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फ़िरोज़ाबाद -283103 / / Kendriya Vidyalaya OEF Hazratpur
(Under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)
Firozabad (U.P.)-283103
nwjHkk"k05612-276147, 276432 osclkbVwww.kvhazratpur.edu.in Ã&esy%
Quotation for the following work inKendriyaVidyalaya, Hazratpur is invited by the registered agency in tender document separately for each item.
1. Security service round the clock.
2. House keeping work.
3. Gardening
Details are available in our website:kvhazratpur.orgunder head TENDER NOTICE. Tender document is also attached herewith this notice. Sealed quotation should reach on or before27.08.2016 by2.00 pm and will be opened on 29.08.2016 at 11 am in the Vidyalaya office.
Sub: “Inviting Bid for engaging Service Provider Firm for providing Manpowerthroughservice contract”.
TheKendriyaVidyalayaSangathan, a centrally funded Autonomous Body, is a Society registered under Societies’ Registration Act, 1860.TheSangathanadministers the Scheme ofKendriyaVidyalayasset up for imparting education to the children of transferable central Govt.Employees among others.
2. Sealed competitive Bids are invited by theKendriyaVidyalaya Hazratpurfromthe reputed / registered consultant / Service Provider Firm for providing Manpower through service contract initially for a period of 01 (one) yearw.e.f01.09.2016-which may likely to be extended, as indicated below:
S.No. / Category of Manpower / No.s / Minimum qualifications or/and experienceSecurity Service / 03 ( Men) / VIII Class with experience
House Keeping / Ladies-01
Gents-02 / Experienced persons required.
Gardening / Gents -02 / Knowledge of horticulture/ gardening
An outline of tasks to be carried out by different category of manpower provided is detailed as under:
S. No. / Category of Manpower / ResponsibilitiesSecurity Service / To provide the security to school campus ,round the clock
House keeping / Maintain the cleanliness of school building and campus with material required.
Gardening / Maintenance of garden , lawns, pots, compoundhedges etc.
3. Quoted Price
- TheBidder shall quote unit rate which shall comprise of monthly remuneration, OTA rate, EPF, ESI & other statutory costs and Service Charges (including profit and administrative charges)in the format of quotation only attached (Annexure – A).
- The service tax and any other such tax liable to be paid by the client shall be quoted by the bidder separately.
- Hourly rate of OTA should not exceed monthlyremuneration
- The rate quoted shall be fixed for the duration of the contract and shall not be subject to adjustment except the statutory provisions, if amended.
- Correction if any shall be made by crossing out, initialling, dating and rewriting.
- The selected firm has to furnish performance security in the form of Bank Guarantee/DD for an amount ofRs. 20000/-forvalidfor fourteen months from the date of award of the contract.The Performance security shall be submitted within 10 days from the date of Notification of Award.The earnest money shall be returned only after the Performance security is submitted by the Contracting Agency.
- Telex or Facsimile Bids are not acceptable.
4.Each Bidder must submit only one Bid.
5. Validity of Bid:
The Bid shall remain valid for a period not less than one year after the deadline fixed for Submission of Bids
- Terms and Conditions:
a.The remuneration shall be disbursed through cheque.
b.The Contracting Agency will ensure payment by the5thofevery succeeding month to their employees provided to theserviceas per the monthly remuneration and OTA charges quoted without any deduction.
c.The Contracting Agency will submit the invoice along with proof of disbursement in triplicate after making the payment to the employees provided to theservice .Supported with the following documents:-
(i) Details of disbursement made to the staff furnishing cheque details for each payment
(ii) Proof of payment of statutory obligation such as EPF, ESI, Service Tax and any other applicable tax.
Payment to the Contracting agency will be released within 15 days from the date of thereceiptof the invoice.
d.The Contracting Agencywill provide Identity Card to all his employees deputed as per theformatsuggested by the Indenting Office valid for the period of contract.
e.TheContractingAgencyshall comply with all statutory obligations.Minor variations as per the actualcalculation will be borne by theIndenter/ Client.
f.Thenormaloffice hours of KV is from7.30am to 4.30 pm six days from Monday to Saturday.However,KVreservestheright torequest theservices on Saturday /Holiday/ beyond office hours.The Contracting agency will be compensated by the IndentingAgency as per the rate quoted for OTA for working on Saturday/Holiday/beyond office hours.However, overtime hours in a month will not exceed 54 hours.
