USB Instruction Sheet

Dear Site Coordinator:

Thank you for your assistance in helping to make this Lions screening a success. Please review and follow the following steps to prepare for the Lions vision screening event.


The most efficient way to screen a group of children with the Spot is to create a file called SpotSubjects.csv that has the data on the children to be screened. This file can then be copied onto a USB drive and then loadedinto the Spot. To create this file the information for each child needs to be exported from your Sites database into Excel. Any extraneous information from the export can be deleted, and the file should be saved as a .csv (comma separated value) file which is the appropriate format for the Spot. The Lions Club will provide a USB drive.

Getting Started

The information that needs to be exported into Excel is the following.

  1. First Name – Any combination of alpha characters. Do not use punctuation in name.
  2. Last Name – Any combination of alpha characters. Do not use punctuation in name.
  3. Date of Birth –The data of birth needs to be in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
  4. Gender – Enter Male or M, or Female or F. Alpha characters only. Leaving the field blank will default to Male when importing.
  5. Eyewear – Enter None, Glasses, or Contacts. Leaving the field blank will result in ‘None’

Arranging and Labeling Columns

Now that the exported data is in Excel the columns need to be arranged in the order shown below. Note that you will need to create a column for Subject ID which is not being used and the cells will be left blank. Remove any data other than the six columns below and label each column as follows.

Subject ID / First Name / Last Name / Date of Birth / Gender / Eyewear

Once this has been completed you can now copy the file to the USB drive provided to you.

  1. Place the USB drive into the PC USB port.
  2. Save your Excel file as a .csv file in the root directory (not in a folder) on the USB drive. To do this, name the file “SpotSubjects” and under “Save as type” scroll down and choose “CSV (comma separated value).”
  3. You may then receive a warning that “The selected file type does not support workbooks that contain multiple sheets.” Choose “OK.”
  4. You may then receive a warning that “SpotSubjects.csv file may contain features that are not compatible with CSV (comma delimited). Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?” Choose “Yes.”
  5. Eject the USB drive from the PC.

usb_instruction_sheet_v1August 26, 2014