

Soumya Kizhakkedathu Scaria


Home Address Kizhakkedathu, Sreekandamangalam Post Office,

Athirampuzha, Kottayam District,

Kerala State, Pin-686562, India,

Telephone 0432026099


Date of Birth 3rd august 1986.

Gender Female

Marital Status single

Nationality Indian

Religion Christian

IELTS Result Overall score – 7.5

L – 7, R – 9, S – 7, W - 7

Nursing/Midwifery Delhi Nursing Registration Council (DNRC)

Registration Nursing – 18909; Midwifery – 18909.



2002 Matriculation, Kuriakose Ealias English Medium School, Mannanam,

Kerala State, India.

2004 Higher Secondary Certificate from St. Ephrem’s Higher Secondary School, Mannanam, Kerala, India

2008 Degree in nursing, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing, New Delhi.110024

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Aug 2008-April -2010 Registered Nurse,

Max Super Specialty Hospital,


New Delhi-110017

(450 Beds)

Worked in Surgical Intensive Care Unit as a Team Leader and Registered Nurse

Conditions encountered includes cerebro vascular accidents, acute diabetes, Diabetic keto acidosis, RTA,aneurysm precautions,hernia,hemi glossectomy,carcinoma tongue,colitis,Laparotomy,Cholecystectomy,iliostomy,TURP,shock,Appendicectomy,, seizures, severe anaemia,ORIF and all critically ill clients.

·  Proficient in acute medical, surgical and cardiac care like ECG, monitoring intravenous infusions and practical application of infection control knowledge and skills

·  Efficiently worked as a team leader in Surgical ICU for last 5 months and skillfully managed ICU including all the nursing staffs and personal care assistants of the shifts.

·  Effectively communicated with the patients relative and health care members regarding the condition of the patients

·  Remain calm in stressful circumstances and made phone calls to other hospitals for references

·  Carried out patient and family education in stressful situations requiring tact and diplomacy

·  Effectively provide ventilator and tracheotomy care and maintenance



Surgical Intensive Care Unit Responsibilities:

·  Maintain accuracy while preparing Intensive Care Unit to meet any cardiac emergencies

·  Efficient assessment of vital parameters with the help of various monitors

·  Accurate recognition of emergency situations and correct administration of medications

·  Ability to respond rapidly and appropriately to crisis incidents, such as emergency airway obstruction, bleeding or cardiac arrest.

·  Thorough professional as well as equipment knowledge to avoid mishaps.

·  Assist doctors for various invasive procedures like endotracheal intubation, central line insertion, emergency pacemaker implantation, arterial line insertion, tracheostomy, etc.

·  Provision of high quality post-operative nursing care for post surgery patients

Soumya Kizhakkedathu Scaria


·  Demonstrated expertise in the assessment and monitoring of the progress of patients in the immediate post-operative period, e.g. provision of pain relief as ordered

·  Proficient in the airway management of unconscious patients

·  Use of clinical nursing practice and technical skills including extubation, insertion of nasopharyngeal airways, monitoring of urinary catheters and drain tubes.

·  Care of unconscious patients and feeding

·  Assessment of normal body functions of the patients.

·  Checking of cardinal signs at frequent intervals.

·  Preparing and administration of fluids and medications

·  Administer blood and blood products


Regular attendance at in-service sessions:

Examples of in-service educational sessions attended include:

- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (With Practical Assessment)

-  Equipment demonstrations, e.g. use of cardiac monitors, Ventilators, Defibrillators.

-  Lectures on surgical updates.

-  Legal and ethical aspects of nursing care.

-  Infection Control Programs

-  Geriatric nursing


Professional Reference

Mr. Sanjo A.P. Mrs. Shinu Varghese,

Sister-In-Charge Clinical Instructor,

Surgical ICU, Max Super Specialty Hospital,Saket,

MAX Super specialty Hospital New Delhi 110017

Saket, New Delhi-110017 Mobile: +91-9540144424



Jose Andrews,


Deepika Publications,

Moolekariyil (H)

Sreekandamangalam P.O.

Athirampuzha, kottayam

Kerala PIN-686562

Mobile-+91 9447570257