g.Incaseofabsence on any working day, the monthly remuneration will be regulated as per thefollowingformula:
Total Monthly Remuneration = Monthly remuneration -A1
Where A1=Monthly remunerationXNo. of days absence
No. of days in the month
h)The candidates/Manpower provided by the Contracting Agency shall be accepted only afterscrutinyby KV.Therefore, minimum three-four-bio-date shall be made available againsteachslot in each category.The candidate may be invited for personal discussion also NoConveyance or any other charges will be paidbyKV.Incase, none is foundsuitablethen additional bio-data shall be made available by the Contracting Agency, promptlyi.e. within 24 hours.The replacement of a candidate on account of absence/unsuitability forK V shall be made within 24 hours.
i.The contracting Agency will be required to sign a contract withtheKVHazratpuras per the Model Contract enclosed for ready reference.The other terms and conditionsspecifiedinthe Bid documentand accepted bid will also form the part of the Model Agreement.
j.In case of any loss, theft / sabotage caused by attributable to the personnel deployed, the KVS reserves the right to claim and recover damages from Contracting Agency.
7.Evaluation of Bid:
The indenter will evaluate and compare the Bids determined to be substantially responsive i.e. which are properly signed and conform to the terms & conditions in the following manner:
(i)The bid will be treated as non-responsive if following documents are not attached:-
a)Brief profile of the company and evidence to establish that the bidder has successfullyexecutedcontracts of similar nature and magnitude in the last 3 (three) years.
b)Audited Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss Account
c)List of clientele during last 3 years along with cost of assignment
d)PAN No. and Current IT clearance certificate
e)Attested copy of proof of EPF registration
f)Attested copy of proof of ESI registration.
g)Attested copy of proof of Service Tax Registration
(ii)Remuneration of staff, quoted below should have minimum wages applicableasperGovt.ofIndiato KVHazratpur,otherwiseBid disqualified for evaluation.
(iii)The evaluation will be done for all the items put together.Indenting Office will award thecontractthe lowest evaluated responsive bidder.
8.Award of Contract:
a)The Indenter will award the contract to the bidder whose Bid has been determined to besubstantiallyresponsive and who has offered the lowest price as inpara7.
b)The Indenter reserves the right at the time of award of contract to increase or decrease the requirement of manpower indicated inpara1 above.
c)The Indenter prior to the expiration of the Bid validity period will notify the bidder whose Bid is accepted for the award of contract.The terms of the accepted offer shall be incorporated in the contract.
d)Notwithstanding the above, the Indenter reserves the right to accept or reject all Bids and to cancel the bidingprocessandreject all Bids at any time prior to the award of the contract.
9.Last date and time of receipt of Bids
You are requested to submit the Sealed Bids super scribed on the envelops as “Bids for providingSECURITY SERVICE / HOUSE KEEPING( SEPARATELY FOR EACH) on service charge basis” due on 27.08.2016 latest by 2.00 Pm.
The Indenter looks forward to receive the Bid in the format of Bid attached only and appreciate the interest of the service provider in the KVS.
Yours faithfully
KV, OEF, Hazratpur
S. NO. / Category of Manpower / No. / Unit monthly remuneration / EPF rate / ESI Rate / Service charges including overhead and profit / Monthly Unit rate (Col. 4+5+6+7) / Unit OTA rate per, hour / Total monthly cost(col.8x3)1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
1 / Security Personal / 03
2 / House Keeping Personal
With out material required to keep school Campus clean / 1+2
Ladies +Gents
3 / Gardening Personal / 02 [Men]
NOTE: 1. 1. Service charges cannot be quoted as NIL as per rules laid down by Govt. of India .
2. In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail.
3. With out EPF and ESI number, do not claim the amount.
4. If Government changes the minimum wages, in the middle of the contract column 4,5,6 will change accordingly, column 7
remains same
We agree to provide the above service of manpower and to abide by the terms & conditions contained in the Bid document and also agree to enter into the agreement in the format enclosed. Bid Security of Rs. ______(Rupees ______
______) is furnished herewith vide Bank Draft No. ______dated ______drawn on ______
Signature: ………………......
