Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising

Grades 7 - 8

Area of Learning

Career Cruising
Student Development
/ In Grades 7-8, students will learn to: / Program Features and Resources:
·  learning skills, preferences, and strategies (e.g. memorizing, working independently, assessing themselves, managing their time) / ·  demonstrate their understanding of and apply learning skills and strategies to their own learning
·  recognize their own learning preferences
·  demonstrate their understanding of the importance of the school’s code of behaviour and of acting according to that code /
·  The assessment tool Career Matchmaker helps students identify personal interests, strengths, and abilities, as they relate to careers.
·  XYTE Insight, a personality assessment tool that is offered as an optional addition to Career Cruising, provides students with extensive feedback on their individual learning preferences, as well as suggestions on how to use their style effectively.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Using Career Matchmaker; Your Career Ideas & Career Matchmaker; People, Information and Things; Discovering Your Work Skills.
·  setting goals and monitoring progress / ·  explain their progress in meeting long- and short-term goals related to education plans and improving their school work
·  use goal-setting skills appropriately to revise their goals in response to changing circumstances / ·  The Career Portfolio Tool provides a framework for students to record and organize past, current, and future courses, as well as short- and long-term academic goals. Students can also create a Post-Secondary Plan. Information can be stored electronically and regularly updated, or printed as a hard copy.
·  The Explore Careers and Explore Education and Training sections help students plan long-term goals in a realistic and accurate manner.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Ontario's Annual Education Plan & Career Cruising activities.
·  adapting to change / ·  apply transition knowledge and skills (e.g., identifying resources for assistance) to making the transition to secondary school /
·  The Career Portfolio Tool helps students plan their secondary school courses and suggests appropriate subjects for specific career paths.
·  Occupation profiles and multimedia interviews with people in each occupation provide students with information on subjects and activities they should pursue if they want to get into that occupation.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; School Subjects and Careers; Using School Subjects in the Workplace; Career Interview Project.
·  lifelong learning / ·  use school and community resources to support their learning needs / ·  The Portfolio Tool can be tailored to individual schools’ course offerings, thus facilitating students educational planning and learning.
·  Career Cruising can be accessed from school, from home, and from local libraries.
·  The Explore Careers and Explore Education and Training sections provide students with links to professional associations, government sources, and education institutions, thus helping them become aware of available resources.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Ontario's Annual Education Plan & Career Cruising activities; Career Interview Project.

Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising

Grades 7 - 8

Area of Learning

Career Cruising
Interpersonal Development
/ In Grades 7-8, students will learn to: / Program Features and Resources:
·  self-management / ·  demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to manage their own behaviour (e.g., self-control, the role of emotions, anger management)
·  demonstrate appropriate behaviour at school and in the community (e.g., respect for self, family, others, property) /
·  XYTE Insight, a personality assessment tool that is offered as an optional addition to Career Cruising, provides students with extensive feedback on ways to manage their behaviour.
·  Real people interviewed in each occupation profile offer advice on appropriate behaviour and several classroom activities involve interaction with family, students, and others.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Interview Project; Career Fair Project.
·  getting along with others / ·  describe the many aspects of relationships, and explain and demonstrate how skills (e.g. conflict-resolution, peer helping, and leadership skills) are used to interact positively with others in diverse settings at school and in the community
·  demonstrate the ability to accept and respond to the direction of teachers and administrators /
·  Real people interviewed in each occupation profile offer advice on appropriate behaviour and several classroom activities involve interaction with family, others, and students.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Interview Project; Career Fair Project.
·  social responsibility / ·  demonstrate social responsibility both at school and in the community (e.g., participating in student elections; acting as reading buddies) /
·  Several aspects of Career Cruising encourage this competency indirectly. For example, the Career Portfolio Tool gets students to focus on their hobbies, volunteer experience, and extracurricular activities, and the activity “Discovering Your Work Skills” has students set out all their daily activities and examine their importance in terms of how they relate to work skills.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Discovering Your Work Skills; Career Interview Project.

Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising

Grades 7 - 8

Area of Learning

Career Cruising
Career Development
/ In Grades 7-8, students will learn to: / Program Features and Resources:
·  self assessment / ·  apply their knowledge of their personal interests, strengths, abilities, and accomplishments to planning and decision making /
·  The assessment tools, Career Matchmaker Career Selector, help students apply personal interests, strengths and abilities to career planning, as well as to education and training paths.
·  XYTE Insight, a personality assessment tool that is offered as an optional addition to Career Cruising, provides students with extensive feedback on their personality, strengths and abilities, and suggests ways to apply them in life and work.
·  The Portfolio Tool helps students plan their high school and post-secondary education and training paths, as well as career goals and extracurricular activities.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; School Subjects & Careers; Using Career Matchmaker; Your Career Ideas & Career Matchmaker; People, Information and Things; Ontario's Annual Education Plan & Career Cruising activities.
·  exploring and obtaining information about education, training, and careers / ·  identify sources of educational and career information (e.g., the Internet, employment centres, the community)
·  investigate and compare a variety of jobs, occupations, and career opportunities /
·  The Education & Training section offers comprehensive and easy-to-use information on university, college and apprenticeship programs (including local apprenticeship offices) across Canada.
·  The Explore Careers section has in-depth information on hundreds of occupations, including informational interviews which allow students to compare the concrete realities of each job.
·  Direct internet links are provided to colleges, universities and apprenticeship sites, as well as to additional sources of information for every occupation (e.g. professional associations)
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: All of the 11 Classroom Activities; Explore Apprenticeships Activity; Ontario's Annual Education Plan & Career Cruising activities.
·  work, society and the economy / ·  describe sectors of the economy in the local, provincial, and global economies (e.g., the volunteer sector, the manufacturing sector) /

·  Occupation profiles in Explore Careers are organized into clusters (industries / economic sectors). Students can investigate careers in each sector and see interviews with real people who provide insight into trends in the industry, areas of growth, and volunteer activities.

·  The Apprenticeship section is also divided into industrial clusters such as Manufacturing, Construction and Mechanics; this allows students to investigate opportunities sector-by-sector.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Cluster Research Project; Career Fair Project; Career Interview Project; Explore Apprenticeships Activity.
·  awareness of opportunities / ·  describe opportunities in secondary school / ·  The Portfolio Tool suggests secondary school subjects in each grade for students to take, given their career interests. It also provides a place for senior elementary students to begin planning their secondary school courses.
·  The Education section of each career profile, as well as the interviews with real people, offer concrete educational and extracurricular advice and guidance for students.
·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; School Subjects & Careers; Using School Subjects In The Workplace.
·  education and career decisions / ·  use decision-making and problem-solving skills appropriately to complete their annual education plans / ·  The Portfolio Tool directly supports the AEP by providing an online resource for students to save and organize their courses, marks, and career and education exploration activities.
·  The Education Plan and Post-Secondary Plan further support the AEP by allowing Ontario students to save and organize their Goals & Action Plans for each school year.

·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Ontario's Annual Education Plan & Career Cruising activities.

·  employability / ·  use in-school and out-of-school experiences, activities, and interests to learn more about their potential /

·  Career Matchmaker helps students identify their academic and personal interests and relates them to potential occupations.

·  Several of the Classroom Activities help students to consider both in-school and out-of-school activities in relation to their future and career plans.

·  Relevant Teaching Resources: Discovering Your Work Skills; Career Interview Project; Using Career Matchmaker.