us?

-The truth is, the church has much to offer!

-HTH – Peace that Passes Understanding, A Free Religious Education, Acceptance and Community

-All valid points – but we’ll take a little different approach


-We know that salvation is available through Christ—and Christ only—by the grace of God.

-Titus 2:11-14, Acts 4:12, 1 Pet 1:3-5, 9-11, Acts 17:1-3 (necessary for our salvation)

-We must have forgiveness of sins to have salvation. Sin causes us to be spiritual dead. Forgiveness

through the grace of God makes us alive in Christ.

-Eph 2:1-10

-So, God has provided us with the Gospel of Christ (Rom 1:16) – the avenue by which He calls us

to himself (2 Thess 2:14).

-Paul called the Gospel the “gospel of your salvation” in Eph. 1:13.

-Thanks to the Gospel and through the Gospel, we can have forgiveness.

-Now, notice what happens when we respond to that Gospel.

-Acts 2:36-38, 41 (KJV – church)

-First mention of the church is in Matt 16:18. (only passage in Gospel accounts)

-church – ekklesia – refers to a group/body of people who are the called out

-Many references to the church in Acts and beyond – i.e. Acts 5:11, 8:1, 9:31, etc.

-So, it is appropriate to conclude the saved were/are added to the church.

-So, the church is the body of the redeemed – the called out – the saved. In this sense, the

church offers salvation.

-Eph 5:23, 27

-A Foundation Upon Which to Build Your Spiritual Life

-Founded upon truth, upholds truth – 1 Tim 3:15 (John 8:31-32)

-Moral values – not only individually, but of the value of this for parents, grandparents

-2 Pet 1:5 – add to faith virtue

-HTH issue – “Since God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Ps 119:105), it

gives us guidance in decision-making and a strong moral compass to navigate today’s

complicated sea of change (Matt 5:3-12, 28-32; Rom 12:2, 17; 13:1-10; Gal 5:19-23).”

-Biblical Faith – a faith grounded in truth, a growing faith, an active faith

-back to 2 Pet 1:5 – the concept of adding to our faith

-2 Thess 1:3, 1 Thess 1:3

-If we are going to build our faith, we must have a good foundation under us. We find that foundation

in the church – Eph 4:12-15.

-“Who doesn’t need inspiration and encouragement (2 Cor 2:14; Phil 4:13), motivation to live an

altruistic, respectable life (Matt 16:24); information to build a strong marriage and parenting skills (Ps

127:1-3; Eph 5:22-33); knowledge to cultivate healthy habits and avoid addictions (1 Cor 6:12); and

principles for good business practices and a well-rounded happy life? (Matt 7:12; 1 Pet 3:10).” - HTH


-Encouragement is something that we all need from time to time. That encouragement can come by

way of the fellowship we have with each other.

-The greatest aspect of Christian fellowship is the fact it is with Christ – 1 Cor 1:9-10.

-We are a family – “Brothers/brethren” occurs numerous times in the N.T. – brothers & sisters in Christ.

-Think of the support and encouragement Jesus received from those who loved Him and followed

Him. Think of the support and encouragement we receive from those who love & follow Christ.

-Acts 2:42

-Focus / Purpose

-Ps 119:105 again; Heb 12:1-2; Matt 6:33

-Isa 55:8-9; Jer 10:23-24; Eccl 12:13

-As we develop and maintain a proper focus in life, we’ll want to be active in our faith. We’ll want to

continue to grow spiritually—and we’ll want to continue to be better servants of God.

-The church can help provide and develop those opportunities.

-Summary and Invitation

-Some might ask, “Why can’t I have these things without / outside the church?” – salvation, truth,

foundation, fellowship

-Salvation – upon obeying the Gospel one is added to the church by the Lord

-Truth – the Word reveals the plan that led to the establishment of the church

-Foundation – You will not find an equal foundation for moral goodness and truth anywhere else.

-Fellowship – Again, it is in the church that one finds fellowship with Christ and fellow Christians.

You cannot find that anywhere else.

-Acts 9:4 – Jesus asked Saul, “…why are you persecuting me?” – Saul persecuted the church.

-The church is described as the body of Christ with Jesus as the head (Col 1:18).

-Yes, the church has much to offer. But, here’s the amazing thing – Jesus offered Himself for the church.

-So, yes, obviously the church has much to offer!


Joplin - March 24, 2013 – a.m.

Christian friends

-A home in heaven if you will go there. 