Name: ………………………
Date & time: ………………. Seal
KendriyaVidyalaya Hazratpur-283103
Details of services to be provided:
- Security service:
a) Security service to be provided to theKendriyaVidyalaya Hazratpur round the clock.
b) There should be at least one personal in each shift.(Three Shift)
c)Thepersonal engaged should have experience in the security service and he
shouldhave a valid police verification.
d) Personal engage for the service should havea knowledgeof both English/Hindi.
e)The Agency bidding should have following documents.
(f)The bid will be treated as non-responsive if following documents are not attached:-
1.Brief profile of the company and evidence to establish that the bidder has successfullyexecutedcontracts of similar nature and magnitude in the last 3 (three) years.
2.PAN/ TINNo. and Current IT clearance certificate
3.Attested copy of proof of EPF registration
4.Attested copy of proof of ESI registration.
5.Attested copy of proof of Service Tax Registration
a) HouseKeepingtobe provided to theKendriyaVidyalaya Hazratpur,thewhole school campus.Work includessweeping ,swabbing,Dusting, cleaning toilet including the material required for the workto be carried out.
b) There should be at leastthreepersonal( 1Lady and 2 Gents) on each working day.
c)The Agency bidding should have following documents.
(d)The bid will be treated as non-responsive if following documents are not attached:-
a) Brief profile of the company and evidence to establish that the bidder has successfully
executedcontracts of similar nature and magnitude in the last 3 (three) years.
b)PAN/TINNo. and Current IT clearance certificate
c)Attested copy of proof of EPF registration
d)Attested copy of proof of ESI registration.
e)Attested copy of proof of Service Tax Registration
1.2 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on this [DATE] day of [MONTH] Two Thousand [YEAR] between the Kendriya Vidyalaya Hazratpur, a part of KVS -a society registered under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) through ……………………………. ……Located at …………………………………..(herein after called …………………….. which expression shall were the context so admits include its successors and permitted assigns of the one part, and
[ADDRESS] (hereinafter called the CONTRACTING AGENCY which expression shall
where the context so admits include its successors and permitted assigns) of the other part.
1* In the format two types of brackets have been used. These are:
(i) Square Bracket [ ] : these brackets indicate the following:
(a) [xxxxxxxx] : replace the instruction by filling in relevant text
(b) [xx/yy/zz] : among the options choose the applicable one
(ii) Ordinary Brackets ( ) : these brackets are a part of the text and are to be retained
- The agreement shall be effective from the date of acceptance of the offer as shown in the
letterof acceptance of offer and award of work issued to CONTRACTING AGENCY andshallremain in force for a period of [months] from the said date.
- The Agreement shallbe deemed to expire on completion of the period, as provided in
Para1.8.1 unless extended by both the parties.
- During the tenure of the Agreement, parties hereto can terminate the Agreement either for
breachof any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or otherwise by giving a[months] notice in writing to the defaulting party.Failure of either party to terminate
theAgreementon account of breach or default by the other shall not constitute awaiver
ofthat party’s right to terminate this Agreement.
- In this event of termination of the Agreement vide provision2.2.3the rights and
obligationsof the parties thereto shall be settled by mutual discussion; the financial
settlementshall take into consideration not only the expenditure incurred but also the
expenditurecommitted by INDENTING OFFICE.
- In the event of termination of agreement, the CONTRACTING AGENCYshall be liable
torefundthe amount, if any, paid in advance to it by the INDENTING OFFICE.
- All notices and other communications required to be served on the CONTRACTING
AGENCY under the terms of this Agreement, shall be considered to be duly served if
thesame shall have been delivered to,left with or posted by registered mail to the
CONTRACTINGAGENCYatits last known address.Similarly, any notice to be given
tothe INDENTING OFFICE shall be considered as duly served if the same shall have
beendeliveredto, left with or posted by registered mail to the INDENTING OFFICE at
itsregistered address at [New Delhi/ name of the city].
2.4.1No amendment of modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same is made
inwriting by both the parties or their authorized representatives and specifically stating thesame to be an amendment of this Agreement.The modifications / changes shall be effectivefrom the date on which they aremade/executed, unless otherwise agreed to.
2.5.1The rights and / or liabilities arising to any party to this Agreement shall notbeassignedexcept
withthe written consent of the other party and subject to such terms and conditions as may be
mutuallyagreed upon.
2.6.1In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of or in connection with
theterms and conditions of this Agreement such dispute or differences shall be referred to the
……………………………………………….. The decision ofthe………………………………
shallbe final and binding on both the parties.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have signed this Agreement on the day, month and year mentioned hereinbefore.
For and on behalf of KVSFor and on behalf of CONTRACTING AGENCY
Signature …………………………………….Signature ……………………………………….
Name ………………………………………….Name: ………………………………………….
Designation ……………………………………Designation ……………………………………
Seal …………………………………………..Seal …………………………………………….
Witness (Name and Address)Witness (Name and Address)
2. 2.
Tender for Deployment of Personnel under Watch and Ward / Conservancy Services /Gardener
It is certified that my firm/agency/company has never been blacklisted by any of theGovernment or other organization and no criminal case pending against the saidfirm/agency/company.
Place:Name oftheTenderer
Name of theSignatory
Scope ofwork
A.Daily work (from 08.00 am to 4:30 pm) or as may be decided by theInstitute.
1.Sweeping of entire area of the Institute and surrounding of Building and collection of allwaste material and disposal of the same as per the instructions of theDirector.
2.Cleaning of the floor area with floor duster and mopping with detergent/ disinfectant etc.once inthemorningbeforeopeningtheInstituteandthereafterevery02hoursespeciallyintheareas likecorridors,stairsandreceptionetc.Sprayoffinitetc.intheroomsforkeepingtherooms free from mosquitoes, fliesetc.
3.Cleaning and washing of toilets and urinals using deodorant, detergent & disinfectantsThree Times a day or as may be specified by theDirector.
4.Cleaning of Carpets, durries etc. using vacuumcleaner.
5.Incaseofshortageofwaterornon-availabilityofwater,bringingwaterfromoutsidefor cleaning.
6.Sweepingandcleaningofopenareas,roads,passage,lawnetc.withintheboundaryofthe institute and the area adjacent to maingate.
7.Regulardusting/cleaningoffurniture(tableChair)andequipment,telephones,bookscases, filingcabinets,almirhasanddoorsandwindowsofroomsandotherspacesoftheInstitute before opening of theInstitute.
8.Thechokingofsanitaryinstallatione.g.TrapsBottle,traps,gullytrapsetc.istobecleared within 24 hours of noticing thecomplaint.
9.All complaints of leakage in the G.I. pipes etc. also to be attended within 24hours.
1.Washing and scrubbing of floor areas with detergents and dirt removingagent.
2.Acid cleaning of sanitary installation and tiles without damaging theirshine.
3.Removing stains from floor, doors and partitions by using surf or any suitable detergentas are found necessary without leaving any undesirable post cleaningmarks.
4.Cleaning of filled surfaces in the corridors andstaircases.
5.Cleaning of water storage tanks and water coolers, ifany.
6.Polishing of brass name plates and number plates and cleaning of all other nameplates/ Boards
7.Dusting and cleaning of fans, Electrical Fittings, Window Panes with Glasscleaning chemical/agents and cleaning of partition panelingetc.
8.Removal of cobwebs in the rooms and other spaces of theInstitute.
9.Any other work assigned by the Authority/Director.
1.The contractor shall comply with all the laws and regulation applicable in the matter ofsuch workers as are engaged byit.
2.TheContractor’sStaffshallnotdisturbtheemployeesoftheInstitutionormakeanysortof noise in the Institutepremises.
3.The contractor’s worker shall be polite, courteous, well behaved andhonest.
4.Thecontractorshallbefullyresponsibleandliableforanytheft,burglary,fireoranyother mischievous deed done by itsworkers.
5.Theantecedentsofalltheworkerswillbegotverifiedfrompolicebytheagencybefore deployment for work. The Police Verification Certificate of each individual to be engagedby the contractor along with their Profiles & photos should submitted by the contractor. As faras possible the contractor shall not change the persons engaged without prior informationand permission from the Director. If under un-avoidable circumstances, any replacement is tobe made,thecontractorshallprovidehisPoliceVerificationCertificate,ProfilePhototothe Director at the time of introducing the newperson/replacement.
6.Thecontractor’sworkersshallnotenterintoanyunlawfulactivitywithintheKVSpremisesand shall have a good moralcharacter.
7.TheInstituteshallhavetherighttoimposecashpenaltyonthecontractorordeductsuch amountfromitssecuritydepositincasetheInstituteisputtoanyfinanciallossdirectlyor indirectly by any act of omission or commission on the part of the contractor’sworkers.